Hematology Flashcards
Castration does what to hamster CBCs:
reduces the RBC count by 25-50%
pseudohibernation does what to the hamster CBC:
Red cell mass increases because RBCs live longer
Gerbil CBCs:
polychromasia and basophilic stippling are common
RBC lifespan v short (9-10 days)
gerbs <8 wks old have PCV ~50% of adults
Guinea pig RBCs:
Bigger erythrocyte, lower cell count for same PCV
Unlike other rodents, no male vs female difference
Rouleaux is normal in guinea pigs (not common in other rodents)
Rabbit RBCs:
Males vs females not different
High erythrocyte turnover so young cells commoner
nRBCs can be an indication of acute infection
Ferret RBCs:
generally higher crits than a dog/cat. Inhalant anesthesia causes rapid decrease in PCV (sequestration)
Anemia of chronic disease in rabbits: list some quick differentials
Pasteurella, pneumonia, pododermatitis, pyometra
And pDental pDisease
Basophils in ECM:
very rarely seen at all in rats, mice, hams; can be up to 30% of rabbit leukocytes! Also, rabbits are really the only species discussed where heterophils predominate over lymphocytes. (ferrets are mixed/borderline)
what type of WBC predominates in ratmice & hamgerb?
Lymphocytes, typically about 75% of the diff. all 4 species have neutrophils rather than heterophils
what type of WBC predominates in guinea pigs?
Lymphocytes as well; heterophils are the main WBC.
what is a Kurloff cell?
monocyte specific to cavies (GP & capybara) - single large cytoplasmic inclusion body, usually up to 304% of leukocytes. NK cells.
general patterns in response to inflammation in the CBC?
for most species, leukocytosis is mild or absent - instead tend to go cytopenic and see some toxic or immature cells in the diff.
Effects of anesthesia on the rabbit biochem profile?
halothane (and iso? not clear) can increase several. Ket/xyl and ket/diaz inc BUN & creat, ALT & AST up to 24h after injection! fentanyl/droperidol had no effect.
Ratmice, hamgerb, chinch: which enzymes eval liver well?
ALT, AST, SDH - SDH the single best correlate to active liver lesions. Muscle injury will increase AST & slightly inc ALT.
Guinea pig liver enzymes: which ones are accurate
NOT ALT. SDH single best; AST liver/muscle (use CK to r/o muscle)
ALP in rodents: which organs
Muscle, intestine and bone baby. will increase postprandially in ratmice (intestinal).
in rats, what does GGT tell you?
cholestasis or steroids
Total protein estimates on a refractometer may be inaccurate under what conditions:
marked hyperglycemia (above 600 mg/dL); hyperlipidemia; or BUN over 273 mg/dL.
How long would you have to fast a rat to avoid postprandial hyperlipidemia?
16 hours! JFC!
Rabbit liver enzymes: which work why?
ALT is not liver specific though commonly used
SDH very liver specific though not always available
ALP includes bone isoforms so can be complicated
cholestasis markers include GGT, ALP & tbili
how does rabbit BUN change over the course of the day?
highest in the late afternoon and evening. Potassium does the opposite. That’s just weird.
Ferret liver enzymes: which work why?
ALT and SDH work well BUT SDH is also in erythrocytes so hemolysis will elevate it. AST + ALT often seen with hepatic lipidosis.
Ferrets do have a bone ALP.
Where do ferrets excrete bilirubin?
I mean poop obviously, but also kidneys; they are very efficient at it and very rarely jaundiced (Tbili has to be > 6.3!!)
in what ECM species does hemolysis probably not cause hyperkalemia?
Ferrets! Everybody else, if known, it does. Ferrets doesn’t seem to.