HEENT Flashcards
What position is the HEENT examination done?
What does HEENT stand for?
Head Eyes Ears Nose Throat
What gland moves when swallowing?
Thyroid gland
Best approach for palpating the thyroid gland.
Posterior approach
What should you do if thyroid is enlarged?
Auscultate for a bruit (turbulent blood flow)
Use bell
Why do we palpate the trachea?
To check for a deviation or shift
Palpating lymph nodes
Turn head to side being palpated and relax the muscles.
Palpate is a circular motion.
Should be soft and moveable, pain free
What does the snellen or e-chart test?
Visual acuity.
What nerve controls visual acuity?
Cranial nerve II optic nerve
What is the snellen test?
Top number indicates how may feet away from the poster
Bottom number is how many feet or millimeters away from the poster you can actually read
How many feet away do you have to be for the snellen test?
20 feet
How many feet away to test for near vision.
12-14 feet away
When do we test for near vision? What age?
Age 40 and older
How to inspect ocular motor function.
Corneal light reflection
Diagnostic position test.
What does PEERLA stand for?
Pupils equal, rounded, ready to light and accommodating.
What does an ophthalmoscopic exam check for?
Redness reflex
All eyes should show red in the pupil.
Cone of light position
Right ear: 5 o’clock
Left ear: 7 o’clock
Marks the tympanic membrane of the inner ear
What are the two types of hearing pathways?
What is conductive hearing?
Sound is transmitter through the external and middle ear
What is perceptive pathway of hearing
Sound waves pass though the inner ear
What is the instrument called to check the ears
After what age should use you the adult position for the orthoscope?
After age 6 use adult position
What test are used for hearing?
Whisper voice test
Tuning fork test
Romberg test
When testing hearing with the running fork how should conductance be measured in Rinne test?
Air conductance should be greater than bone conductance
Aka: Rinne test
How does the turning fork measure for the weber test?
Place on head. The sound should be heard in both ears at the same time.
If not, the bad ear is the one that receives the sound
Romberg test for hearing
Stand straight, close eyes and look for movement in the patient.
Could have something to do with the cerebellum