Heart Flashcards
substernal pain radiate to neck, jaws, arms, particularly the left pulmonary edema Reduction of S1 S4
Bacterial endocarditis
sudden onset of heart failure
neurologic dysfunction
Janeway lesion: erythematous/ hemorrhagic macules on palms and soles
Osler nodes: painful red raised lesions on tips of fingers/ toes
Left side- pulmonary congestion, cardiomegaly
Right side: systemic circulation congestion, jugular venous distention
often viral
sharp and stabbing pain worse with chest movement/ lying flat
pain in the back, neck, left shoulder
friction rub heard on left of sternum of 3rd/ 4th intercostal space
cardiac tamponade
fluids/ blood between pericardium and heart
Beck triad: jugular venous distention, hypotension, muffled heart sound
swelling of abdomen/ arms/ neck veins
Cor Pulmonale
result from chronic COPD and pulmonary hypertension
RV enlargement
distended neck viens with prominent A/ V waves
mostly in LV
soft systolic blowing apical murmur
inflammation of myocardium
history of recent flu like symptoms, arthralgias
cardiac enlargement, murmurs
pulsus alternans (alteration of strong and weak arterial pulse)
usually accompanied with pericariditis
sick sinus syndrome
secondary to HTN, arteriosclerosis, rheumatic heart dizzy spells seizures palpitation, angina CHF S/S
First degree heart block
conduction takes little longer than usual
PR> 0.2 sec
Second degree heart block
Type 1: Wenckebach/ Mobitz 1, PR increases each beat until QRS dropped
Type 2: Mobitz 2, PR stays the same with a dropped QRS
third degree heart block
complete heart block
AV node generates a rate by itself.
Ventricular septal defect
30-50% close spontaneously by 2y/o
recurrent respiratory infections
holosystolic, loud, coarse, high pitch murmur
best heard on L sternal boarder in 3rd-5th IS
Tetralogy of Fallot
Ventricular septal defect Pulmonic stenosis Dextroposition of aorta RV hypertrophy paroxysmal dyspnea, central cyanosis systolic murmur over 3rd IS
patent ductus arteriosus
blood from aorta to pulmonary artery-> pulmonary hypertension-> RV workload increases
harsh, loud, continuous murmur on 1st-3rd IS
Atrial septal defect
often asymptomatic until adults
loud, high pitch, harsh diamond systolic murmur
heard over pulmonic area
Wildly split S2
Rheumatic fever
usually just affect mitral/ aortic valve carditis polyarthritis Chorea (brief, abrupt, irregular, unpredictable, non-stereotyped movements) erythema marginatum (iris lesion) subcutaneous nodules increased antistreptolysin antibodies
Senile Cardiac amyloidosis
chronic inflammation/ CA-> amyloid fibrillary protein in heart