Hematology Flashcards
What factors affect the rate of gas exchange from the lungs to the red blood cells?
- Fever
- 2,3-BPG
- Acidosis
How does decreased Hgb affect oxygenation?
- leads to hypoxia
- Release of erythropoietin
To increase Hgb and oxygenation
A reticulocyte will appear in the blood smear of someone with what condition?
What are (3) causes of anemia?
- Hemorrhage
- Increased RBC destruction (hemolysis)
- Decreased production (by bone marrow)
What is hypochromic anemia?
- Decreased hgb
- Pallor
What is microcytic anemia?
- Decreased RBC volume
- Decreased RBC size
Chronic infection can facilitate what type of anemia?
Hypochromic, microcytic
Thalassemia minor can facilitate what type of anemia?
Hypochromic, Microcytic
What is the basis of thalassemia minor mediated anemia?
- Genetic decrease in Hgb production
- Ineffective erythropoiesis leading to an imbalance in α and β chain synthesis
What type of anemia is noted to be caused by lead poisoning?
Hypochromic, microcytic
How does lead poisoning cause anemia?
- Decreased erythropoiesis
- Increased hemolysis
How does iron deficiency lead to anemia?
Decreased ability to generate heme
When is iron deficiency anemia most common?
10-18 months (1-1.5 yo)
What is a common dietary cause of iron deficiency anemia in pediatrics under the age of 12 mo?
What are S/Sx of iron deficiency anemia?
- Spooning fingernails (koilonychia)
- Pale palmar crease
- Check conjunctiva