Hectic Teach Flashcard 6 :)
What is meant by a cereal packet family?
The ideal family type seen in media, usually two parents and two children
What is meant by the aging population?
People are living longer
Give one reason for the aging population
Better healthcare
Better living standards
Safer working conditions
Name 3 sociologists that studied domestic violence
Dobash and dobash
Abbot and Wallace
What is cohabitation?
A loving couple that lives together but are not married
Give one reason for the rise in cohabitation
Cost of weddings, using it as pre-marriage test, rise in divorce
What term is used for people who leave their country of birth to live somewhere else?
Give one reason other than the divorce reform act for the rise in divorce rates
Rising expectations, changing social expectations, ageing population
What is the main difference between postmodernist and sociology of personal life views of the family?
Personal life suggest choices are based on experiences
Give one way that the line between childhood and adulthood has become less clear
Clothing, activities, access to information, sexualisation of children
Who believed that the march of progress view is an over exaggeration as women still do a majority of domestic labour?
Anne Oakley
Who suggested the nuclear family was a universal institution?
Give one reason for the rise in family diversity
Immigration, indivualisation, material factors, social values
Which Marxist thinker believed the nuclear family is a tool of capitalism by enabling the inheritance of wealth
Who takes the march of progress view of the roles in the family?
Wilmott and young
What is a kibbutz?
An Israeli commune of equal living
What is meant by maternal deprivation?
When a person doesn’t have a mother figure
What is meant by dependency culture?
When the population relies on the government for handouts and benefits
Sociologists refer the childhood as what?
Social construction
What is the key feminist concept which refers to male dominance?