Hebrews FINAL Flashcards
What are the three main sections of scripture that refer to Melchizedek?
Gen. 14 – Historical
Ps. 110 – Prophetic
Heb. 5-7 – Doctrinal
List three differences between the Levitical Priesthood and the Melchizedek Priesthood.
Levitical – Mosaic Covenant, no oath, for infants
Melchizedek – Better (New) Covenant, has an oath, for the mature
Understand the concept in Heb. 7:12
“For when there is a change in the priesthood, there is necessarily a change in the law as well.”
The old law was put aside (cancelled) and replaced by something strong, everlasting and with purpose.
List the four main clauses in the quotation about the New Covenant from Jer. 31.
- I will put my laws into their minds, and I will write them on their hearts
- I will be their God and they shall be my people
- All will know me, from the least to the greatest
- I will remember their sins no more
What is the relationship between the Mosaic Tabernacle and where Christ is now seated?
The Mosaic Tabernacle is just an earthly shadow and copy of the real heavenly tabernacle where Christ is seated now.
What seems to be the inconsistency between the description of Moses’ Tabernacle in chapter 9 and the description in the Old Testament? How is this difference reconciled?
The author of Hebrews puts the altar of incense in the Most Holy Place when it was actually in the Holy Place. This is reconciled because the word translated ‘altar’ is the Greek word that is used for ‘censor,’ which was brought into the Most Holy Place on the Day of Atonement, which is what the author is describing.
What part of the human nature does the blood of Jesus deal with that the Mosaic covenant could never change?
The blood of Jesus cleanses our conscience from dead works, which the Mosaic covenant could never change.
What was the significance of Jesus’ one-time-death when related to the sacrifices of the Levitical system?
- His death was sinless and voluntary
- in that one-time-death he achieved his goal of cleansing us of sin and cleansing our conscience,
- while the Levitical system continually offered animal sacrifices that could never take away sin or perfect anyone.
*What is the one thing that repeated sacrifices does?
It reminds us of our need for something more.
What is the primary way that believers can stimulate other believers to love and good deeds?
Not neglecting to meet together and encouraging one another
Describe the affect that willful sin has on the members of the Godhead.
Willful sin tramples under foot the Son of God (insulting God), regards as unclean the blood of the covenant (calling Jesus a sinner/a normal man), and insults the Spirit of Grace (pushing him off and devaluing him)
Describe the backward or forward direction that a person can make spiritually.
We can either believe and draw near and be saved or we can shrink back and be condemned to perdition.
Look at the men and women in chapter 11. List two characteristics that they all shared. Why are they listed?
- They had eyes for the future
- They maintained their faith throughout their whole life.
They were given as examples and witnesses of what it means to live by faith.
Describe the analogy of the race in chapter 12.
- To succeed in a race you have to lay aside every weight and everything that easily entangles, likewise we need to not get caught up in sin.
- We are to run with endurance, by having our eyes set on Jesus.
- We run a course that was determined by God, not us.
- We are trained by God’s discipline so that we will grow stronger; he is our personal trainer.
How is Esau used in the last warning of the book?
Esau is used as an example of one who is immoral and unholy (literally common) because he was open to any impulse or desire and lacked discipline. The warning is to not despise the discipline of God in your life.
Know the content of all the chapters of the book. (1-7)
Chapter 1 – Christ compared to prophets and angels
2 – Maintaining Christ’s words and the incarnation
3 – Christ compared to Moses and don’t follow Israel’s example
4 – Israel’s failure (to enter rest)
5 – Christ compared to Aaron and don’t go back on your conviction
6 – Unrenewable apostate
7 – Melchizedek priesthood
Know the content of all the chapters of the book. (8-13)
8 – Heavenly sanctuary and New Covenant
9 – Sacrifice to New Covenant
10 – Cont. sacrifice of NC and no sacrifice for willful sin
11 – Faith and OT examples
12 – Encouraged to run the race of faith and don’t despise discipline
13 – Final admonish to the believers and benediction