Health & Safety Flashcards
What is the structure of the RICS Guidance Note ‘Surveying Safely’ 2018?
Effective February 2019
- Personal responsibilities
- Assessing hazards and risks
- Workplace health and safety
- Occupational hygiene and health
- Visiting site and premises
- Fire safety
- Residential surveying
- Procurement and management of contractors
What is the RICS Guidance Note ‘Surveying Safely’ 2018?
- Sets out good practice principles for the management of H&S for members and firms
- Introduced the ‘safe person’ concept
Sets out principles and H&S responsibilities at:
- Corporate level
- Individual level
What must firms provide with regard to H&S?
According to RICS Surveying Safely, 2018
- A safe working environment
- Safe work equipment
- Safe systems of work
- Competent staff
How do you comply with the Guidance Note ‘Surveying Safely’?
For example, when visiting premises and sites I undertake a risk assessment to identify and manage potential risks.
I ensure that I have the correct PPE (e.g., including hard hat, rubber soled boots, high vis jacket). I sign in with the site manager and am accompanied during the tour, remaining aware of my surroundings.
I ensure I adhere to any on-site safety briefing and stay within allocated areas. I sign out upon leaving.
What is a ‘safe person’?
An individual who assumes individual behavioural responsibility for their own, their colleagues’, and others’ health and safety while at work.
What is the Surveying Safely guidance on visiting site?
What is the RICS Surveying Safely guidance on visiting premises and sites? (N.B. Includes travel arrangements, lone working, PPE etc.)
* Tell someone where you’re going, and when you leave building/ site
* Wear appropriate protective clothing e.g., high vis jacket, protective footwear, hard hat, protective goggles, gloves, and ear defenders where necessary
* Sign in and out of building or construction site and receive site induction
* Consider whether safe to inspect alone and observe special lone working arrangements
* Check dated tag if going on scaffolding
* Wear non-slip sole shoes/ boots when going up a ladder
* Emphasis placed on Members having the correct operational practices in place
What are the key bits of H&S legislation?
- Health & Safety at Work, 1974 (as amended)
- PPE at Work Regulations, 2022
- The Fire Safety Act, 2021
- Building Safety Act, 2022
- Occupiers’ Liability Act, 1957
- Defective Premises Act, 1972
- Construction (Design & Management) (CDM) Regulations, 2015
What is a risk assessment?
A risk assessment is the process of evaluating risks to safety and health from hazards
- It is a legal requirement for an organisation of >5 staff to carry out risk assessments
What is the outline of a risk assessment?
significant hazards.
1. Identify the hazards present.
2. Identify the people at risk from the hazards e.g., employees, contractors, visitors etc.
3. Evaluate the risk, considering the likelihood and severity of any accidents. Existing precautions in place should be identified and evaluated.
4. Record the findings on a suitable form.
5. Review the risk assessment regularly.
6. Advise all those affected of the outcome of the risk assessment and methods of work and precautions to minimise or eliminate risk.
What is the ‘Six Pack’ of health & safety regulations?
Six regulations introduced on 1 January 1993 containing different aspects of H&S compliance:
1. Management of Health & Safety a Work
2. Display Screen Equipment
3. Manual Handling Operations
4. Personal Protective Equipment at Work
5. Provision and Use of Work Equipment
6. Workplace Health, Safety, and Welfare
How many days do you have to report an injury?
Under ‘Reporting of Injuries, Diseases, and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995’ (RIDDOR)
- For injuries is over 7 days incapacitation must be reported to HSE within 15 days from the date of accident
- All employers must also keep a record of all 3-day plus injuries
- Information to be kept in an accident book which must be kept for a minimum of 3 years after an occupational accident or injury
What must be included in a written Health & Safety document?
- A policy setting out the organisations commitment to H&S
- Details of the H&S structure
- A risk assessment with preventative measures in place
- Details of planning, implementation of the policy and control measures
What is the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974?
Duty to every employer to ensure the health, safety and welfare of all employees as far as reasonably practical
What are the punishments for failing to comply with the H&S at work act 1974?
- Policed by HSE
- Fines and/or imprisonment up to 2 years
What is asbestos?
Asbestos is an insulating material that can cause serious health issues when disturbed or damaged
How many properties contain asbestos in the UK?
Over 4 million properties in the UK
- Causing 5,000 deaths per year.
What are the 3 types of asbestos?
Brown (amosite)
Blue (crocidolite)
White (chrysolite)
When was asbestos banned?
White was banned in 1999, with the other types banned in 1985
What is the key legislation surrounding asbestos?
Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012
* Non-compliance is a criminal offence
* Two separate obligations – to the “duty holder” and an “employer”
* Duty holder is owner of premises if vacant or tenant if holding a repairing lease
What types of Asbestos Surveys are there?
Two types:
- Management survey
- To locate, assess and advise on management during occupation - Refurbishment / demolition survey
- Required when undergoing works or demo
- Samples are taken of suspected asbestos containing materials and analysed
- Recommendation then made re management
What are the 5 steps to take with regard to The Control of Asbestos Regs 2012?
- Establish whether asbestos is present (if in doubt, assume present)
- Assess the risk and produce a management plan
- Produce an asbestos register
- Make the register available to all parties
- Review and monitor (HSE recommends every 6 months)
What are the punishments for non-compliance with regard to the The Control of Asbestos 2012?
Are there any defences?
H&S Offences Act 2008
- Enables fines up to £20,000 or 12 months imprisonment
- Also enables serious offences to be tried in court with no limits
Defendable if the person took all reasonable precautions and exercised all DD
Is there any RICS guidance on Asbestos?
Yes, RICS Guidance Note ‘Asbestos, Legal requirements and Best Practice for Property Professionals’ 2021
It sets out best practice to comply with the law, includes:
- Details of common asbestos containing materials
- How to commission a survey
- Suggested contents of a management plan
Tell me about the Construction Design and Management (CDM) regulations 2015?
Aims to improve management and co-ordination of H&S at all stages of a construction project.
Aimed to provide easy to understand regulations:
- Three main duty holders (Client, Principal Designer, Principal Contractor)
- Onus on client to ensure CDM arrangements
- Need for a risk assessment
- CDM file must be maintained throughout construction and passed to occupier/ owner upon completion
When must the HSE be notified with regard to CDM 2015?
HSE to be notified (via F10 form), if a project longer than 30 construction days, with 20 or more workers working simultaneously onsite.
If more than 500 ‘person’ days of construction work or involves demolition.
What are the punishments for breach of CDM regulations?
Breach is a criminal offence
- Policed by the HSE
- They can prosecute and issue fines
- HSE can also issue improvement and prohibition notices if regulations are breached
What are the statutory obligations of a commercial property owner?
- Asbestos management
- Contamination
- Equality Act compliance
- Energy Performance Certificates
- Fire Safety
- Health and Safety
- Legionnaires disease
- Occupiers’ liability
- PAT testing (for portable electrical equipment)
- Waste management
Are you aware of any regs regarding cladding?
I’m aware there were several reviews undertaken post Grenfell inc. the Hackit Review 218 and the Fire Safety Act 2021
What is the Fire Safety Act 2021?
- Reformed the Fire Safety Order 2005
- Requires responsible persons to assess, manage and reduce the fire risks posed by the structure or external walls across a building
- Allows fire service to take enforcement action against responsible persons who fail to comply