Heart Failure Flashcards
Define heart failure
A progressive clinical syndrome resulting from a structural and/or function abnormality that results in an insufficient cardiac output and/or raised intracardiac pressure at exercise and/or rest
What are the different categories of heart failure based on heart function?
HFrEF - EF less or equal to 50%
HFmrEF - EF 41 to 49%
HFpEF - EF greater than or equal to 50%.
What is the key physiology of HF with a reduced ejection fraction?
Left ventricle is weakened
Results in poor contractility
Reduced SV-> red CO
This activates compensatory mechanisms such as RAAS/sympathetic system
This can increase preload and afterload - initially compensates, eventually inc workload becomes pathological,
What is the key physiology of heart failure with a preserved ejection fraction?
Normal contractility
Impaired relaxation leading to impaired ventricular filling during diastole (diastole dysfuncatoin)
Preserved ejection fraction but reduced SV (due to reduced EDV)
This leads to lower cardiac output and increased filling pressures.
What are the three kay factors affecting heart function?
Preload (EDV) - amount in LV before contraction
Afterload (SVR) - resistance/force LV works against to push blood out of the heart - vol in systemic circulation and level of bv constriction
What is the basic pathophysiology underpinning heart failure?
- damage to mycocardium/heart funcation - leads to reduced cardiac output
- Actives compensatory mechanisms of RAAS (red renal perfusion) and SANS (hypotensive)
- These compensatory mechanisms are initially beneficial then becomes maladaptive
- Result in inc SVR, inc HR, in contractility inc Na+ and water retention -> inc venous return in theory in CO
- inc afterload and inc preload
- However, increased cardiac work, leads to increased energy consumption
- Leads to structural remodelling/myocyte damage of the heart, exacerbates functional impairement
How does adrenergic activation lead to myocyte damage in HF?
Directly by cardiotoxicity
indirect by inc HR/contractility - leading to inc cardiac work
What are the signs/symptoms of right sides heart failure?
Elevated JVP, pos hepatojugular reflex
Hepatomegaly - enlarged palpable tender liver, nutmeg liver.
Excessive nocturnal urination
Peripheral oedema start in ankles and work up (may also have sacral oedema. present as weight gain)
Reduced exercise tolerance
May present with tachycardia and hypertension
What are the signs and symptoms of left-sided heart failure?
Pulmonary oedema/congestion = SOB, PND, orthopnoea, basal crackles on auscultation, dull on percussion (indicates effusion)
Reduced exercise tolerance, chronic cough
May present with tachycardia and hypertension
What are the modifiable risk factors for Heart failure?
Sedentary lifestyle
Cocaine use
Heavy alcohol use
What are the non-modifiable risk factors for heart failure?
Sex = male
Family history (congenital cardiomyopathies) - particualrly sudden cardiac death in below <60yrs
Serious lung/heart conditions - COPD
Black and African American.
Thyroid abnormalities.
What are the three main causes of heart failure?
- Ischemic heart disease (35-40%)
- Cardiomyopathy-dilated (30-34%)
- HTN (12-20%)
What pathophysiological changes may occur in Heart Failure?
Ventricular Dilation
Myocyte hypertrophy
Increased collagen synthesis
Altered myosin gene expression
Altered sarcoplasmic Ca2+ ATP density
Increased ANP secretion
Salt and water retention
Sympathetic stimulation
Peripheral vaosconstrication.
What bedside investigation should be done for suspected heart failure?
What results would you expect to see?
ECG - left/right venetricular hypertrophy, ACS
Obs - high HR, high RR, low O2 sats, temp - may be normal, high BP
Resp exam - basal crackles, peripheral oedema, sacral odema
Cardio exam - gallop rhythm, raised JVP, displaced apex beat, ventricular heave. murmurs
What bloods should you do for suspected heart failure?
What would you expect to see?
FBC - check for anemia exaggerating symptoms
U&Es - baseline for before drug treatment
troponin - elevated
BNP - elevated
Thyroid function
Lipid Profile
Cardiomyopathy screen