Hemoglobin 1 Flashcards
Which protoporphyrin is found in heme?
it has 4 methyl, 2 vinyl, and 2 proprioante side chains on the tetrapyrrole ring
Which part of rings open to bind? What do they bind to?
THere are two open positions on each side of the heme plane: 5th and 6th position
1 binds O2; 1 binds to side chain
Heme vs Hemin
heme (aka ferroprotoporphyrin) is +2, Hemin (ferriprotoporphyrin) is +3
What is Hb (ferrohemoglobin) ?
Oxygenated form of heme with +2 charge
ONly Ferrohemoglobin can bind Oxygen
What is the ferric +3 oxgenated form?
methemoglobin (HbM) (aka Ferrihemoglobin)-
What is the structure of Hemoglobin?
A HETEROTETRAMER (2 diff types of chains, alpha and beta), circulating in RBC
What is the structure of Myoglobin? How many heme groups?
(single polypeptide with ONE heme group) A monomer in muscle cells
O2 gets transproted to muscle cells, faciliatetes O2 transport within muscle cells
What is Hemoglobin A?
Hemoglobin alpha2beta2 is normal
What genes can be on Chromosomes #16
zeta, alpha, alpha
What genes can be on Chromosomes #11
epsilon, Ggamma, Agamma, delta, beta
What are the gene clusters encoding the alpha and beta chains of human Hb on chromosome 16
zeta psi zeta, psi alpha 2, alpha 2, alpha 1, theta 1
GEne clusters encoding the alpha an beta chains of human Hb
Zeta epsilon, Ggamma, A gamma, Psibeta, , delta, beta
How many exons and introns does each chromsomes have on 11 and 16?
3 exons
2 introns
What are chains of Adult HbA1
alpha2 beta2
What are chains of Adult HBA2
alpha2 delta2
What is the name of fetal Hb? What are the chains?
HbF- alpha2 gamma2 (FETUS!)
What are the three embryonic HB
Hb Gower 1
Hb Gower 2
Hb Porland
Chains of Hb Gower 1
zeta2 epsilon2
Chains of Hb Gower 2
alpah2 epsilon2
Chains of Hb Portland
Zeta2 Gamma2
What does a heme group consist of?
an organic part, protoporyphyrin IX and iron atom.
Whawt does the porphyrin contain?
four pyrrole rings linked by 4 CH groups (methene bridges) in an alternating double-bond system.
What does Fe bind to?
four N (1-4 coordination position) int eh center of protoporphrin ring
What is the composition of the various normal hemoglobin molecules
two alpha (or alpha-like) polypeptide chains and two non-alpha polypeptide chains
Each polypeptide is the product of a separate gene, and is called the globin chain
how many Hemoglobin polypeptide chains are synthesized int eh life of a normal humanbeing?
6 distinct but chemically and functioanlly related chains
how many chains does each hb moleucle contin
either two alpha or two zeta cians
Zeta chains are ONLY syntehsized ruign first trimester of prenatal developetn
ti is replaced by alpha chain whos syntehsis contineus throughout fetal and adult life.
what ist the zeta chain synthesized?
only during first trimester of prenatal development. It is replaced by alpha chain
What are the four non alpha polypeptide chains
Beta, gamma, delta and epsilon
What two globins are the highest during embryonic development
zetaand epsilon
Which Hb coincides with teh shift in teh site of ERYTHROPOIESES form teh yolk sac to the liver and spleen?
HbF (alpha2 gamma2)
What is ratio of beta to gamma globin chains at time of birth
1/3- 1/2 beta chains compared to gamma
When has beta synthesis reached its maximim adult rate and gamma chain synteheis noramllay reduced to 1% or less of the toatl Hb?
y 6 months
What are F cells?
the small amount of HbF present in normal adults is confiend to limited population of red cells caled F cells which also contain HbA
What chromosome/gene responsible for Myoglobin?
Mb gene on chromosome #22
Few human variants
Non-essential in mice
HOw different are G-gamma and A gamma?
By one residue!
G= glycine
A= alanine
What is Hb1Ac
by post-translational modification of HbA. While a small amt is present in every individual, tlevel may be significantly eleavted in patients with diabetes mellitus whose blood glucose levels are not well-controlled
How is HbA1C controlled?
HbA1c is formed by NONENZYMATIC addition f glucose (or glucose-6-phosphate) to an alpha-amino group and termed GLYCATION
Stable adduct is formed by the Amadori rearrangment of the ALDIMINE to KETIMINE