hearing Flashcards
first portion of the ear to develop is the
inner ear
inner ear begins to form at _____ after fertilization as a thickening of the surface ectoderm, called
_______ that appear on either side of the
22 days; otic placodes
rhombencephalon (hindbrain)
otic placodes invaginate quickly to form the
otic pits
The otic pits pinch off from the surface
ectoderm to form the ________ within the
______of the head.
otic vesicles; mesenchyme
middle ear develops from
1st pharyngeal puch
auditory ossicles develop from
1st and 2nd pharyngeal arches
external ear develops from
1st pharyngeal cleft
separates the middle ear and external ear
tympanic membrane
this collects sound waves and conducts them to the tympanic membrane
external ear
parts of external ear
external auditory canal
middle ear conveys sound vibrations to the ________
oval window
this conveys sound vibrations to the oval window
middle ear
middle ear serves as an _______ and _______ matching device
amplifier and impedance
middle ear receives sensory innervation mediated by
parts of middle ear
tympanic cavity
tympanic membrane
auditory ossicles
eustachian tube
the internal ear houses the receptors for
hearing and equilibrium
the internal ear is derived from _____ of the _____
otic placode of the rhombencephalon
the internal ear is located within the ________ of the ______
bony labyrinth of the temporal bone
part of internal ear
vestibule and organ of conti
parts of outer ear
auricle (pinna)
external auditory meatus
the outer 1/3 of the EAC is surrounded by ______ and the outer 2/3 is by
mastoid bone
function of EAC
allows air to warm before reaching TM and isolates TM from physical damage
the tympanic membrane changes _____ to ______ energy
acoustic to mechanical energy
3 layers of tympanic membrane
- outer squamous
- middle fibrous
- inner mucosal
these conduct sound waves from the TM to the oval window of the inner ear
audtiory ossicles
auditory ossicles
malleus, incus and stapes
skeletal musscles attached to the auditory ossicles
tensor tympani and stapedius
attachment of stapedius muscle
the stapedius muscle contracts in response to loud sounds this is
acoustic reflex
built in earplugs
stapedius muscle