Hemodynamics Flashcards
Hemodynamics Definition
Study of forces and pressures that influence circulation of the blood
Main Routes to collect Hemodynamic Information
Arterial Lines-For the information about the systemic system and perfusion
Central Lines-For information about fluids balance and function of the right heart
Pulmonary Artery Lines-For information about the pulmonary system, fluid balance and the function of the left heart
Liquids are incompressible
A contained liquid (ex. blood in the body) will have a pressure that is the same for all point at the same level within that liquid
Pressure will vary in a vertical position
Pascal Principals
Pascal Principals: A change in the pressure applied to an enclosed fluid is transmitted undiminished to every portion of the fluid and to the walls of the containing vessel
Applying Pascal’s Principle-Blood Pressure
If measure BP anywhere in the arterial system it should all be the same as it’s one continuous column of blood. Therefore BP measured at the radial, brachial, femoral or dorsalis pedis should all give the same pressure. (until something changes, such as positioning.)
The Heart As Two Pumps
Think of the heart as two pumps where the right receives blood from the venous system and pumps out to the lungs and the left receives blood from the pulmonary system and pumps the blood to the body.
Normally the right and left will receive and pump the same amount of blood
Applying Pascal’s Principle-Arterial Lines
When monitoring arterial blood pressure with a transducer connected to an arterial catheter via fluid filled pressure tubing, any changes in the arterial blood pressure are transmitted throughout the fluid filled line and are recorded by the transducer
Ohms Law-Electrical
Voltage = Current X Resistance
Ohms Law-Fluids
Pressure = Flow X Resistance
P= Driving Pressure
Resistance in the Left Heart Equation (Delta P)
Resistance = Delta P / Flow
P= Driving Pressure of the left side of the heart
Systemic Vascular Resistance-Equation
SVR= [(MAP-CVP) / CO] X 80
According to this formula the driving pressure is MAP minus CVP. The 80 is a conversion factor that is used so that your answer will be in dynes*sec/cm^-5
Systemic means start in aorta (MAP) and goes to the right atrium (CVP)
- Lt heart failure:
- CHF, cardio, hypovolemic & obstructive shocks
- Vasoconstricting Agents
- Examples: Dopamine, Epinephrine, Norepinephrine (Levophed)
- Hypovolemia
- Septic shock (late stages)
- Decreased PaCO2
- Neurogenic shock
- Vasodilating agents
- Ex. Nitroglycerin, Morphine
- Septic Shock (early stages)
- Spinal shock
- PaCO2
PVR= ((MPAP-PAWP)/CO) x 80
According to this formula the driving pressure is MPAP minus PAWP.
- Right-Sided Heart Failure:
- Pulmonary hypertension
- Pulmonary embolism
- Decreased
- Alveolar oxygenation
- Hypoxemia will cause pulmonary vasoconstriction
- pH
- Acidosis
- PaCO2
- Alveolar oxygenation
- Hyperinflation of Lungs
- Vascular bloackage, vascular compression
- Tumor/Mass
- Vascular destruction
- Emphysema
- Pneumo/hemothorax
- Vasocontrictors
- We are pushing air into the lungs making the air sac get bigger from the inside which will compress blood vessels
- Increase in
- Alveolar oxygenation
- pH
- Alkalosis
- Decrease
- PaCO2
- Pharmacological Agents
- Ca++ channel blockers (‘ol)
- Humoral Substances
- Eg. Prostaglandin E
- Inhaled Nitric oxide
- This is a vasodilator
Cardiac Output Definition
The amount of blood that is pumped out of each ventricle. The cardiac output of the right and left ventricle is equal and identical over a period of time
Cardiac Output Equation
CO= (HR x SV)
What is cardiac output determined by
- Cardiac output is determined through a complex set of interrelated physiological variables
- Preload: The volume of blood in the heart
- Afterload: The downstream resistance to ejecting blood from the heart
- Contractility and compliance of the heart muscle
- Metabolic requirements of the body
- A single CO measurement will represent the interaction of all of the above variables
What Does CO reflect
CO will reflect not only heart function but also the response of the circulatory system to both acute and chronic diseases as well as therapeutic interactions
Normal CO
4-6 L/min
In a normal heart it will be preload that will determine cardiac output
Frank-Starling increase preload dealt with an increased CO
In an abnormal heart when it cannot pump all the blood it receives then it is the hearts pumping ability that will determine CO
When we see JVD we can assume that the preload of the right heart has increased so that CVP has also increased
In a healthy heart the afterload has minimal effect
A sudden increase in afterload will drop SV for a couple of beats, but then an increase in blood levels will cause an increased stretch and increased pumping, meaning that stroke volume is maintained
Increased afterload means that increased myocardial work and increased oxygen consumption
Ejection fraction is a measure of contractility
A heart with an increased contractility will produce a greater stroke volume for a given preload
Compared to another heart with the same preload and afterload
Frank Starling Law
The more that the heart is filled during diastole, the greater the subsequent force of contraction (increase in SV)
The ability of the heart to change its force of contraction and therefore stroke volume in response to changes in venous return
There is a point however where overstretch can be reached and CO will plateau and then begin to fall
The Y axis is the for of contraction= CO
In addition to the Frank-Starling mechanism increased stretch in the right atrium will also stretch the SA node which will increase the frequency of the impulse the SA node generates
The Frank Starling Relationship
The Frank Starling Relationship is the basis for
Matching CO to venous return
Balancing the output of right and left ventricles
Arterial Lines
A catheter is inserted into an artery and connected to a pressure transducing system
Reflects the afterload of the left ventricle
An important hemodynamic parameter as it is the best indicator of overall perfusion
Arterial Lines-Measuring
Allows for continuous monitoring of systemic blood pressure
Allows for assessing trends, responses to fluids and medications
Allows for continuous MAP monitoring
Average pressure in arteries during a cardiac cycle
MAP <60 mmHg indicates impaired tissue perfusion
Hypotension is a late sign of what?
Hypotension is a late sign of deficits in blood volume and/or cardiac function
MAP Equation
MAP =(Systolic x 2 diastolic) / 3
Systemic Vascular Resistance (SVR) Normal
1200-1600 dynes.sec.cm^ -5
Systemic Vascular Resistance (SVR) Equation
SVR=[(MAP-CVP)/CO] x 80
Systemic Vascular Resistance (SVR) Definition
Resistance to blood flow from all systemic vasculature
Not directly measured rather it is calucated
Systemic Vascular Resistance Index (SVRI) Normal
1600-2400 dynes.sec.cm^-5/m^2
Systemic Vascular Resistance Index (SVRI) Definition
SVR of that of the wall of the left ventricle during enjection
Not directy measured but rather a calculated measure
Central Venous Pressure
When a central line is connected to a pressure inducer system we can obtain the central venous pressure (CVP)
CVP can give an indication of right heart function and fluid balance
Reflects the preload on the right side of the heart
CVP Normal
CVP 2-8 mmHg
CVP numerical pressure value is a result of the following factors:
Right heart pumping capabilities “pump”
- If R heart pumps the blood it receives, blood will not back up in R atrium and CVP should be normal
Venous tone determines venous vascular space “pipe”
- More vascular space would mean a lower CVP, less blood is returning to the R heart
Blood volume “fluid”
- Volume must be adequate to fill vascular space, decrease blood volume means lower CVP
Increases in CVP
Increased intrathoracic pressure
- Positive pressure ventilation
- Tension pneumothorax
- Right heart failure
- Hypervolemia
Compression around the heart
- Cardiac tamponade
- Severe asthma can cause a tamponade around the heart
- Constrictive pericarditis
- Cardiac tamponade
- Misplaced transducer
- Below the level of the right atrium
- During infusion of fluid
- Misplaced transducer
Decreases in CVP
- Hypovolemia
- Dehydration
- Blood loss
- Third spacing
- Loss of fluid in interstitial space
- Vasodilation
- Shock
- Drugs
- Spontaneous breathing
- During inspiration
- Technical
- Misplace transducer
- Above level of right atrium
- Air bubbles in line
Pulmonary Vascular Resistance (PVR) Normals
120-240 dynes.sec.cm^-5