Hematology Flashcards
What is the normal range for MCV
80 to 100
What is the most common microcytic anemia
Iron deficiency anemia
Would anemia of chronic disease most likely be macrocytic, normocytic or microcytic
What two main causes should you be thinking of in a macrocytic anemia
Malnutrition and severe blood loss
Does an increase in reticulocytes indicate a decrease or increase in red blood cell production
An increase, reticulocytes are newly released baby RBCs
Auer Rods are most commonly associated with what disease
Acute myeloid leukemia
What molecule binds iron in the blood stream
What does koilonychia refer to
Spoon shape nails which may be found in microcytic anemia
Well the serum ferritin be high or low in a patient with iron deficiency anemia
It will almost always be low
A low retic count in a normal serum ferritin should make you think of what diagnosis
Anemia of chronic disease
Under normal conditions at what hemoglobin level would you begin to consider a transfusion
Asplenim secondary to sickle cell disease increases a patient risk for what type of infections
Capsulated organisms like strep pneumonia and H flu
An African American teenager present with a vascular necrosis of his right femoral head what is the most likely diagnosis
Sickle cell disease
How do you treat a sickle cell crisis
Fluids, oxygen, pain medication, transfusion maybe necessary
Will unconjugated Bilirubin be high or low in a patient with sickle cell disease