Health, stress and coping Flashcards
Area of health psych
Behavioural medicine
- psychological influences on how people stay healthy and why people become ill and how people respond when they are ill.
Role of stress and stress response
Pscyholgoical stressors - event that forces a person to adapt - life events, chronic problems,
Measuring stress - SRSS - social readjustment rating scales
Life experiences survey LES
Measures life events and cognitive appraisals and new stressors may be added by respondents. face to face interviews
Process of stress
Stressors - life changes, catastrophic events, acute stressors, daily hassles, chronic stressors
Stress mediators - cognitive appraisal, predictability, control, coping resources and methods, social support
Stress response - physical psychological emotional, cognitive, behavioural
GAS model
- in response to fight or flight
- alarm stage - fight or flight
- resistance stage - alarm stage subsides & physiologically working hard to resist a stressor.
Sympathoadreno medullary system mobilises the body for action and releases adrenaline and noradrenalin = increased BP , muscle tension, blood sugar
Organ systems involved in GAS model
Sympatho-adreno-medularry system mobilises the body for action by releasing adrenaline and noadrenaline.
Hypothalmic pituitary adrenocortical system triggers the release of endorphins. Stimulates the release of corticosteroids, resist stress and suppress the immune system.
Emotional stress
stressors are persistent or close together - emotional reactions causing tension, irritability, sadness, or anxiety and may develop into severe problems.
Cognitive response
reductions in the ability to concentrate, think clearly or rememeber accurately. E.g rumination, catastrophising, mental sets, functional fixedness and impaired decision making
Behvioural response
- changes in how ppl look, act or talk and can have negative impacts on health.
- Attempts to escape or avoid stressors may include = alcohol, drug abuse, overeating, changes in sleep patterns and attempting suicide.
- Precludes learning more adaptive ways to cope
Cognitive appraisal
impact depends on how stressors are perceived less intense if seen as challenges to be overcome
Predictability and perception of control
unpredictable stressors have more impact and if people can exert some control over stressors, they usually have less impac
t - hospitals allow patients to control their own pain medication and feeling a lack of control may promote physical and psychological problems
- feelings of helplessness and hopelessness = physical and mental disorders.
Coping resources
- Problem - focused coping strategies; alter or eliminate source of stress.
- E.g confronting, seeking social support, planful problem solving
- Emotion-focused - regulate negative emotions associated with stress
- E.g self-control, distancing, positive, reappraisal, accepting responsibility and escape avoidance (wishful thinking
Social Support
- Emotional, practical or informational resources
- Expression of pent-up thoughts and emotions
- Important to know that others care and will help quality
- Quality of support may depend on own ability to cope
Stress and personality
- Disease-prone personalities - ignore stressors, perceive stressors as long- term, catastrophic threats, pessimistic about overcoming stressors
- Disease-resistant personalities - see stressors as challenges, dispositional optimism, hope & curiosity.
Promotion of healthy behaviour
- Altering or eliminating behaviours the pose risks to health - smoking, unsafe sex, social disrancing
- Encouraging healthy behaviour patterns - health eating and exercise
- Rosenstock’s health brief model - Four factors -
- Perceiving a personal threat or susceptibility, perceiving the seriousness and consequences of illness, belief that changing behaviour will reduce the threat , perceived costs and benefits of changing.
- stress = autoimmune disorders as immune system cells attack normal body cells - crohns disease, attacking healthy GI tract cells = inflammation
Cardiovascular system - coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke - sympathoadrenal medullary system
Developing a program for coping with stress
- Assessment - identify sources and effects of stress
- Goal setting - list the stressors and stress responses, decide which stressors are and are not changeable
- Planning - list the specific steps to be taken
- Action - implement coping plans
- Evaluation - look at changes in stressors and stress responses
- Adjustment - Alter coping methods to improve results, if necessary.
Cognitive coping strategies
Thinking calmly, rationally and constructively
Replacing catastrophic thinking by viewing stressors as challenges rather than threats
Cognitive restructuring - identify upsetting thoughts, develop and practice more constructive thoughts to use under stress, not eliminate stressors, less threatening and are less disruptive
Emotional coping strategies
- Finding social support
- Feeling I am cared and valued by others
- talking about sources of stress and feeling heard
- Accepting practical support
Behavioural Coping Strategies
- Change behaviour in ways that minimise the impact of stressors
- E.g improved time management strategies
- Helps control catastrophising thoughts by providing reassurance that there is a way to handle things.