Heart failure Flashcards
what is caridogenic pulmonary edema?
the accumulation of excess fluid in the alveolar wall + spaces within the lungs
cardiogenic: what causes cardioenic pulmonary edema?
changes in permeability of capillaries, hydrostatic pressure, inabillity of the left ventricle to pump to systemic circulation ( L-CHF), elevated pulmonay venous pressure, MI dysarrhythmias, valvular disease
noncardiogenic causes for Heart failure
drowning, fluid overload, aspiration, inhalation injury, OD, neurologic pulmonary edema, AKD, allergic reactions/anaphylaxis, ARDS
common HPI of heart fialure:
SOB(acute/gradual/exertional), anxiety (feels like drowning), +/- CP, cool clammy/diaphoresis,
CHF s/s:
dyspena, orthopena, paryoxysmal norturnal dyspnea, peripheral edema/ weight gain, fatigue
CHF physical exams results:
alt loa/confused combative, dyspena/++WPB, JVD, HTN, if hypotension ( cardiogenic shock), tachypneic/cardic, peripheral edema, hepatomegaly ( right sided CHF usually), fine lung crackles that can worsen,
what does pulmonary edema sounds like?
diminished lung sounds & crackles at both bases
left sided heart failure:
left ventricle is unable to work over the afterload & pump enough blood to the systemic circulation, blood builds up in the pulmonary veins(cough/SOB)
- caused by CAD, MI, long term HTN
right sided CHF:
unable to blood to the lungs, causes venous system backup and usually advances to left sided CHF, caused by pulmonary HTN, PE, or COPD
wha is Cor Pulmonale?
when the right ventricle is enlarged secondary to pulmonary HTN leading to heart failure
Bi- ventricular heart failure?
both sides of the heart= affected, pt will have S/s of both
- peripheral edema + SOB, cough