Hearing Loss In Children Flashcards
Minimal hearing loss in children is not inconsequential
37% fail a grade
8% don’t have skills at grade level
41% receive educational assistance
Hearing loss symptoms in babies
Do not startle at loud noise
Do not turn to source of sound by 6 months
Do not say single words by 1 year
Turn head when see you but do not respond to name
Hears some sounds over others
Hearing loss symptoms in children
Speech delay
Speech not clear
Do not follow instructions
Often say “huh”
TV volume too high
Screening babies/children
Screen by 1 month, diagnosis by 3, treat by 6
If fail get full evaluation by 6 month
Screen kids before school
What does congenital hearing loss imply
Present at birth
What percentage of hearing loss cases in babies is due to genetic causes?
~1 out of 2 cases of HL in babies is due to genetic causes.
What is a common factor among babies with genetic hearing loss?
~1 out of 3 babies with genetic HL have a ‘syndrome’ or other conditions in addition to the HL.
What percentage of hearing loss cases in babies is attributed to maternal infections during pregnancy or complications after birth?
~1 out of 4 cases of HL in babies.
What percentage of babies born with hearing loss have an unknown cause?
~1 out of 4 babies.
Causes associated with birth
Infection - CMV very common
5 days or more in NICU
Blood transfusion from severe jaundice
Head, face or ears shaped or form in unusual way
Neurological disorder that may be associated with hearing loss
Infection around brain and spinal cord - meningitis
Injury to the head that required hospital stay
What are the genetic factors related to congenital hearing loss in babies
Autosomal dominant
Autosomal recessive
Autosomal dominant hearing loss
One parent carries dominant gene
50% probability to pass to child
Probability is higher if both parents have dominant gene or both grandparents
Autosomal recessive hearing loss
Both parents have normal hearing but carry a recessive gene
Probability child has loss 25%
X linked hearing loss
Mother carries the recessive trait on sex chromosome
Passes it on to males
Genetic syndromes where hearing loss is one of the known characterisitcs
Down syndrome
Crouzon (autosomal dominant)
Treacher Collin’s (autosomal dominant)
Usher syndrome (autosomal recessive)
Alport (x-linked)