Culture and psychology Flashcards
What is WEIRD?
What are the percentages of WEIRD participants?
96% of ppts are WEIRD
68% of ppts come from USA
27% are from UK, Canada, Australia or Europe
Undergraduates are used:
67% of the time in USA research
80% of the time in non-USA research.
What are Rad et al’s (2018) proposals for improving diversity in psychology for journal editors and reviewers?
Non-WEIRD = novel and important
Diversity targets
Diversity badges
What are Rad et al’s (2018) proposals for improving diversity in psychology for authors?
Reporting sample characteristics eg. ethnicity and religion
Explicitly tie findings to populations
Justify sampled population
Discuss generalisability of findings
What is culture?
A symbolic and behavioural inheritance received from historical/ancestral past that provides a community with a framework for other-directed vicarious learning and collective deliberations about what is the case, what is true, beautiful, good and normal
In what ways is culture external? (Jahoda, 2012)
- culture is outside the individual
- culture as a changing environment
- the social habits of a community
- the man-made parts of human development
In what ways is culture internal? (Jahoda, 2012)
- Knowledge and beliefs
- Systems of shared meanings
- Collective programming of mind
What is cultural psychology?
what is common to all cultures? and how do all cultures contribute to making peopl?
Language is universal culture
What is emic?
The view from within the social group
- how do people, think, feel, imagine, explain things?
- what is meaningful from the viewpoint of the actor?
What is etic?
View from the outside?
- a descriptive of a belief/behaviour that can be applied across cultures
- what is meaningful from the viewpoint of the observer
What are the opposing views of psychology and anthropology on facial expressions?
Ekman (American psychologist) saw facial expressions as universal.
Mead (American cultural anthropologist) saw facial expressions as part of learned behaviour
If culture shapes our development then different cultures should have different facial expressions
What did cross-cultural replications of Ash’s conformity study show compared to the original study?
- Original research by Asch on US students and adults showed 37% conformity
- 6% conformity in France
- 58% conformity among Fijian Indians
How did Geert Hofstede (1980) define culture?
The collective programming of the mind which distinguishes the members of one human group from another
What is cultural dimensions theory? (Hofstede, 1980)
Used a large databank of survey items completed by IBM employees
Conducted a national-level factor analysis to pioneer early measurement of culture at a national level
The factor analysis revealed 4 dimensions:
- individualism vs collectivism
- Power distance
- Uncertainty avoidance
- Cultural masculinity-femininity
How has the cultural dimensions theory been developed?
The values survey module (VSM) - survey instrument with 6 dimensions (long-term orientation and indulgence) specifically designed to measure cultural values