health Qtr3 (L3-L4) Flashcards
diseases that have not occured in humans
emerging diseases(Eids)
once were a significant health concern that has declined but now are again becoming health concerns
reemerging infectious Diseases(reids)
caused by leptospira spirochetes bacteria and is spread by rats
is a viral respiratory infection caused by sars coronavirus and was first identified on 2003 in china
Severe acute respiratory syndrome
mosquito borne illness first identified in 1952 in southern tanzania
highly contagious animal disease caused by RNa aphtovirus that affects all cloven hoofed animals and rarely occurs in humans
Foot and Mouth disease
also known as bird flu and is a diesease caused by type a influenza virus and is spread among birds
avian influenza
also known as swine flu and is caused by H1N1 influenza a subtype of type a influenza and is a viral illness that first emerged in 2009
swine influenza
is a respiratory disease of pigs and can cause upper and lower respiratory tract infection
H1N1 influenza
is a blood stream infection caused by neisseria meningitidis bacteria and the bacteria cannot survive outside it’s host thus limiting it’s spread
emerging and reemerging diseases can spread quickly
spread of disease
cause significant illness and death
morbidity and mortality
costs associated with preventing ,treating and controlling these diseases
economic impact
outbreaks of infectious diseases can lead to
social disruption
fear anxiety related to the spread of infectious diseases
psychological impact
refer to actions and habits used by individuals to adopt to monitor their own health status
self monitoring skills
wash hands frequently with soap and water or alcohol that contains atleast 60% alcohol for 20 seconds
practice hand hygiene
cough or sneeze into a tissue or a shirt sleeve
practice cough and sneeze etiquette
stay aleast 1 meter or 3 feet away from people
avoid close contact
wear a mask that covers your nose and mouth
wear a mask
be aware of the symptoms of covid-19 and other communicable diseases
monitor for symptoms
clean and disinfect frequently touched objects with disinfectants or a solution with 70% alcohol
clean and disinfect frequently
mantain this by eating a balanced diet,getting enough sleep, exercising, avoiding smoking and drinking etc
keep a healthy lifestyle
principal health agency in the philippines
department of health(DOH)
bureau under DOH that is responsible for disease surveillance
epidemilogy bureau(EB)
health authority and a line bureau of the DOH and is responsible for security against the intro and spread of disease
Bureau of quarantine(BOQ)
responsible for the prevention and control of infectious diseases
infectious disease office
responsible for the management of health emergencies
Health management bureau(HEMB)
responsible for ensuring the safety of vaccines,drugs and medical devices
food and drug administration(FDA)
most effective measure against disease
they are responsible for implementing health programs
Local Goverment units(LGUs)