Helping others Flashcards
What is helping behaviour?
Actions intended to provide some benefit to or improve the situation of others
May be paid for
What is prosocial behaviour?
Defined by society as beneficial to others
Excludes behaviour driven my professional obligations
May be driven by more selfish or selfless motivations
What is altruism?
Behaviour that has the ultimate goal of benefiting another person with no anticipation of rewards.
Driven by exclusively empathetic motivation
What are 4 main explanations for motivation to help others?
- Prosocial behaviours help our groups survive - evolutionary perspective
- Because we care - empathy-altruism hypothesis
- To avoid negative emotions - negative-state-relief model
- Prosocial social norms increase helping behaviour - role of group processes.
What is the evolutionary perspective of helping others?
Groups of organisms work/act together for common or mutual benefits - cooperation
Need for approval, acceptance and being connected to supportive communities
What is kinship selection according to the evolutionary perspective?
We are more likely to do things that further the progress of a shared gene pool, even at the expense of our own wellbeing
Result=an evolutionary urge to favour those with closer genetic relatedness.
What is social exchange according to the evolutionary perspective?
Evolution of prosocial trading that strengthens the group eg. sharing food; communal child-care
What is reciprocal altruism according to the evolutionary perspective?
Expectation that our helpfulness will be returned in future
What is the altruism-ego debate for helping others? Who are 2 notable figures?
Batson vs Cialdini
Do we help others, or do we only help ourselves?
What are community helping motives (Batson, 1994) as part of the altruism-ego debate?
Principlism (acting to uphold principle)
Collectivism (acting to benefit a group)
Egoism (ultimate goal is self-benefit)
Altruism (increase a person or group’s welfare)
What is Bateson’s empathy-altruism hypothesis?
Pure altruism is a possible underlying motivation in helping behaviours
If someone feels empathy towards another person, they will help them regardless of what they can gain from it
What is empathy?
Experience of understanding or sharing the emotional state of another person
What is the altruism-egoism debate?
Witnessing distress causes unpleasant mood in observer who is then motivated to act in order to reverse this mood
Who coined the negative-state-relief model?
Cialdini et al., 1987)
What is the negative-state-relief model?
Human beings have an innate drive to reduce their own negative moods
Helping behaviours as a path to elevate mood
People help for egoistic rather than altruistic reasons
Person observes a suffering victim -> person feels negative emotion (sadness) -> person helps to alleviate their own sadness