Hectic Teach Flashcad 5 Flashcards
What is a household?
A group of people who live under the same roof, share bills and resources but are not related by blood or legal means
What is the difference between a refugee and an asylum seeker?
Asylum seekers have asked to be a refugee but not yet been processed
Give one reason as to why family’s have become more child centered
Less children, more resources, laws
name the 4 types of marital breakdown
Divorce, separation, annulment, empty shell
What is serial monogamy?
Sexually exclusive relationships that follow one after another
What is meant by a sandwich generation
The generation that is looking after both their own children and their elderly parents at the same time
Name one way postman suggests childhood is disappearing
Information hierarchy, crime, sexualisation, blurring of responsibilities
What term did parsons use to explain the process of social institutions changing to fit the needs of society?
Structural differentiation
What do feminists mean by political lesbianism?
Getting rid of sexual politics by only having sex with other women regardless of sexuality
What is confluent love?
A relationship that lasts only as long as it is convenient and meets expectations
How did Aries investigate the historical relativity of childhood?
Through paintings and photographs
What term is used by parsons to describe the role of the breadwinner and disciplinarian of the family?
Instrumental role
Give two reasons why domestic violence is under reported
Fear, belief they deserve it, not knowing they are a victim
In which ethnic group are matrifocal single parent families most common?
What term is used to describe a marriage with more than two partners?
What is an ascribed status?
Status you are born with
What is the difference between an empty nest and empty shell marriage?
Empty nest means children have left home
Empty shell means there is no love between the partners and they stay together for children
Before the divorce reform act what three reasons could be given by a woman for wanting divorce?
Abuse, abandonment and adultery
What are three main causes of domestic violence?
Husbands expectations regarding a women’s domestic work
Possessiveness and sexual jealousy
Allocation of family resources (money)
Crisis of masculinity