Healthly Eating And Diet Flashcards
What does malnourished mean?
The condition when the body does not get a balanced diet.
A balance diet contains…?
Carbohydrates Proteins Fats Water Vitamins Minerals Fibre
What is your metabolic rate?
The rate of which your reactions take place in the cells of your body.
Why do people need different amounts of energy?
Because the metabolic rate varies from person to person.
Define obese.
Very overweight with a bmi over 30
Factors that affect the amount of energy people need?
Age- fully grown or still growing Sex- men usually need more Metabolic rate Pregnancy Environment temp Daily activities
Long term obesity can lead to?
Type 2 diabetes
Heart disease
What can an obese person do?
Increase amount of exercise
Reduce amount of energy rich foods like carbohydrates
What might you suffer from if your diet is not balanced?
Without small amounts of vitamins and minerals you will suffer from…?
Deficiency diseases
Rickets is caused by lack of
Scurvy is caused by lack of
Vitamin c
Reason for heating the inoculating loop in hot Bunsen flame
Sterilisation. It kills off any bacteria on the inoculating loop.
Reason for cooling the loop before putting it into bacterial culture
If it is too hot then it’ll kill the bacteria you are trying to grow
Reason for the Petri dish being only partly opened
It prevents other microbes in the air getting onto the plate.