Heme/Onc Flashcards
Anisocytosis =
varying sizes
Poikilocytosis =
varying shapes
Plts contain?
- stored in?
dense granules (ADP, Ca), alpha granules (vWF, fibrinogen) - 1/3 in spleen
vWF R? Fibrinogen R?
- 2 types?
- nl #
Granulocytes (N, Eo, Baso)
Mononuc (monocytes, lymph’s)
- 4-10k
Hyperseg’d poly’s =
Seen in?
5+ lobes in N’s
VitB12/folate defic
Eo’s produce what 2 substances?
Nuc is?
Histaminase and arylsulfatase (limit rxn post-mast cell degran)
- bilobed
Baso’s secrete?
heparin (anticoag)
hist (vasodil)
Cromylyn sodium =
prevents mast cell degranulation
- active form?
- cofactor for
reduced by epoxide reductase
- 2, 7, 9, 10, C, S
Warfarin =
- how long until it works?
- which is the last factor to go away?
inhib’s epoxide reductase -> no VitK -> no factors 2, 7, 8, 10, C, S
- full anticoag in 3-4d
- prothrombin has longest t 1/2
vWF carries/protects which CF?
Heparin =
act’s antithrombin, which inact’s 2, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12
Factor V Leiden mutation =
Factor V is resistant to inhib by act’d PrC -> more clotting
Bernard-Soulier synd =
- sx
- labs
- dx by
AR; no GpIb -> vWF can’t bind plts for plt plug (intrinsic cascade)
- thrombocytopenia, giant plts (“big suckers”)
- incr’d BT
- Ristocetin cofactor assay (causes plts to clump only if vWF is there and its Rs work!)
What do plts have in them?
vWF, fibrinogen
Arachidonic acid -> via COX to TXA2 (more clotting)
Glanzmann’s thrombasthenia =
- periph smear shows?
AR; no GpIIb/IIIa, so plts can’t be linked together via fibrinogen -> less clotting
- no plt clumping, incr’d BT but nl plt ct
Aspirin =
inhib’s COX, so not TXA2 syn
Ticlopidine =
inhib’s ADP-induced exp’n of GPIIb/IIIa on plts -> no plt X-linking by fibrinogen and no clots
Clopidogrel =
inhib’s ADP-induced exp’n of GPIIb/IIIa on plts -> no plt X-linking by fibrinogen and no clots
Abciximab =
inhib’s GPIIb/IIIa on plts directly -> no plt X-linking by fibrinogen and no clots
What are these RBCs seen in: acanthocyte (spur cell) basophilic stippling bite cell elliptocyte macro-ovalocyte ringed sideroblasts schistocyte, helmet cell spherocyte Teardrop cell Target cell
- liver dz, abetalipoproteinemia
- “BASte the ox TAiL” -> Thalassemias, Anemia of chronic dz, Lead poisoning
- G6PD defic
- hereditary elliptocytosis
- megaloblastic anemia, marrow failure
- sideroblastic anemia (Fe in mito -> bad)
- DIC, TTP/HUS, traumatic hemolysis (metal heart valve)
- hereditary spherocytosis, autoimm hemolysis
- BM infiltration (forced out of BM home…tear tear)
- “HALT, said the hunger to the Target” -> HbC dz, Asplenia, Liver dz, Thalassemia
Heinz bodies =
- seen in
ox’n of Hgb sulfhydryl gps -> denatured Hgb that precipitates and hurts mem -> bite cells
- G6PD defic, similar bodies in a-thalassemia
Howell-Jolly bodies =
- seen in
baso nuc remnants in RBCs, usu removed by spleen
- hyposplenia or asplenia, post-mothball ingestion (naphthalene)
Anemia in: kids? why? adult male? adult female? preg female? why?
< 11.5 (high phos -> incr’d 2,3BPG -> R shift OBC -> more O2 released, so don’t need as high Hgb)
< 13.5
< 12.5
< 11 (2x incr in pl vol than RBC mass)
Hemochromatosis =
HFE gene prod -> binding of pl transferrin to mucosa cell R -> incr’d transferrin reab’n by GI cells -> more mucosal cell Fe so more released into the pl to bind w/ transferrin -> high pl Fe
Plummer-Vinson synd
- caused by?
- manifestations?`
chronic Fe defic -> eso web (dysphagia for solids but not liquids), achlorhydia, atrophic glossitis, koilonychia (spoon nails), pica
Hepcidin =
Antimicrobial peptide released by liver in response to inflamm (acute phase rct) -> enters Mphage in BM -> prevents release of Fe to transferrin bc binds ferroportin on intestinal mucosa cells and Mphage so Fe can’t get out -> incr’d ferritin syn and Fe stores but little released
Fanconi synd =
renal tubular damage (from Pb)
- RTA type II (prox loss of bicarb), aminoaciduria, phosphaturia, glucosuria
Stages of Fe defic:
No Fe stores Decr'd serum ferritin Decr'd serum Fe Incr'd TIBC Decr'd Fe sat'n Normocytic normochromic anemia Microcytic hypochromic anemia
Decr'd MCV Decr'd serum Fe Incr'd TIBC Decr'd % sat Decr'd serum ferritin Incr'd RDW Decr'd RBC count Hb electrophoresis nl
Fe defic bc sm RBC, less Fe so incr’d TIBC, decr’d ferritin bc less stored, incr’d RDW bc diff in sizes
Decr'd MCV Decr'd serum Fe Decr'd TIBC Decr'd % sat Incr'd serum ferritin Nl RDW Decr'd RBC count Hb electrophoresis nl
ACD (anemia of chronic dz) - diff than Fe defic bc decr’d TIBC from incr’d serum ferritin, nl RDW
- first is normocytic normochromic anemia -> can become microcytic hypochromic
Decr’d MCV
Nl serum Fe, TIBC, % sat, serum ferritin, RDW
Incr’d RBC count
a-thal or b-thal minor
Hgb electrophoresis nl in a-thal trait
Decr'd MCV Incr'd serum Fe Decr'd TIBC Incr'd % sat Incr'd serum ferritin Nl RDW Decr'd RBC count
Also have?
Lead poisoning bc have enough Fe, everything is nl, but decr’d RBC ct
ringed sideroblasts (bc can’t turn Fe into heme, NZ doesn’t work) and coarse basophilic stippling (ribosomes)
Lead poisoning -> inhibits? interferes w/?
- high risk in?
inhibits ferrochelatase and ALA DH -> decr’d heme syn (ringed sideroblasts bc have Fe in mito but no heme)
inhib’s ribonuclease so can’t brkdwn ribo’s in RBCs -> basophilic stippling
interferes w/ growing cartilage -> see deposits in bones and lines on gums (Burton’s lines)
- houses built before 1978
Sx of lead poisoning?
Lead Lines on gums (Burton’s lines) and on metaphyses of long bones on XR
Encephalopathy and Erythrocyte basophilic stippling
Ab colic and sideroblastic Anemia
Drops - wrist/foot
Trtmt by chelation: EDTA and succimer for adults, succimer (EDTA, dimercaprol) for kids
How is VitB12 ab’d?
Eaten ->
Pepsin (from pepsinogen via gastric acid from parietal cells) frees it from pr’s ->
Binds R-binders from salivary gl’s ->
Panc NZs in duo free B12 -> binds IF (from parietal cells) in duo ->
B12-IF reab’d in term ileum -> B12 binds transcobalamin II -> secreted into pl -> used or stored in liver for 6-9yrs
Folic acid
- circ’ing form?
- reab’n blocked by?
- supply in liver lasts?
- methylTHF
- EtOH, OCPs; phenytoin blocks intestinal conjugase which converts it into ab’able form
- 3-4mo