heart - essential stuff Flashcards
Capillaries are tubes which connect veins and arteries together - they are the smallest blood vessel.
Oxygen and glucose diffuse out of the capillaries into the surrounding cells. carbon dioxide, water and lactic acid from muscle cells enter the capillaries via diffusion.
blood blockage in coronary arteries
Capillaries adaptations
thin walls (one cell thick) so substances can diffuse easily.
high surface area due to lots of capillaries
red blood cell adaptations
contains haemoglobin - bound tightly to oxygen carrying oxygen around the body.
bio concave disc shape
large surface area to volume ratio
no nucleus to carry more haemoglobin.
red pigment carried by red blood cells
Haemoglobin with oxygen binded to it
haemoglobin cycle
In lungs haemoglobin binds with oxygen
oxyhaemoglobin is formed.
blood is bright Red.
blood carries oxygen to all tissues
In capillaries haemoglobin releases oxygen into tissues
blood is now dark red.
haemoglobin is reformed.
blood returns to lungs
heart transplant pros
enjoy better quality of life
last decades
more normal life
heart transplant cons
risk of death in few months after
immunosuppresant drugs needed
needs to wait for donors
surgery can be immediate
artificial heart pros
no immunosuppressant drugs needed.
don’t need to wait for donor - surgery can be planned.
less likely to be rejected by immune system.
artificial hearts cons
may be uncomfortable for patients.
need to recharge.
only keeps you alive for roughly five years.
Biological heart valves
for elderly
For women of reproducing age
no blood clots.
may need immunosuppressive drugs.
lasts 5 to 10 years.
Mechanical valves
for younger people
causes blood clots.
needs anti-clotting drugs
last longer
heart valves tissue might stiffen preventing the valve from opening fully
the heart valves might develop a leak - faulty heart valves can be replaced using biological valves (Valves from humans or other mammals) or mechanical valves
Blood clotting
Platelets are small fragments of cells involved in blood clotting.
Blood clotting is a series of chemical reactions resulting in the change of fibrinogen (a soluble blood protein) to fibrin (an insoluble blood protein) which forms a network of fibros trapping blood cells forming a clot. This clot hardens to form a scab