Health and Wellness Flashcards
What is health?
A state of physical, mental, social and spiritual functioning within developmental context
What is disease ?
The failure of the body’s adaptive mechanisms. This leads to functional and structural disturbances
What is illness?
The subjective experience of the individual and physical manifestation of disease.
What is wellness?
Wellness is an active process by which people become aware of and make choices to live a more harmonious existence.
6 components of wellness ?
Physical, Emotional, Social, Intellectual, Spiritual, and Occupational
What is health promotion ? What is an example ?
The process of enabling people to increase control over and to improve their health. It takes into account not only individual action but also on social and environmental interventions.
What are social determinants of health?
These are the circumstances in which one is born, grows up, lives, works and ages.
Education, age, gender, environment, income level.
What is important in health promotion endeavors ?
understanding the context of peoples lives
What does it mean for a population to be at risk?
An increased change for getting disease along with an increased chance of poorer health outcomes.
Distinguish between modifiable and non modifiable risk factors
Those factors that one can voluntarily change or not
What are examples of modifiable risk factors ?
Behavior, washing your hands, how much sleep you get, perhaps your diet, whether you excercise
Examples of non modifiable risk factors
Genetics, geographic location, weather,
What is EBP?
The use of research to inform the best nursing practice. Nurses must assume blended roles with a knowledge base using evidence based practice
What are overarching goals of Healthy People 2020?
Achieve health equity
Attain high quality, longer lives free of preventable disease
Create social and physical environments that promote the health of all
Promote quality of life, healthy development and healthy behaviors across all life stages
What the the three levels of prevention ?
Primary- preventative
Secondary - screening and basic disease treatment and management
Tertiary- long term treatment, more advanced disease management
Tertiary is when all else fails.
What are different private sector health management organizations?
Upside of HMO’s
They have everything you need in one place -
Do ACOS involve pay for performance or fee for service
Pay for performance-
What does the ACA address?
Affordability, accessibility and financing healthcare
Goals of the Affordable Care Act ?
Insurance Reform- more people covered, greater benefits provided, lower cost to consumers and govt
Health System Reform - Improved quality and efficiency
Stronger workforce and infrastructure, greater focus on public health and prevention
ACA benefits
Coverage of pre-existing conditions
No lifetime limits
Adults covered under parental insurance until age 26
Free preventive care: HEALTH PROMOTION
Expanded Medicaid coverage
ACA benefits for women
Free Preventive Care
Cancer Screening
Birth Control
Expand access to Family Planning
Expand Access to Maternity Care