health pyschology Flashcards
health psychology
thoughts beliefs and habitual behaviours
that influence the maintaince of body health
health compromising behaviours
self-managed behaviours
that have a cumilative impact on health and long life
these have negative impacts
drugs, not sleeping, drinking
temporal discounting
benifits are immediate
consequences are long term
drive mismatch
rare things are now common
e.g sugar
how long it takes to feel censation of hunger
differential ability to ignore unwanted messages
emotional regulation
tendency to indulge in self soothing behaviours
protection- motivation theroy
threat of illness= precived suseptibility, does it happen to similar to me/ precived serverity- how bad would it be on my life
evaluations of counteratctions= precived beiniftis and barriers
preventitive barriers
cues to action
self- efficey
theory of planned behaviour
attitudes towards the behviour
subjective norms= how would people judge me on this
- self efficy
then behviour
health system
community/ culture/
sensation we feel when responding to challenge
aprasial of challenge- know we are being challenged
opponent process
chronic and prolonged activation of suppressors
immunity to pathogen
digestion is suprressed
evolutionary mismatch
major impacts of stress
death can be delayed and mitigated by stress
heart disease
matabolic disease- diabetes
cancer- harder to deal with small cancers
gastric issues
coping mechanisim
specific actions to midigate stress