Helminthes- lung flukes & liver flukes Flashcards
Which is the most common and widely distributed lung fluke?
Paragonimus westermani
What are the third intermediate hosts for lung flukes?
fresh-water crabs and rover crayfish infected with metacercariae
How do carnivores and humans get the parasite?
by eating the definitive host
Where does the parasite excyst?
in the duodenum
Where do the adult worms reside and how are the eggs spread?
adults are in the lungs and eggs spread through sputum. if sputum is swallowed, the eggs can be in the feces
Describe the lung fluke life cycle
in water, eggs become miracidia and penetrate the snail. cercaria leave the snail 3-5 months later and penetrate crabs to develop into metacercaria
Describe the pathology of lung flukes
metacercaria excyst in the duodenum -> penetrate the intestinal wall into peritoneal cavity -> through the abdominal wall and diaphragm -> into lungs and develop into adults
What other tissues can the worms infect?
the brain and striated muscles. cannot complete the life cycle in these tissues because eggs cannot migrate
What are symptoms of the acute phase of lung fluke infection?
adbominal pain, fever, cough, urticaria, hepatosplenomegaly, pulmonary abnormalities
What are symptoms of the chronic phase of lung fluke infection?
cough, expectoration of discoloured sputum, chest radiograph abnormalities
How can lung fluke infection be diagnosed?
presence of eggs in stool or sputum (not present until 2-3 months post infection) or biopsy recovery of adult worms
What drug is used to treat lung fluke infection?
Where are liver flukes found in the body?
in the bile capillary and ducts of the liver
What effect do liver flukes have on humans?
not much, interfere with health
What effect do liver flukes have on agriculture?
cause livestock to not gain weight and reduce production