Health Programs in the Philippines Flashcards
It was the first international declaration underlining the importance of primary health care.
Alma-Ata Declaration to 21st
“The Aquino Health Agenda: Achieving Universal Health Care for All Filipinos”
Goal of ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER NO. 2010 - 0036:
implementation of Universal Health Care shall be directed towards** ensuring the achievement of the health system goals**
DOH Health Programs
-Botika ng Barangay
-Breastfeeding TSEK
-Blood Donation Program
-Garantisadong Pambata
-Food Fortification Program
-Health Development Program for Older Persons
-Smoking Cessation Program
-Universal Health Care
Botika ng Barangay
refers to a drug outlet managed by a legitimate
community organization (CO), LGU or NGO
Objective of Botika ng Barangay
To **promote equity in health by ensuring the
availability and accessibility **of affordable, safe
and effective, quality essential drugs to all
When was Breastfeeding TSEK implemented
February 23, 2011, the
Department of Health (DOH)
launched the exclusive
breastfeeding campaign
dubbed “Breastfeeding TSEK:
(Tama, Sapat, Eksklusibo)”.
What is Breastfeeding check
encourages mothers to exclusively breastfeed their babies from birth up to 6 months.
Provides for breastfeeding rooms in government and private hospitals.
Republic Act 7600 “The Rooming-In and Breast-feeding Act of 1992”
R.A. 10028: “Expanded Breastfeeding
Promotion Act of 2009”: amendment to R.A.
also known as the National Blood Services
Act of 1994,
Republic Act No. 7719
What is the goal of National blood services act of 1994 or RA 7719
promotes voluntary blood donation to provide sufficient supply of safe blood and to regulate blood banks.
Mission of Blood Donation Program
-Blood Safety
-Blood Adequacy
-Rational Blood Use
-Efficiency of Blood Services
Comprehensive and integrated package of services and communication on health, nutrition and environment for children available everyday
Garantisadong Pambata
Goals of Garantisadong Pambata
-Contribute to the reduction of infant and child
morbidity and mortality
-All Filipino children have equitable access to
affordable health, nutrition and environment
Objectives of Food Fortification Program
- To provide the basis for the need for a food
fortification program in the Philippines: - To discuss various types of food fortification
strategies - To provide an update on the current
situation of food fortification in the
Policy on Food Fortification
Republic Act 8172, “An Act Promoting Salt
Iodization Nationwide and for other purposes”,
Signed into law on Dec. 20, 1995
Food Fortification Law
Republic Act 8976, “An Act Establishing the
Philippine Food Fortification Program and for other purposes” mandating fortification of flour, oil and sugar with Vitamin A and flour and rice with iron by November 7, 2004
The program intends to promote and improve
the quality of life of older persons through the
establishment and provision of basic health
services for older persons,
Health Development Program for Older Persons
Target Population/Clients (HDP for Old)
- 60yrs above who are:
a. Well and free from symptoms
b. Sick and frail
c. Chronically ill and cognitively impaired
d. In need of rehabilitation services - Health workers and caregivers
- LGU and partner agencies
Vision of Smoking Cessation Program
Reduced prevalence of smoking and
minimizing smoking-related health risks.
Mission of Smoking Cessation Program
To establish a national smoking cessation program (NSCP).
Objectives of Smoke Cessation Program
- Promote and advocate smoking cessation in
the Philippines; and - Provide smoking cessation services to current smokers interested in quitting the habit.
TB-DOTS Acronym
TB-Directly Observed
Treatment Short Course
What is TB-DOTS
Internationally recommended
strategy for TB control
DOTS five components.
- Sustained political and financial
commitment. - Diagnosis by quality ensured
sputum-smear microscopy. - Standardized short-course anti-TB
treatment (SCC) given under direct and
supportive observation (DOT). - A regular, uninterrupted supply of high
quality anti-TB drugs. - Standardized recording and reporting
New global Stop TB Strategy 6 essential elements
- Sustaining, improving and accelerating quality DOTS expansion
- Addressing TB-HIV, MDR-TB and other special challenges
- Contributing to health system strengthening
- Engaging all care providers
- Empowering patients and communities
- Enabling and promoting research
Universal Health Care Act is also known as
RA 11223
Source of Phil-health funds
1.Philippine Amusement and Gaming Corporation
2. Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO)
3. Premium contributions of
direct contributory members
4. Phil-health annual budget.
Every single Filipino citizen is automatically enrolled into the newly-created National Health insurance Program (NHIP).
- ALL Filipinos are covered
Universal Health Care Act is signed by
Two types of membership in UHC
Direct contributors-Those who pay PhilHealth premiums
Indirect contributors – health premium subsidized by government
Contrary to what some people may think, UHC
does not mean every single health expense will
be made free.
- UHC is not completely free
This means that PhilHealth will be in charge of paying health care providers like hospitals and clinics for services given to Filipinos.
- PhilHealth will become the “national purchaser” of health goods and services
UHC 4 and 5
- DOH will still be in charge of “population based” health services
- Health systems will become city-wide and province-wide
Graduates of health and health-related courses
who received government-funded scholarships
will be required to work in the public health
sector for at least 3 full years.
- Return service in the public health sector
A group of health experts who will be responsible for evaluating latest health developments and recommending their use to DOH and PhilHealth.
- A “Health Technology and Assessment
Council” (HTAC) will be created
Both public and private hospitals and health
insurers will be required to maintain a health
information system that will contain electronic
health records, prescription logs, and “human
resource information.”
- Health information will be collected