Helping Relationships Flashcards
Founder of Analytic Psychotherapy
Individual (Adlerian) Psychology
Alfred Adler
Neo Freudians
Eric Fromm, Karen Horney, Harry Stack Sullivan
Integrative Psychotherapy
Uses related therapy eg Gestalt or Object therapies
Psychodynamic Psychcotherapies
psychoanalysis Jung analytic psychotherapy Individual (Adlerian) psychology The Neo-Freudian Integrative psychotherapy
Phenomenological/humanistic approaches
Client centered Gestalt Transactional analysis Reality Therapy Existential Therapy Multimodal Therapy Narrative Therapy
Client-centered therapy
Carl Rogers
Fredrick Perls
Transactional analysis
Eric Berne
Reality Therapy
Existential Therapy
Rollo May
Multimodal Therapy
Arnold Lazarus
Narrative Therapy
Cognitive-Behavior Therapy
Behavior Therapy
Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy
Becks Cognitive (AKA Cognitive Restructuring)
Self-Control Procedures
Behavior Therapy
Not a single approach to therapy a collections of therapies used to decrease maladaptive behavior
Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy
Albert Ellis
Becks Cognitive (AKA Cognitive Restructuring)
Aaron Beck
Self-Control Procedures
Variety of techniques which share the characteristic of being administered increasing desired behavior
Neurolinguistic Programing
Richard Bandler & John Grinder
Problem-Solving Framework
3 Stages
Stage One: Clarification
Stage Two: Goal Setting
Stage Three: Experiential Exercise of Insight and Helping Clients Identify Possiblities
Family Therapy
Built on general system theories. Delineates interrelatedness of family members.
Psychodynamic Family Therapy
Views individual functioning as a reflection of constant interactions between the individual, his family and society.
Psychodynamic Family Therapy
Ackermans Approach
Homeostasis is dynamic
Regards social roles as semipremeable membranes- allows interaction both ways.
Roles must be complimentary.
Conflict eventual effects the entire family
Communication/Interaction Family Therapy
Gregory Bateson Don Jackson Virginia Satir Jules Riskin Jay Haley John Weakland Paul Watzlakick
Extended Family System
Implies extended family system beyond nuclear for intellectually and emotional functioning
Structural Family Therapy
Founder of Psychoanalysis
Sigmund Freud
Structured Family Therapy
Salvador Minuchin
Structured Family Therapy
Here and now directive and concrete
Strategic Family Therapy
Jay Haley
Strategic Family Therapy
Use of unconventional hypnotic techniques. To manipulate clients and manipulate and control the course of therapy.
Contextual Therapy
Ivan Boszormenyi-Nagy
Contextual Therapy
Ethical elements of family development and behavior
Effective Therapist Communication
Methods of responding to clients increases exploration, understanding and problem solving- goals whatever therapist primary approach
Effective Therapist Communication
Common Reflection Errors
Timing error
Stereotyping error
Depth error
Language error
Community Mental Health Interventions distinguished by
Emphasizes role of social and environment
Belief in system orientation
Prevention rather than treatment
Community involvement
Reliance on ecological research, epidemiology and program eval
Community Mental Health
Community Mental Health Stages
Primary Prevention
Reduce incidence eg prenatal nutrition (SES)
Community Mental Health Stages
Secondary Prevention
Early detection
eg training teachers to recognize the early stages of behavior disorder
Community Mental Health Stages
Tertiary Prevention
Reduce duration (rehab program)
Community Mental Health
Prevention Substance Use
Universal prevention
Selective prevention
Indicated prevention
Community Mental Health
Prevention Substance Use
Universal prevention
Prevent or delay use of alcohol
Community Mental Health
Prevention Substance Use
Selective prevention
Focus on answers who have an above average risk
Community Mental Health
Prevention Substance Use
Indicated prevention
Identifying individuals who are exhibiting early signs of alcohol and drug use
Community Mental Health Techniques
Use of Paraprofessionals
Mental Health Educatiob
Crisis Intervention
Cannot cope with regular problem solving methods
Crisis Intervention
Types of Crises
Stages of Crises
Hazardous events Vulnerable state Precipitating factors Active Crisis State Reintegration
Legal and Ethical Issues in Crisis
Involuntary commitment
Informed consent
Suicide Assessment
Intention History Demographic factors Diagnosis Behavior Antecedent Events Physical Conditions
Administrative Models
Scientific Management Classic Organizational Theory Human Relations Movements Administrative Management Model Systems Model Decision Making Model
Administrative Models
Scientific Management Taylor’s beliefs
Taylor believed management included scientifically 1) analyze jobs 2) selecting training and placing 3) foster cooperation.
Administrative Models
Scientific Management
Economic Self interest
Money most effective motivator
Administrative Models
Scientific Management
Formal Organization
Efficiency and productivity is emphasized
Administrative Models Scientific Management Classic Organizational Theory Human Relations Movements Administrative Management Model Systems Model Decision Making Model
Economic self interest
Formal organization
Administrative Models
Classic Organizational Theory
Structure of organization emphasis on structure
Classical organizational theory
Max Weber, structure of the organization delegation of authority
Human Relations Movement who and how
Elton Mays research conducted at Western Electric Company’s Hawthorne Plant
Human Relations Movement
Hawthorn Effect
Performance can be altered by the way they are treated
Human Relations Movement
Informal Work Group Norms
Have significant impact on worker productivity. Producing above or below the norm caused social pressure to conform.
Administrative Models
Administrative Management Model
Create by
Philip Selznick
Administrative Models
Administrative Management Model
Believe that bureaucracies are changing due to interactions. Have become too big need to rely on chain of command in order to work on track and in harmony.
Systems Model
Bureaucracies constantly change due to events inside and outside. Struggle between needs of human and organization.
Systems model
Bureaucracies are a social systems with sub interrelated subsystems. Interest in how acquire energy and money.
decision making model
Satisficing through acceptability rather than optimization
Criteria for Program Evaluations
Gilbert & Specht
Criteria for Program Evaluations
Effort Impact effectiveness efficiency quality
Blooms 4 steps evaluation research
Specify objective
Define relevant parameters
Specifying techniques and procedure
Collecting relevant data
Program Evaluation Process according to Tripod, Fellin and Meyer
Stage 1 initial planning
Stage 2 Select and implement a research design AB OR ABAB
Stage 3 Report and Implement Evaluation Results
Cognitive Ability Test
Consistently the highest predictors of job performance
Personality Tests
Considered poor predictors of job performance useful measure specific characteristics linked to demands of job
Interest Test
Assumes Applicants whose interest coincide with job makes them successful
Biodata (Biographical Data)
Best predictor of future behavior is past behavior. Cannot ask question not related about the job- must be job related same questions of each applicant
Lower level of reliability and validity than many other
Contrast Effect
Interviewers Assesment of applicant is influenced by impressions of previous applicants. Most useful in assessing info relating to work motivation
Letters of Reccomendations
Useful to select higher staff
Civil Rights
Equal opportunity Commission can only ask questions job related
Bonafide occupational question - necessary for the job
Cannot substitute for poor selection procedures
Objective Measures
Measure job performance quantitatively
Subjective Measures
Reflect judgement of the rater
Leniency/strictness bias
Occurs when a rater tends to avoid the middle range of rating scale rates either high or low
Central tendency
Uses only middle range of the rating scale
Halo Effect
Raters eval on one aspect of the job rather positive or negative
Improve quality
Maintain counsellors ability to cope with their work
Supervisors functions
Administration-provide structure
Education-achieve their objective
Supportive- proved psychological and interpersonal resources
Supervision vs Consultation
Supervision = educational, supportive, administrative
Consultation = educational and; problem solving
Clinical Audit
Jones & Cawthorn
clinical audit: the process
Stage one prepare - methodology and protect management
Stage two select criteria and standards - structure, process, outcome
Stage three- Measuring performance
Stage four Making improvement - make an agreement
Stage five - repeat audit to see improvement
Present at birth consists of the individuals unconscious instincts
Developed at about six months in response to the ids nability to gratify all its needs
Anxiety according to Freud
A conflict between the examples in the demand of either reality or the super ego
Materials in the preconscious is accessible to the conscious but the materials in the unconscious is not repression occurs as a defense mechanism
According to Freud a particular developmental stage that the person remain stuck in or fixated and
Retreats into an earlier say for stage of development according to Freud
Freud’s process of assimilation
Attributing one’s own unacceptable instinctual needs to another person
Reaction formation
Defense mechanism a person avoids and anxiety evoking instinct according to Freud
According to Freud a defense mechanism explaining ones unacceptable behaviors in a way which makes them appear rational
Transfer of instinctual drives from its original target to illustrate and target
Unacceptable impulses is diverted into a socially acceptable even at buyable activity
Freudian therapeutic goals
Alleviate pathology cold symptoms by making the unconscious conscious and re-integrating previously repressed material into the total personality structure
Freudian therapeutic techniques
Free association Dream analysis Resistance Transference Countertransference
Free association
The foundamental a rule of cycle analysis requires a client to say whatever comes to mind without censure
Dream analysis
Freud you dreams as the royal road to the end conscience and use dream analysis to help uncover conflicts and motives
The client begins to be aware of previous unconscious material may resist for the confrontation with the material to avoid anxiety
Projection onto the therapist feelings he or she originally had for a parent or significant person in the past
Therapist inappropriate emotional reaction to the client
Jung therapeutic goals
To help the individual move toward individuation and self-realization
Jung techniques
Word association test
Analysis of dreams
Symptom analysis
Life history
Jung Word association test
Identify complexes that might have control over the personality
Jung Analysis of dreams
Used to uncover on conscience element of the personality
Jung Symptom analysis
Focuses on expressed symptoms and the clients free association on those symptoms
Jung Life history
Extensive life history was developed to define developmental patterns which may have contributed to the individuals current neurotic behavior