Heart & Great Vessels - A Keane Flashcards
What are the 4 components of the Circulatory system?
- Heart
- Arteries
- Capillaries
- Veins
What is the Mediastinum?
The mediastinum is the central compartment of the thoracic cavity surrounded by loose connective tissue, as an undelineated region that contains a group of structures within the thorax.
Where is the heart located?
In the mediastinium, between the 2nd & 5th intercostal space, superior to the diaphragm, anterior to the vertebral colum and posterior to the sternum.
What are the names and locations of the pericardium?
- Fibrous pericardium - Outer layer
- Serous Pericardium - inner bag sub divided to
- Parietal Pericardium
- Visceral pericardium

What is the function of the Pericardium?
The layers of the pericardium and its fluid help to reduce friction of the moving heart against other organs.
Where does the pericardium attach too?
It attaches to the great vessles, Apex of the heart and the central tendon of the diaphragm.
What is the function of the pericardium?
It prevents the heart from over expanding.
List 3 abnormalities of the pericardium
Pericarditis - Inflammation of the pericardium
Pericardial effusion - Increased fluid
Pericardinal Tamponade - Increased fluid pushing on heart
What are the 3 layers of the heart wall?
- Epicardium
- Myocardium
- Endocardium
The Epicardium are sub divided into 2 layers, what are these?
Epicardium (AKA Viseral Pericardium)
- Visceral pericardium - simple squamous epithelium (mesothelium)
- Subepicardium - Loose CT and adipose tissue - containing caronary ateries and nerves.

What is the myocardium made of?
Bundles and layers of cardiac muscle cells. Myocardiocytes
They are predominately mononucleated. The arrangement of actin and myosin is similar to skeletal striated muscle. Some of the cardiac muscle cells are auto-rhythmic, (known as pacemaker cells).Intercalated disks are located between cardiac muscles cells.
5 Properties of Cariad Muscle
- Striated
- Intercalated Discks
- Involentary Contraction
- Branched
- Centeral Nucleous.
The endocardium (Inner layer) is made up of 2 layers, what are they called?
- Endothelium (Epithelium like layer)
- Subendocardium - Loose CT and carries vessles for the conductiong system.
What is the thickest layer of the heart?
What is the name of the cantral dividing wall between the heart chambers?
You have a intraventrical Septum and intratrial Septum
There are 2 circuts for the flow of blood round the circulatory system?
Pulmonary circulation - heart to lungs
Systemic Circulation - to all other systems.
Wht side of the heart does the deoxygenated blood pump round?
Right side.
Learn outside vessles

learn labelled diagram

What is the only artery to hold deoxygenated blood?
Pulmonary artery
What is the name given to the pacemaker of the heart?
Sino atrial node.
Name the 4 parts of the conducting system of the heart?
- SA Node
- Atrioventricular Node
- Bundle of His
- Purkinje Fibres
What does Myogeneic mean?
Myogenic contraction refers to a contraction initiated by the myocyte cell itself instead of an outside occurrence or stimulus such as nerve innervation.
Blood order through the heart.