Henry Lectures Flashcards
unexplained swelling in the face, abdomen, etc. (edema/ascites)?
-need a URINALYSIS to look for PROTEIN in urine
when is the only time you get blood clots in the urine?
-when bleeding from the ureter/bladder
when do you see RBCs, RBC casts, dysmorphic RBCs?
in Nephritic syndrome (hematuria) - bleeding from the glomerulus
how do you diagnose GN?
renal biopsy -> light microscopy, IF, EM
-do NOT need biopsy in children w/ minimal change disease
what do you see in membranous GN?
- SUBEPITHELIAL immune complex deposits-> SPIKES and DOMES
- thickening of the GBM
-test for HBV, HCV, and Syphilis
what do you see with proliferation of cells due to inflammatory response?
CRESCENT formation
-capillaries burst -> hypercellularity -> crescent formation filling Bowman space and impinge on capillaries
Nephrotic syndrome
- proteinuria (>3g/day)
- NO inflammation
- NORMAL creatinine
Nephritic syndrome
- less proteinuria (<3g/day)
- HIGH inflammation
- more WBCs and RBCs (hematuria)
- Coca-cola urine
- HIGH creatinine
Minimal change disease
- nephrotic
- most common type in CHILDREN
- EM -> efface podocytes -> proteinuria
- treat w/ STEROIDS
- 75-80% of adults respond -> some progress to FSGS
- SLE, parvovirus, HIV, NSAIDs
- nephrotic
- more common in ADULTS - African Americans
- light microscopy -> podocyte effacement -> proteinuria
- less response to steroids
-heroin, HIV, sickle cell
collapsing GN
- nephrotic
- RAPID progression to renal failure
- capillary loop collapse
- APOL1 mutation in African Am.
-HIV, parvovirus B19
Membranous GN
- nephrotic
- thick GBM
- Malignancy in 20-30% of patients >60 y/o**
- complexes bind to PLA2R on podocytes
- hypercoagulable w/ loss of ATIII and PROTEIN C,S
-HBV, HCV, SLE, malignancy, drugs
Membranoproliferative GN
- thick GBM
- overactive complement (C3)
- type I -> SUBENDOTHELIAL deposits in HBV, HCV -> treat w/ steroids
- type II -> INTRAMEMBRANOUS deposits due to C3 nephritic factor -> NO treatment
IgA nephropathy
- nephritic
- most common GN worldwide
- IgA deposits in MESANGIUM**
- increase matrix deposition
- high IgA due to mucosal immunity
- hematuria at the ONSET of pharyngitis** (synpharyngitic syndrome)
Henoch-Shonlein Purpura
- nephritic
- IgA mediated vasculitis
- PURPLE lesions
- CRESCENTS if severe