In what stage of granulocyte maturation
stage does the nucleus assume a
horseshoe appearance?
A. Metamyelocyte
B. Band or stab
C. Segmenter
D. Myelocyte
B. Band or stab
Correct about azurophilic granules:
A. present in granulocytes, but not in
lymphocytes, monocytes
B. Occur late in granulopoiesis, myelocyte
C. contains myeloperoxidase & acid
C. contains myeloperoxidase & acid
25 year old woman
. Hemoglobin - 7.5 g/dl
. Hematocrit - 21%
. Small pale staining erythrocytes
. Varying shapes and sizes
A. Ovalocytosis
B. Poikilocytosis
C. Anisocytosis
D. Anisopoikilocytosis
D. Anisopoikilocytosis
True of mesoblastic phase:
A. Development of primitive erythroblasts
that produce
measurable amounts of hemoglobins
B. Occurs within developing blood
islands in the yolk sac mesoderm
C. 3rd week of embryonic life
D. All of the above
D. All of the above
The following statements regarding the
general trends in erythrocyte maturation
series are true except for which one?
A. As the cell matures, the overall diameter
of the cell decreases True
B. As the cell matures, the diameter of the
nucleus decreases more rapidly resulting
in a decreased n:c ratio True
C. As the cell matures, the nuclear
chromatin pattern becomes coarser,
condensed, clumped True
D. As the cell matures, the cytoplasm
become more grayish blue and less
acidophilic (should be blue gray to
salmon pink and more acidophilic)
D. As the cell matures, the cytoplasm
become more grayish blue and less
(should be blue gray to
salmon pink and more acidophilic)
Which erythrocyte precursor is no longer
capable of cell division?
A. Proerythroblast
B. Basophilic erythroblast
C. Polychromatophilic erythroblast
D. Orthochromatophilic erythroblast
D. Orthochromatophilic erythroblast
Exhibited by megakaryocyte during
thrombopoiesis, they are capable
of replication without nuclear division
A. Endomitosis
B. Endomyosis
C. Exocytosis
D. Exomyosis
A. Endomitosis
How to differentiate muscular artery from
elastic artery?
Prominent internal elastic
Describes the tunica media of aorta:
A. ground substance and stuff secreted
by fibroblasts fibroblasts are not present
B. Elastin in the form of fenestrated
sheets or lamellae between the muscle
layers. etc etc that’s medium artery i
think true
C. Elastic thickness and number
decreases with age should increase with
D. Muscle cells arranged parallel to long
axis of BV are arranged in low-pitch
spiral relative to the long axis of the
vessel, appear in circular array in cross
B. Elastin in the form of fenestrated
sheets or lamellae between the muscle
layers. etc etc that’s medium artery i
think true
How is small artery different from
A. Absence or presence of external
elastic membrane should be internal
B. Difference in number of smooth
C. Difference in size of tunica adventitia
no adventitia
D. Difference in lumen diameter
B. Difference in number of smooth
Vasoconstrictor derived from
endothelium, EXCEPT:
A. Thromboxane A2
B. Prostaglandin
C. Prostacyclin
D. Endothelin-1
C. Prostacyclin
Weibel-Palade bodies contains the
A. P-selectin
B. Von Willebrand Factor
C. Plasminogen
D. a and b
E. b and
D. a and b
A. P-selectin
B. Von Willebrand Factor
Capillaries characterized by uninterrupted
epithelium that rests on continuous basal
lamina are found in all, EXCEPT:
A. Spleen
B. Lungs
D. Kidney -fenestrated capillaries
A. Spleen-discontinuous capillaries
Kidney -fenestrated capillaries
Not true regarding fenestrated
A. Endothelium contains pinocytic vesicles
B. Endothelium contains circular openings
C. Characterized with discontinuous basal
D. Endothelium contains filtration pores
C. Characterized with discontinuous basal
High Endothelial Venules are what type
of capillary venules:
A. Muscular venules
B. Postcapillary venules
C. Precapillary venules
D. Small arterioles
B. Postcapillary venules
A layer of smooth muscles arranged in a
longitudinal bundle can be found in what
layer of large veins?
A. Tunica intima
B. Tunica media
C. Tunica adventitia
D. Subendocardial layer of tunica intima
C. Tunica adventitia
Pericytes are characteristic by the ff:
A. They are found in capillaries,
postcapillary venules, arterioles
B. They are well differentiate mesenchymal
cells with large nuclei rich in euchromatin
C. They are contractile cells and their
contraction is controlled by NO2
D. They possess branching cytoplasmic
processes that are encapsulated (?) by a
basal lamina which is separate from
C. They are contractile cells and their
contraction is controlled by NO2
Which blood vessel serve as flow regulators for the capillary beds to increase or decrease the vascular
A. Elastic Artery
B. Muscular Artery
C. small artery
D. Arteriole
D. Arteriole
Which layer of the heart has a single layer
of mesothelium, underlying connective
tissue and adipose tissue?
A. Fibrous pericardium
B. Visceral serous pericardium
C. Parietal serous pericardium
D. Endocardium
B. Visceral serous pericardium
Which is true regarding cords of Billroth
A. Located in the red pulp of spleen
B. Contains loose meshwork of reticular
cells and fibers with type III and V
collagen fibers
C. Contains macrophages that phagocytize RBCs
D. All of the above
D. All of the above
From sheathed capillaries to splenic cord.
Sheathed capillaries then empty directly
into the reticular meshwork of the splenic
cords rather than connecting to the
endothelium-lined splenic sinuses.
A. Open Circulation
B. Close Circulation
C. Both
D. None of the above
A. Open Circulation
The cells or structures that facilitate
contraction of the spleen in order to discharge stored erythrocytes:
A. Pericyte
B. Elastic fibers
C. Glycocalyx
D. Myofibroblast
D. Myofibroblast
A young female complained of fever, chills
and pain in swallowing. By looking at its
lymphatic nodes what histological
characteristics can be observed:
A. a small aggregate of lymphocytes
similar to MALT
B. primary follicle with small unproliferated
C. secondary primary follicle with germinal
center of small lymphocytes, macrophages
and dendritic cell
D. secondary primary follicle with actively
proliferating plasmablast and lymphoblast
D. secondary primary follicle with actively
proliferating plasmablast and lymphoblast
All are true for thymic corpuscle,
-found in the cortex - it is found in
T Cell phenotype that is responsible for
A. Cytotoxic
B. Helper
C. Regulatory
D. Gamma/Delta
C. Regulatory
Immunoglobulin isotype that is the
principal type for secondary response and
has the longest half life.
A. IgG
B. IgM
C. IgA
D. IgD
A. IgG
INCORRECT of dendritic cells of lymph
A. T lymphocyte rich site
B. MHC I and MHC II but high on MHC II
C. derived from bone marrow
D. better phagocytes than APC
D. better phagocytes than APC
It is the sinus between the capsule and
cortex. The expansion moves down the
cortex and drains into the medullary sinus.\
A. Subcapsular sinus
B. Trabecular sinus
C. Afferent lymphatic vessel
D. Efferent lymphatic vessel
B. Trabecular sinus
The stage of t lymphocyte education where
it only expresses CD2 & CD7 on its
A. Single negative
B. Double negative
C. Single positive
D. Double positive
B. Double negative
Double positive = express TCRs, CD3, CD4 and CD8
Not true of NK Cells:
A. Has a natural cytotoxicity
B. Differentiate in thymus and has t cell
C. I forgot sorryy
D. Like b and t cell, they come from
common lymphoid progenitor
B. Differentiate in thymus and has t cell
**they do NOT differentiate in the thymus and no T cell receptor
Presence of which BV in PALS distinguishes the spleen from lymph
Central artery
Cells associated with sheathed capillary
90% of circulating lymphocytes drains in
High endothelial venules
Difference between lymphatic capillary
and lymphatic venules:
Absence of continuous basal lamina
Which layer of the epidermis is limited to the
thick skin?
A. S. Basale
B. S. Spinosum
C. S. Granulosum
D. stratum lucidum
E.s. corneum
D. stratum lucidum
Most superficial layer of non keratinized
stratified squamous:
A. S. Basale
B. S. Spinosum
C. S. Granulosum
D. S. Lucidum
E. S. Corneum
C. S. Granulosum
True of stratum basale:
A. A multiple layer of stem cells that rests on
the basal lamina from which new cells, the
keratinocytes, arise from mitotic division
B. Cells are pseudostratified columnar
C. The cells have more cytoplasm than the
layer above and their nuclei are more loosely
D. The basal cells contain various amounts
of melanin in their cytoplasm that is
transferred from neighboring melanocytes
interspersed in this layer.
D. The basal cells contain various amounts
of melanin in their cytoplasm that is
transferred from neighboring melanocytes
interspersed in this layer.
True of stratum corneum
A. Made up of flattened dessicated nucleated
cells with cytoplasmic organelles
B. Cells lose their nucleus andcytoplasmic organelles and are filled
entirely with keratin
C. Keratinocytes are larger
D. Cells are filled with conspicuous
keratohyalin granules
B. Cells lose their nucleus and cytoplasmic organelles and are filled entirely with keratin
At the sites of increased mechanical stress is
placed on the skin, the following are true,
A. Shorter papillae and more loosely spaced
B. Dorsal and palmar surface of the hand
C. The epidermal ridges are much deeper
D. The epithelium is thicker
A. Shorter papillae and more loosely spaced
The cancer cells of this carcinoma arise from
the follicular bulge of the external root
sheath of the hair follicle.
A. Basal cell carcinoma
B. Squamous cell carcinoma
C. Malignant melanoma
D. Merkel cell carcinoma
A. Basal cell carcinoma
True of the reticular layer of the dermis,EXCEPT:
A. The collagen and elastic fibers form regular lines of tension in the skin.
B. The collagen and elastic fibers are randomly oriented.
C. Characterized by thick, irregular bundles
of type I collagen and coarser elastic fibers.
D. Thicker and less cellular than the papillary layer
B. The collagen and elastic fibers are randomly oriented.
Loose plexus of the smooth muscle cell
is seen on the reticular layer of:
A. Thin skin
B. Palm, sole, fingers
C. Areolae, Penis, Scrotum, Perineum
D. All of the choices
C. Areolae, Penis, Scrotum, Perineum
Continuous exfoliation of the surface
keratinocytes is a regulated proteolytic
process that involves degradation of the
cells’ _____.
A. Trichohyalin
B. Filaggrin
C. Tonofibrils
D. Desmosomes
D. Desmosomes
The process of keratinization includes the
A. The transformation of melanocyte to
cornified cells
B. The breakdown of the nucleus and other
organelles in the granular layer and the thickening of the plasma membrane
C. The neutral ph of s. Granulosum becomes basophilic as it goes to the s. Corneum
D. The keratin fibril that is processed is
called hard keratin
B. The breakdown of the nucleus and other organelles in the granular
layer and the thickening of the plasma membrane
Structures of epidermal water barrier
A. Lipid envelope
B. Cell envelope
C. Lamellar bodies
D. A&B
E. all
D. A&B
A. Lipid envelope
B. Cell envelope
These are the sensitive
mechanoreceptor cells associated with
sensory nerve ending
A. Keratinocyte
B. Melanocyte
C. Langhans cell
D. Merkel cells
D. Merkel cells
Hair and hair follicles are present around these areas
A. Palmar and dorsal area of hands
B. The region around the urogenital
C. Lips
D. All are correct
E. None are correct
E. None are correct
Which best describes sebaceous glands?
A. Duct drains onto the skin surface
B. Releases its content via holocrine secretion
C. Primarily secretes water and salts
D. Secretory units are supplied by adrenergic
E. Typically found in reticular dermis
B. Releases its content via holocrine secretion
Which of the following is the antigen presenting cell of the esophageal
A. Langerhans’ Cell
B. Merkel’s Cell
C. Microfold Cell
D. None of the above
A. Langerhans’ Cell
Circumanal glands, what type of gland?
A. Crypts of lieberkuhn
B. Apocrine
C. Sebaceous
D. Mixed
B. Apocrine
In the mesoblastic phase of hemopoiesis, which of
the following is NOT true:
A. occurs within blood islands in the yolk sac
B. development of primitive erythroblasts
C. development of definitive erythroblasts
D. begins at the 3rd week of embryonic life
C. development of definitive erythroblasts
seen in Hepatic/Hepatosplenic phase
Which of the following statement is NOT true of
hemopoiesis, in general
A. granulocytes come from a common
myeloblast precursor
B. the most reliable criteria to assess cell
maturation is the appearance of the nuclear
C. the proliferative potential is inversely
proportional to differentiation potential in a developing cell
D. maturation & development of T Lymphocytes
is in the thymus
A. granulocytes come from a common
myeloblast precursor
Granulocytes come from a common myeloblast precursor - they do not come from the same Myeloid precursor
In the erythrocytic series of maturation, in which stage is the nucleus extruded:
A. orthochromatic normoblast
B. pronormoblast
C. basophilic normoblast
D. polychromatic normoblast
A. orthochromatic normoblast
In the erythrocytic series, the last stage capable of
mitotic division is:
A. basophilic normoblast
B. orthochromatic normoblast
C. pronormoblast
D. polychromatic normoblast
D. polychromatic normoblas
A patient was transfused with whole blood due to
severe acute blood loss. In this case, the reticulocyte count is expected to increase how many days post-transfusion:
A. 3 to 7 days after transfusion
B. 24 hours after transfusion
C. immediately after transfusion
D. 10 days after transfusion
D. 10 days after transfusion
One of the following pairings is NOT matched:
A. skin - Langerhans cells
B. liver - Kupffer cell
C. brain - dendritic cells
D. bone - osteoclasts
C. brain - dendritic cells
Which of the following is Not true of the epicardium;
A. it represents the visceral layer of the
B. it is lined by simple squamous epithelium
C. its subepicardial connective tissue layer
contains coronary vessels,nerves & fat cells
D. it is made up of dense connective tissue
D. it is made up of dense connective tissue
Epicardium (visceral layer of serous pericardium) is the outer layer of the heart and consists of mesothelium with underlying connective and adipose tissue. It contains
coronary vasculature.
The following are composed of dense connective tissue, EXCEPT
A. ventricularis or heart valves
B. subepicardial layer
C. fibrous pericardium
D. fibrous skeleton
B. subepicardial layer
The atrial side of the spongiosa or heart valves Is called:
A. trigone
B. fibrosa
C. arterialis
D. auricularis
D. auricularis
True of the fibrous trigones (fibrous skeleton),
A. connects the rings & the muscular portion
of the IV & lA septa
B. connects the rings & the membranous part of
the IV & IA septa
C. surrounds the base of the PA & aorta as it
leaves the heart
D. surrounds the openings or the AV valve
A. connects the rings & the muscular portion
of the IV & lA septa
Fibrous skeleton
separates musculature of Atrium and Ventricles to insulate them
Which feature identifies that the segment of the blood vessel is an artery & not vein?
A. the number of smooth muscle in the tunica
B. the presence of pericytes
C. the thickness of the wall
D. internal elastic membrane in the tunica intima
C. the thickness of the wall
Veins has thinner tunica intima, media and adventitia than arteries but wider lumen
The following features are true in both capillaries &
postcapillary venules, EXCEPT:
A. absence of tunica media
B. absence or tunica adventitia
C. 1-2 layers or smooth muscle
D. pericytes
C. 1-2 layers or smooth muscle
The last segment of the arteriole where a band of
smooth muscle can still be found is called:
A. precapillary sphincter
B. true capillary
C. metarteriole
D. post-capillary venule
A. precapillary sphincter
These are distinct structures usually found in the tunica adventitia of large veins & arteries:
A. caveola
B. none of these options is correct
C. vasa vasorum & vasa nervorum
D. auerbach plexus
C. vasa vasorum & vasa nervorum
Calveola - found in endothelial cells
Vasa nervorum and vasa nervorum - found in tunica adventitia of large veins and arteries
Auerbach plexus - found in enteric nervous system
Prominent internal elastic & external elastic lamina is
a distinct feature of ;
A. medium muscular arteries
B. large veins
C. all of these options are correct
D. large elastic arteries
A. medium muscular arteries
Which feature best identifies a small artery
A. 8 to 10 layers or smooth muscle in tunica
B. the luminal diameter
C. presence of internal elastic membrane in
tunica intima
D. 1 to 2 layers of smooth muscle in tunica media
A. 8 to 10 layers or smooth muscle in tunica
Fenestrated capillaries are found in the following
locations, EXCEPT:
A. Intestine
B. liver
C. glomerulus of kidney
D. endocrine glands
B. liver
Fenestrated capillaries are found in:
● Endocrine glands
● Sites of fluid/metabolite absorption (gallbladder, kidney, pancreas & Intestinal Tract)
The definitive cells of the Immune system are the
A. lymphocytes
B. granulocytes
D. monocytes & macrophages
A. lymphocytes
Lymphocytes - are the main functional cells of the immune system/lymphatic system
Which of the following associations is correct:
A. MHCI,CD4 + Th cells
B. MHCI,CD8 + Tc cells
C. MHCII,CD4 + Tc cells
D. MHCII,CD8 + Th cells
B. MHCI,CD8 + Tc cells
Which of the following Hypersensitivity reactions is T cell mediated:
A. lgG - mediated cytotoxic hypersensitivity
B. lgE - mediated hypersensitivity
C. Immune complex - mediated hypersensitivity
D. Cell- mediated hypersensitivity
D. Cell- mediated hypersensitivity
One of the following is NOT true of lymphatic
A. possess anchoring filaments
B. are variable in shape and caliber
C. continuous basal lamina usually lacking
D. show pericytes around walls
D. show pericytes around walls
The major component of the periarterial lymphatic
sheath [PALS]:
A. B-lymphocytes
B. Plasma cells
C. T-lymphocytes
D. Macrophages
C. T-lymphocytes
Lymphocytes of the PALS are chiefly T lymphocytes that surround the nodules (PALS is considered thymus-dependent zone)
T lymphocytes are usually found in the following
locations, EXCEPT:
A. deep cortex of lymph node
B. PALS ( periarterial lymphatic sheath )
C. germinal centers of secondary lymph
D. corona & mantle zone of lymph nodules
C. germinal centers of secondary lymph
Deep cortex of lymph node - HEV’s with RBCs inside PALS - T-lymphocytes
Corona & mantle of lymph nodules - T lymphocytes
These are the site of fluid absorption and entrance
for circulating lymphocytes into the lymph node:
A. Precapillary venules
B. High endothelial venules
C. Afferent lymphatic vessels
D. Efferent lymphatic vessels
B. High endothelial venules
In humans, which theory is acceptable with regards
the splenic circulation:
A. In the close circulation, sheathed arterioles
empty directly into splenic sinuses
B. No theory is acceptable
C. In the open circulation, sheathed arterioles
empty directly into splenic cords
D. Both theories are acceptable
C. In the open circulation, sheathed arterioles
empty directly into splenic cords
Which of the following feature is consistently present
in lymphatic nodules, lymph node, thymus & spleen
A. Lymph nodules
B. Afferent lymphatic vessels
C. Connective tissue capsule
D. Efferent lymphatic vessels
E. Cortex and medulla
D. Efferent lymphatic vessels
Which splenic blood vessel is NOT found in the red
A. Central artery
B. Pulp arteriole
C. Sheathed capillary
D. Penicillar artery
A. Central artery
found in white pulp, located adjacent to a nodule, where large
number of lymphatic tissue resides
Thymic Hassal’s corpuscles are:
A. Type Vl epithelioreticular cells
B. Type V epithelioreticular cells
C. Type II epithelioreticular cells
D. Type V epithelioreticular cells
A. Type Vl epithelioreticular cells
Which of the following are examples of diffuse
lymphoid tissue with aggregates or lymphatic
A. Peyer’s patch in the ileum
B. all of these options are correct
C. Tonsils
D. lymphatic nodules in vermiform appendix
B. all of these options are correct
Lymphatic nodules are found in:
● GALT (tonsils, Peyer’s Patches, Vermiform Appendix),
● BALT &
Which of the following associations is NOT correct:
A. lymph node - lymphatic sinuses
B. lymphatic nodules - connective tissue
C. thymus - Hassall’s corpuscles in medulla
D. spleen - white pulp, red pulp
B. lymphatic nodules - connective tissue
As the dense connective tissue penetrates the lymph node parenchyma, the lymphatic sinus is now
referred to as the
A. subcapsular sinus
B. trabecular sinus
C. cortical sinus
D. deep cortical sinus
B. trabecular sinus
spaces alongside trabeculae in which lymph flows from the subcapsular sinus into the cortex.
Characteristic feature of the Thymus are the
following, EXCEPT:
A. no afferent lymphatic vessel
B. Parenchyma in lobules
C. Hassal’s corpuscles in medulla only
D. Presence of high endothelial venules
D. Presence of high endothelial venules
Which branch of the splenic artery is enveloped by sheath of T lymphocytes as it courses into the splenic
A. central artery
B. trabecular artery
C. sheathed arterioles
D. penicillar artery
A. central artery
Which of the following constitute the lamellated wall
of the sheathed arteriole
A. monocyte-derived macrophages
B. myofibroblasts
C. several layers of smooth muscles
D. mostly composed of reticular cells
A. monocyte-derived macrophages
Niche of stem cells that resides in this part provides stem cells for hair growth and skin regeneration
A. Follicular bulge in external root sheath
B. Huxley’s layer
C. Hair matrix
D. Dermal papillae
A. Follicular bulge in external root sheath
Hard keratinized layer responsible for determining texture, elasticity, and the color of hair
True of eccrine sweat glands except
B. Is a blind ended, simple,coiled tubular gland
C. Secretory portion is in the dermis
D. Secretory portion is composed of one cell type
E. Cell secretory portion is composed of stratified cuboidal epithelium
D. Secretory portion is composed of one cell type
Which best describes sebaceous glands?
A. Duct drains onto the skin surface
B. Releases its content via holocrine
C. Primarily secretes water and salts
D. Secretory units are supplied by adrenergic
E. Typically found in reticular dermis
B. Releases its content via holocrine secretion
Endomitosis occurs in
A. Erythrocytes
B. Thrombocytes
C. Agranulocytes
D. Granulocytes
B. Thrombocytes
Azurophilic granules are produced in this stage of development in the granulocytic series:
A. Myeloblast
B. Promyelocyte
C. Myelocyte
D. Metamyelocyte
B. Promyelocyte
Last stage capable of mitosis in GRANULOCYTIC series
Last stage capable of mitosis in erythrocytic series
Polychromatophilic erythroblast
Stimulation by the transcription factor lead to differentation of common lymhpoid progenitor cells into B-lymphocytes
B. Pax5
C. IL-2
D. IL-15
B. Pax5
Capillary type found in Liver, Spleen and Bone Marrow
A. Continuous
B. Sinusoid
C. Fenestrated
D. Discontinuous
D. Discontinuous
Conductng system of heart in which layer
A. Epicardium
B.Serous layer of pericardium
C. Subendocardium
D. Endothelial
C. Subendocardium
The epicardium is lined with what type of epithelium
Simple squamous epithelium
True about IgG
A. Binds macrophages, B cells, NK cells, neutrophils, basophils
B Most efficient in fixing complement
C Stimulates chemotaxis
D. A and B
E. A and C
E. A and C
A. Binds macrophages, B cells, NK cells, neutrophils, basophils
C Stimulates chemotaxis