Heam 4 - leukemias etc Flashcards
acute lymphoblastic leukaemia
1) which cells
2) common in?
3) 2 features
4) how do you treat
1) lymphoblasts
2) children
3) cytopenia and chest mass?
4) chemo, good prognosis but relapse rate high
chronic lymphocytic leukaemia
1) which cells?
2) whos likely to get it?
3) how do you treat
1) B+T lymphocytes
2) increases with age
3) only treat troublesome symptoms e.g. bone marrow failure
things to look for in diagnosis of chronic lymphocytic leukemia
splenomegaly, lymphadenopathy, high lymphocyte count, marrow suppresion, smudge cells on blood film, hypogammaglobulinameia (low antibodies in the blood) , immune disturbances
criteria for A B and C of CLL and prognosis
A. 10 years, lymphocytosis
B. 5 years, A+ 3 areas
C. 2 years, B+ Hb
Acute myeloid leukaemia
1) which cells?
2) clinical features
3) treat?
1) myeloblasts
2) increased WBC (not always present), may fill marrow before spilling out onto blood
3) chemo
Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia
1) which cells?
2) clinical features
3) treatment
4) due 2?
1) monocyte granulocyte
2) not usually bone marrow failure! increase, spenomegaly and priapism
3) imatinim (inhibs tumor cell specific enzyme)
4) philadelphia chromosome
what is myeloproliferative disorders
blood cells to grow irregularly in the bone marrow
myeloproliferative disorders PRV? ET? MF? can result in?
PRV - excess RBCs
ET - excess platelets
(both can progress to MF or actute leukamia)
MF - excess bone marrow scarring due to abnormal megakaryocyte activity - bone marrow failure
- MI or stroke
Myelodysplasia ? what can it progres to over time
disordered maturation of blood cells in bone marrow . any of all cell lines may be affected
- acute leukamaemia
name one thing that makes diagnosis easy and one hard
easy - easy to diagnose if chromosomal abnormaility is detected or disorganisation severe
hard - hard to distinguish from reactive marrow changes (rhem arthritis)
diff between leukaemia and lymphoma
leukaemia - bone marrow and blood lymphoma - lymph nodes
non hodgekins lymphona
1) common site?
2) common age?
3) related viruses?
4) B symptoms? otehr symptom?
1) 30% out of lymph nodes
2) elderly
4) weight loss, night sweats, fever. …. lymphoadeno
hodgekins lymphoma
1) common age?
2) related viruses?
3) presents with?
5) bulk of tumor?
1) 20 + elderly
2) EBV
3) B symptoms and nodal spread
5) wbc reacting to tumor
lymphoma - grades
low grad - slow
high grade - fast
lymphoma - stages
stages defines extent. spread doesnt mean the worst as lymphocytes naturally circulate. worst stage implies worse prognosis.
acute leukemia can lead to…
BONE MARROW FAILURE - anaemia, thromocytopenia (low platelets) neutropenia (infections)
diagnosing a lymphoma?
BIOPSY( not bone marrow) vital. ct scan to stage tumor
Roles of IgD igM igG igA igE
D - from newly matured B cels M - clears pathogens from blood G - clears pathgogens from tissue A - stops pathogens from bining to mucosal surfaces E - protects against parasites
How do you define a myeloma
plasma cells in the bone marrow >10%
detectible paraproten in blood/ urine
lytic lesions on skeletal survey
what is a Skeletal survey
series of plain XRs
who is myelomas common with and what are symptoms
old people anaemia high esr back pain unexplained renal failure unusual fractures
What is Waldenstroms Macroglobulinaemia
igM paraprotein - infiltrate of lymphoblasomyctoid lymphocytes (half way from lymph - plasma)
what can para protein cause and why is it bad
hyperviscosity syndrome.
blood stickier - fatigue headache confusion