Heart Valves Flashcards
The blood goes from the right _____ to the right _____ through the _____ valve
Atrium, Ventricle, Tricuspid (Try-cus-pid)
The blood goes from the left _____ to the left _____ through the _____ valve
Atrium, Ventricle, Bicuspid (Bye-cus-pid)
A cusp is a little _____ that fills with _____ from the _____ under pressure
Parachute, Blood, Ventricles
The cusps keep the _____ from going back into the _____
Blood, Atria
Tri- means _____
_____ means two
_____ come from the name of a bishop’s headdress which is called a _____
Mitral, Miter
Chordae Tendineae are the ties that _____ the cusps to the _____ wall
Bind, Ventricular
_____ _____ means “heart strings”
Chordae Tendineae (Core-da Ten-din-e-ah)
The “lub” of a heartbeat comes from the _____ rushing against the _____ in the _____
Blood, Valves, Heart
The Semilunar Valves keep _____ from flowing back into the _____ from the _____ or the _____ artery
Blood, Ventricles, Aorta, Pulmonary
Lunar means _____
Semilunar means “half-_____-_____”
Moon, Shaped
The semilunar valve between the left _____ and aorta is called the _____ valve
Ventricle, Aortic
The Cardiac Cycle is the name of the _____ steps involved in filling the heart’s _____ and _____ the blood
Five, Chambers, Pumping
Systole (pronounced Sis-tuh-lee) is the period of time when the heart ______ ______
Chambers Contract
Diastole (pronounced Die-a-stuh-lee) is the period of time when the heart _____ _____
Chambers Relax
____-_________-_________ _______ invented the stethoscope in 1816
René-Théophile-Hyacinthe Laennec (pronounced Re-knee T-O-fee-lee-a Ah-san-te lay-knee-eck)
When the atria simultaneously _____ it is called atrial _____
Contract, Systole (Sis-tuh-lee)
The second step, of the cardiac cycle, is the _____ of the atria, atrial _____
Contraction, Systole (Sis-tuh-lee)
The third step, of the cardiac cycle, is the _____ of the ventricle, ventricular _____
Contraction, Systole (Sis-tuh-lee)
Blood is forcefully _____ from the _____ during the forth step
Ejected, Heart
The fifth step, of the cardiac cycle, is the _____ of the ventricles, ventricular _____
Relaxation, Diastole (Die-ah-stuh-lee)
René-Théophile-Hyacinthe Laennec is pronounced _____ _____ _____ ____
Ren-E T-O-fee-lee-a Ah-sawn-te Lay-knee-eck
Chordae Tendineae is pronounced _____ _____
Core-da Ten-din-e-ah
The semilunar valve between the right _____ and pulmonary artery is called the _____ valve
Ventricle, Pulmonary
_____ Step: The atria _____–atrial _____
Second, Contracts, Systole
_____ Step: The “_____ phase” when the whole _____ is relaxed (atrial and ventricular _____ )
First, Filling, Heart, Diastole
_____ Step: The beginning of ventricular _____, enough to close the _____ and _____ valves
Third, Systole, Tricuspid, Mitral
_____ Step: Ejection of blood from the _____ as ventricular _____ continues, forcing their exit valves _____
Forth, Heart, Systole, Open
_____ Step: Ventricular _____–Ventricles _____ enough to allow their exit valves to _____
Fifth, Diastole, Relax, Close
The _____ valves are the ventricles’ _____ valves
Semilunar, Exit