Heat and Mass Transfer Flashcards
Two-phase mixture of mother liquor and crystal of all sizes
A growing crystal that maintains geometric similarity during growth
Equilibrium in crystallization is reached when…
Solution is saturated
Number of new particles formed per unit time per unit volume of magma
Rate of nucleation
Ways of supersaturating the solution
2. Cooling
3. Vacuum cooling - adiabatic evaporation
4. Chemical reaction
5. Seeding - addition of third component to start crystallizatoon
Concentration difference between the supersaturated solution in which crystal is growing and that of a solution in equilibrium with the crystal
First step of crystal formation
Occurs in a bulk of fluid without solid-liquid interface
Homogeneous or Primary Nucleation
Occurs in the presence of other surfaces other than those of the crystals
Secondary or Heterogeneous Nucleation
Stages of Crystal Formation
- Cluster - loose aggregation
- Embryo - start of lattice arrangement
- Nucleus - unstable equipibrium
- Crystal
How to get solubility from mole fraction
x = S / (100+S)
Assumption in crystallization
Mother Liquor is always saturated thus its solute fraction can be obtained from the solubility at the given temperature
Flow preferred for crystallization
Solute fraction for hydrate and non-hydrate
Hydrate: Xc= MWdry/MWtotal
NonHydrate: Xc = 1
Heat balance for crystallization
- Q crystals = Q water
Q crystals = F Cpf (Tl - Tf) + VHv + CHc
Q water = m Cp (t2 - t1)
Cp of water = 4.184 J/g-K
Hv = Hsv - Hsl
Hc is always negative (Hl»_space;>Hs)
Design Equation for crystallization
Q = UA ∆Tlm
Use ∆Tlm since temperature of cooling medium varies
Supersaturating mechanism used by Swenson-Walker Crystallizer
Cooling; V=0
Forced circulation evaporator with internal heater used for production of large and uniform crystals
Oslo Crystallizer
Assumption for Vacuum Crystallizer
Adiabatic; Q=0
Other term for evaporation
Water distillation
How does concentration of solution in evaporation affects overall heat transfer coefficient?
High Concentration
High Density
High Viscosity
High Boiling Point
Low Heat Transfer Coefficient
Design equation for evaporation
Q = U A ∆T
∆T = Tsteam - Tsolution
Why is vacuum pressure used in evaporator?
Low Operating Pressure
Low Boiling Point
Solvent will evaporate quicker
∆T will be larger
Solution properties that affect evaporation
- Concentration (needs to be low)
- Temperature sensitivity (food, pharma, biologicals can degrade fast at high T)
- Foaming/Frothing (caustic solutions, fatty acids can foam that causes heavy entrainment losses)
- Scale deposition (decreases U)
- Materials of construction
Why is saturated steam used during evaporation?
Saturated Steam has higher heat transfer coefficient (U) compared to Superheated steam
Capacity of Evaporator
Amount of Vapor evaporated/removed per unit time
Economy of an evaporator
E = Mv/Ms
When does flash evaporation occurs?
When Tfeed > Tvapor
Enthalpy balance for evaporation
Mf•Hf + Ms•Hs = Mv•Hv + M•H
Heat balance for evaporation without BPE
Qevap = -Qsteam
Qevap = Mf•Cpf•(T - Tf) + Mv•Hv
Qsteam = Ms•Hs
T=Tv=Tref since BPE=0
Crystal size in continuous crystallizer depends on
a. rate of heat transfer
b. degree of turbulence
c. degree of supersaturation
d. all
All of these
True or false. Heat waves travel in straight line and can be reflected by a mirror.
Opaque surface towards radiation
Gases and Liquids
Black liquor from paper manufacturing is concentrated using
a. Single effect
b. Single effect with crystallizer
c. Multiple effect
d. Multiple effect with crystallizer
Multiple effect
Stanton number is proportional to
St = heat transfer coefficient/heat capacity = h/rhovCp
St proportional to f
TRUE OR FALSE. The fouling factor is dimensionless
Fouling factor accounts the additional resistance to heat flow caused by scaling. It decreases ∆Tlm
Steam ejector
a. Superheats steam
b. Removes condensate from steam pipelines
d. Creates vacuum
Creates vacuum
For shell and tube, with increasing area, the purchased cost per unit area
a. increases
b. decreases
c. stays constant
d. passes through maxima
Passes through maxima
Floating head in an exchanger is used to
a. facilitate cleaning of exchanger
b. increase heat transfer area
c. relieve stress caused by expansion
d. increase log mean temperature
Relieve stress caused by thermal expansion
Leidenfrost point
Boiling of a liquid in a hot surface
Phenomenon where liquid produces an insulating vapor that prevents the liquid from boiling rapidly
Which if the following is not used as medium for high temperature heating?
a. Dowtherm
b. Mercury
c. Liquid Metal
d. Fused Salts
It has the lowest heat capacity out of the four
With increase in temperature, the Col-burn jH factor
a. increases
b. decreases
c. stays the same
see chapter 5 table 5-17
Liquid entrainment in evaporators is caused by
a. high vacuum
b. increased rate of evaporation
c. foaming
Purpose of baffles in a shell and tube heat exchanger
Increase the shell side heat transfer coefficient
Economy of multiple effect evaporator is not influenced by
a. BPE
b. Tf
c. Q
d. F/P
Equivalent diameter for pressure drop is ____ that of heat exchanger
a. lower than
b. higher than
c. equal
Lewis Number
Ratio of thermal diffusivity to mass diffusivity
Use to characterize fluid flows where mass and heat transfers are simultaneously happening
Relationship of fanning friction factor, stanton number, and prandtl number
Chilton-Colburn analogy
St = (f/2)(Pr)⅔
Dittus-Boelter equation is used to characterize ___ flow
a. laminar
b. turbulent
c. transition
Reynold’s analogy and Prandtl’s analogy are equal if
a. Pr = 1
b. Pr = 1.5
c. Pr = 0.5
d. Pr = 2
Pr= 1
Assumption in computing LMTD which gives the largest deviation in practice
a. Constant U
b. Constant flow rate
c. Constant Cp
d. No phase change
Constant flow rate
Steady flow
No phase change
Constant Cps
Negligible ∆KE and ∆PE
U is constant
Heat flux increases with temperature drop beyond the Leiden frost point for a boiling liquid because
a. convection becomes important
b. conduction
c. radiation
When vaporization takes place through a blanketing film of gas, the phenomenon is termed as
a. pool boiling
b. nucleate boiling
c. transition boiling
d. film boiling
film boiling
Solid angle subtended by finite surface at the radiating element
Angle of vision
Planck’s distribution law is applicable for?
a. black body
b. white
c. colored
d. all bodies
Relation of product and seed masses
A dimensionless number that characterizes transient heat conduction
Fourier number
Baffles are added to heat exchangers to increase
a. fouling factor
b. heat transfer area
c. heat transfer coefficient
Prandtl number for water ranges from
a. 0.5 to 1
b. 5 to 10
c. 50 to 100
d. 500 to 1000
5 to 10
Local surface conductance for laminar film condensation on vertical surface is
a. directly proportional to thickness
b. directly proportional to square of
c. inversely proportional to
d. inversely proportional to square root of
1/t / inversely proportional
During sensible heating, wet bulb temperature is _____
a. increased
b. decreased
c. not affected
Difference between Tdb and Twb is called
a. Dry bulb depression
b. Wet bulb depression
c. Dew point depression
Wet bulb depression
As relative humidity decreases, the dew point temperature will be _____ wet bulb temperature
lower than
Mass transfer rate between two fluids does not depend on
chemical properties of the two phases
Fenske equation determines the
minimum number of theoretical plates
Extractor in a system having very low density difference
Centrifugal extractor
Fenske equation holds good when
relative volatility is constant
When temperature and humidity of air is low, we use ____ draft cooling tower
a. induced
b. draft
c. natural
True or False. The selectivity of solvent extraction is unity at plait point.
What column is used for liquid dispersion in a continuous gas phase?
Number of stages is the ratio of
Controlling factor in a drum drier
a. Mass transfer
b. Heat transfer
c. Both
Heat transfer
Drying operation under vacuum
reduces drying temperature
Total reflux
Minimum number of stages
Minimum reflux
Number of stages is infinite
Humidity can be determined by measuring the ____ of the fiber
Electrical resistance
Mass, thermal, and momentum diffusivity if Pr and Sc are equal to
True or False. HETP increases with increasing absorption factor
Dew point changes directly with
a. temperature
b. pressure
Decreasing pressuring will also decrease dew point
Operating line in absorption is always ______ the equilibrium curve
a. Above
b. Below
c. On same level
Absorption - Above
Stripping - Below
Which parameter can be controlled in a co-current absorber?
Flow rate of liquid
Absorption accompanied with rxn is exemplified by tye absorption of
SO2 in alkaline solution
Thiele-Geddes equation
Stages in multicomponent distillation
Increase in pressure, _____ in relative volatility
Relationship of K and D in film theory
K is directly proportional to D
Prandt number for Colburn equation
0.6 to 120
In forward feeding, pressure drop
will be least at the outlet of the last effect
Ratio of capacities of single and tripe effect if same heat transfer area and terminal conditions
K = Ko + aT unit of a
W/m K²
Film condensation is promoted on a
clean and smooth surface
Dietus Boelter equation is used for molten metal due to its low
Prandlt Number
Remove entrained liquid
Multiple effect evaporators are used in
processing fats and paper
Best arrangement
Vertical HE with steam at the shell side
Dropwise condensation
contaminated cooling
higher BWG, higher
cross-sectional area
Film boiling occurs at
Very high pressure
Fins are
extended heat transfer surface
Exchanger for heavy heat loads
Series and parallel sets of shell and tube