Hema exam reviewer Flashcards
Lymphocytes disorders
Deficiency of hexosaminidase A
Tay-sachs disease
Lymphocytes disorders
Reduced Immunoglobulins production in blood
Bruton Agammaglobulinemia
Lymphocytes disorders
Reduced production of Ig due to overactivity of t8 cells
Common variable hypogammaglobulin
Lymphocytes disorders
Underdevelopment of thymus
Nezelof’s syndrome
Lymphocytes disorders
Deletion of small piece of chromosome 22
Di Geroge’s syndrome
Lymphocytes disorders
Loss of Both T and B cells function
Swiss-type agammaglobulinemia
Lymphocytes disorders
Failure of T cell response
Only IgA and IgG are present, IgM is absent
Wiscott-aldrich syndrome
Lymphocytes disorders
Decreased T cell production
Spider veins
Ataxia Telangiectasia
Monocyte macrophage disorder
Deficiency of glucocerebrosidase
Gaucher’s disease
Most common lysosomal lipid storage disease
Gaucher’s disease
Monocyte macrophage disorder
Deficiency of sphingomyelinase
Niemann-Pick disease
Monocyte macrophage disorder
Macrophage with cholesterol overload due to increase in foam cells
Schiller-Christian disease
Function disorder
Random movement of phagocytes is NORMAL
Directional motility is IMPAIRED
Job’s syndrome
Function disorder
BOTH random and directional motility is impaired
Lazy leukocyte syndrome
Function disorder
Intracellular mechanism of granulocyte is defective
Chronic Granulomatous Disease
Function disorder
Have half the normal C3 Activity
Homozygous carriers fail to opsonize bacteria
Congenital C3 Deficiency
Function disorder
MPO is decreased or absent in PMN and monocytes
Myeloperoxidase deficiency
Nucleus disorder
Abnormal DNA synthesis
Hypersegmented neutrophil
Nucleus disorder
Decreased segmentation in neutrophil
Pince nez appearance
Defect mutation in Lamin B
Pelger-Huet anomaly
Nucleus disorder
Has less dense nuclei with hypo granular cytoplasm
Pseudo Pelger-Huet anomaly
Cytoplasm disorder
Accumulation of degraded mucopolysaccharides
Alder-reily anomaly
Cytoplasm disorder
Has large peroxidase lysosomes inclusions that are deficient in enzymes for phagocytosis
Chediak-Higashi syndrome
Cytoplasm disorder
Dohle bodies, Thrombocytopenia, Giant platelets, and leukopenia
Mutation in MYH9 gene
May-Hegglin anomaly
Normal cell with a biconcave disk shape with increased surface
Cell with central area of hemoglobin surrounded by colorless area and a peripheral ring
Caused by excessive cholesterol in the membrane or hemoglobin distribution imbalance
Targe Cells / Mexican Hat / Bull’s eye cells/ Codocytes
RBC that lacks the central pallor
Caused by spectrin deficiency
Abnormal RBC with spines, spicules, or thorny projection
Abnormal membrane defect caused by an increase spingomyelin and decrease in cholesterol and phospholipid
Acanthocyte / Spurr Cell / Thorny cell
Pocket book roll
Cell membrane is folded
Biscuit cell / Folded RBC
Cell with irregularly spaced blunt processes, resembles crenated RBC
Abonrmal lipid content of the membrane
Burr Cell
Cell with eccentric vacuoles due to the plucked-out HEINZ BODIES
Defect is G6PD deficiency resulting to accumulation of Heinz bodies
Blister cell / Bite Cell
RBC with blunt or pointed, short projections that are usually evenly spaced over the surface of cell
Have evenly spaced round projections; central pallor are present
Defects: ATP deficiency due to prolong storage of anticoagulated blood
Due to abnormal lipid content of the membrane
Echinocyte / Crenated Cell / Sea Urchin Cell
Cells appear in the shape of a teardrop or pear
Abnormal maturation, squeezing and fragmentation during splenic passage
Tear drop cell / Dacrocyte
Sausage - shaped, oval, pencil form, egg shape, cigar - shaped
Abnormal membrane due to defective spectrin and deficiency in band protein 4.1
Shape shows thin, elongated, pointed ends and will appear crescent shaped; lack a central pallor
S,V,L shaped
Crescent shape cell due to abnormal aggregation of Hb S which gives a tendency for the cell to assume the shape
Sickle cell / Drepanocyte / Menisocyte
Triangular shape, defragmented form
Defects in cell fragmentation due to TRAUMA caused by PHYSICAL AND MECHANICAL AGENTS
Schistocyte / Helmet cell
Characterized by an elongated or slit-like area of central pallor
Caused by osmotic changes due to cation imbalance
Stomatocyte / Hydrocyte / Mouth cells
Blue berry bagel appearance
Punctuate basophilia due to deficiency in pyrimidine 5’ - nucleotidase enzyme
Content is precipitated RNA / Remnants of RNA
Basophilic stippling of RBC
Basophilic stippling of RBC most common associated disease
Composed of Chromatin material (DNA)
Not commonly seen in normal erythrocytes because it is pitted by splenic macrophages
Howell-Jolly bodies
Indicative of faulty IRON utilization in the synthesis of hemoglobin
Composed of FERRIC IRON
Pappenheimer bodies / Siderotic granules
Indicative of disturbed hemoglobin synthesis and breakdown
Heinz Bodies
Looped or figure of eight shape or ring with red-purple color arranged in linear pattern
Composed of Remnant of mitotic spindles or microtubules
Cabot Rings
Caused by instability of Hb H
Content is precipitated of Beta globin chains of hemoglobin
Hemoglobin H inclusion
Acute post hemorrhagic anemia
Hemolytic anemia
Marrow hypoplasia
Aplastic anemia
Marrow infiltration
Kidney and liver disease
Endocrine deficiencies
Anemia of chronic disease
Normochromic normocytic anemia
Disorders of iron metabolism
Anemia of chronic disease
Congenital hypochromic
Microcytic anemia
Cobalamin Deficiency (B12 def)
Decreased ingestion
Competitive parasite
Fish tapeworm infestation
Folate deficiency
Lack of vegetable
Macrocytic anemia