Hearing Disorders Flashcards
What is a cycle
One complete back and forth vibratory motion
what is frequency
how fast the particles vibrate; measure by the number of complete vibratory cycles in a unit of time
what is a pure tone
A sound consisting of only 1 frequency
How is sound volume measured
Quite sounds are
Low decibels
Loud sounds are
high decibels
how is hearing loss categories
what are the types of hearing loss
what are the degree hearing loss
what is the location of the hearing loss
perripheral or central auditory system
what is the configuration of hearing loss
the extent of hearing loss at various frequencies
where does conductive hearing loss originate from
the outer ear
where does sensorineural hearing loss originate from
the inner ear
where does mix hearing loss originate from
a combination of sensorineural and conductive
what is conductive hearing loss
reduces the overall sound loudness
disruption in the flow of sound to the inner ear
often permanent can be treated medically and or surgically
what is sensorineural hearing loss
Damage to the inner ear or the nerve pathways from the inner ear to the brain
Impact sthe loudness and sound clarity
permanet hearing disorder- not able to be fix but can be improved with hearing aids
90% of hearing loss
what is mixed hearing loss
Not always permanet if conductive loss can be resolved
sometimes starts as a conductive loss that evolves into a sensorineural loss
what is included in the assessment of hearing disorders
Pure tone audiomety
Immittance testing
Electrophysiologic testing
what is audiometry
the quantitative measurement of hearing
necessary to determine the type, degree. location and configuration of hearing loss
what is pure tone audiometry
masures hearing acuity in both ears of sounds Hz frequencies betwen Hz and 8000 HZ
what is an audiometer
the device used to generate the ones for hearing testing
what is the threshold?
the lowest dB ( volume) level at which the tone is barely audible
what is an Audiogram
a graph that plots the frequency threshold for each ear and at each frequency tested
‘O’ left ear
X= right ear
what is Air conduction testing
tests a person hearing as it travels through air
What is Bone conduction testing
a vibratory unit ( oscillator) is placed on the skull behind the ear
What is immittance testing
provides information regarding how mobile the tympanic membrane is and middle ear function.
does not provide specific information regarding hearing acuity.
what are the two types of immittance testing
Acoustic Reflex
what is a non behavioral test
the stimulus is applied and the eardrum either responds appropriately or it doesn’t
what is a tympanometry
gives information regarding air pressure in the external ear canal compared with movement of the tympanic membrane and ossicular chain in the middle ear
what is a tympanometry
the instrument used to graphically quantify the tympanic membrane mobility
what is acoustic reflex testing
an involuntary contraction of the stapedius muscles located in the middle ear
What is the electrophysiologic testing
Non behavioral test that are often administered to difficult to assess individuals or to determine the side of a specific auditory lesion
what are the two most common types of electrophysiologic testing
otoacoustic emissions
auditory brainstem response
What is atresia
hearing loss in the outer ear
an absence of a normal ear canal opening
congenital condition
also known as Treacher Collins syndrome
what is otitis externa
hearing loss in the outer ear due to infection
swimmers ear
vacteria grows due to frequent moisture exposure in the ear canal
can be treatd with ear drops
what is eardrum perforation
hearing loss in the middle ear
a hole or rupture of the tympanic membrane
heals on its own(weeks and sometimes months)
what is Otitis Media
inflammation and infection of the middle ear
associated with the size and positioning of the eustachian tub
What is Otitis Media with Effusion
Watery/ fluid like substance fills the middle ear
diagnosed with an otoscope
what is the APS Assessment
ruling out off the presence of hearing loss
What are the APD Treatment
- direct skills remediation
- Compensatory strategies
- Enviornmental modification