Health and Safety L2 Flashcards
What are the CDM 2015 Regulations?
The Construction Design and Management Regulations are intended to ensure that health and safety issues are properly considered during a project’s development so that the risk of harm to those that
have to build, use and maintain structures is reduced.
* The CDM regulations apply to all building and construction work.
What does RIDDOR stand for?
- Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013.
- (RIDDOR) requires the ‘responsible person’ to notify any death, reportable injury, disease or
dangerous occurrence to the HSE (on-line or by phone for death and serious injuries). - The responsible person is the employer or, for the self-employed, the contractor or principal
What incidents are reportable?
- Death and major injuries such as loss of consciousness or loss of a limb.
- Occupational diseases.
- Dangerous occurrences for example explosions, hazardous substances, structural collapse or collision
etc. - Gas incidents.
What does COSHH stand for?
- Control of Substances Hazardous to Health.
- The regulations aim to avoid exposure to hazardous substances, or if not possible, to control exposure
by measures that are proportionate to the health risk.
What H&S precautions do you take when going on site?
I ensure that I have PPE and that I have had a site induction.
Who do you inform that you are going on site?
I inform my line manager and ensure I send a WhatsApp when I arrive and leave a site. I also have the site visit scheduled in my outlook calendar which is available to all colleges.
What does PPE stand for?
Personal Protective Equipment.
What PPE would you wear when visiting a site?
Hard hat.
* Boots.
* Goggles.
* Gloves.
* Hi-vis vest.
* Ear defenders if required.
* Face mask if required.
What is a risk assessment?
- A risk assessment is simply a careful examination of what, in your work, could cause harm to people, so
that you can weigh up whether you have taken sufficient precautions or should do more to prevent
harm. - The law does not expect you to eliminate all risk, but you are required to protect people as far as
‘reasonably practicable
What are the 5 steps to risk assessment?
- Step 1 - Identify the hazards.
- Step 2 - Decide who might be harmed and how.
- Step 3 - Evaluate the risks and decide on precautions.
- Step 4 - Record your findings and implement them.
- Step 5 - Review your assessment and update if necessary
What is the role of the HSE?
- To prevent work-related death, injury and ill-health.
- Provide support to the public and businesses with guidance, statistics and research
What are the powers of the HSE?
- Inspectors can visit site without notice, talk to workers, take pictures and samples.
- To issue written or verbal information and advice.
- Most inspections are planned to encourage good H&S practices.
- Some inspections are to respond to a complaint or follow-up an investigation.
- To impose sanctions including stop and improvement orders
What is your company’s Health and Safety policy?
- Prevent work-related injuries or illnesses.
- Prevent damage to property and/or equipment from our activities.
- Prevent adverse impacts to the environment from our ongoing projects or operations.
- At staff level:-
o Take responsibility for safety and comply with safe systems of work.
o Act responsively, report incidents and near misses.
o Regular training refresher courses.
What is the RICS Surveying Safely publication?
The RICS guidance on personal safety at work.
* The document covers:-
o 1) General Statement - Employers/Employees have a duty of care under law of tort towards
those who may be affected by their actions.
o 2) Safety of Employees - actions that must be taken by employers. Special duty of care towards
o 3) Workplace – Fire & First Aid provisions.
o 4) Hazards and Risk Assessment requirements.
o 5) Visiting Sites - PPE, Lone working, Access provisions.
o 6) During Site Visits - Key hazards assessments including structures, roofs and contamination.
o 7) Safety of you and others – Everyone is to take responsibility of their own health & safety.
o 8) Legal Duties - Criminal Liability and CDM guidance.
What other guidance is available?
- The HSE has published a similar guide ‘Health and Safety in Great Britain’ but it is more generic and
not focused on construction. - HSE Five Steps to Risk Assessments.
- Managing H&S in Construction – Approved Code of Practice (ACoP).
The construction industry is notorious for accidents and death on site and death; what measures are there to prevent this occurring?
There are various ways to prevent accidents on construction sites:-
o 1) Eliminate the risk of accidents occurring at the source for example assembly on the ground
instead of working at height.
o 2) Planning & programming of works.
o 3) Allowing sufficient time for the works to be constructed effectively.
o 4) Carrying out risk assessments, method statements & educating workers.
o 5) Training inductions & CSCS qualifications.
o 6) Ensuring safe working sites and access & egress points.
Which accident kills the most operatives in construction?
- Falls from height
What is the considerate contractors scheme?
- CCS was set up in 1997 & is responsible for improving the image of construction.
- It monitors all registered sites and ensures best practices are carried out in particular on items such as
engaging with local communities and site cleanliness.
What is the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974?
- This is the primary piece of legislation governing H&S in the United Kingdom.
- It places a statutory duty on all employers to provide and maintain equipment and systems of works
that are safe and without risk to the health and safety of employees, or others who may be affected by
their undertaking. - The Act aims to:
o Secure the health, safety and welfare of people at work.
o Protect others against risks to health and safety arising from work activities.
o Control dangerous substances.
o Control of emissions into the atmosphere.
o Employers with 5 or more employees must have written health and safety documents detailing
the organisations health and safety structure.
Level One
What guidance did the RICS release on good practice principles for the management of health and safety in RICS-regulated firms and for RICS members?
RICS Surveying safely, 2018
According to RICS Surveying safely, 2018, what must all RICS regulated firms ensure they provide?
- Safe working environment
- Safe work equipment
- Safe systems of work
- Competent staff
What is the concept of a ‘safe person’ as outlined in RICS Surveying safely, 2018?
Each individual assumes individual behavioural responsibility for their own, their colleagues’ and others’ health and safety while at work.
Seeks to ensure that individuals accept responsibility for their own actions and they have the tools they need to do their job safely
What new guidance was contained in the 2nd edition of RICS Surveying safely?
Inclusion of advice on mental health and wellbeing
Introduced the concept of a ‘safe person’
What should you consider when undertaking an inspection of a building site?
- Consider precautions and potential hazards/risk assessments
- Sign in an out-of-building construction site and receive a site induction
- Check dated tag if going on scaffolding
- Wear non-slip sole shoes/boots when going up a ladder
What personal protective equipment (PPE) should a surveyor consider wearing?
Depends on what they are:
High visibility jack, protective footwear, hard hat, protective goggles, gloves and ear defenders
What does your company’s Lone Working Procedure say about inspecting sites alone?
- Carry a charged mobile phone
- Tell someone where you are going when you leave the office
- Text the WhatsApp when you arrive and leave site
*Have written details of the site visit in your outlook calender
Mentioned in submission
What is included in Health & Safety at Work, 1974 (as amended)?
- “Duty to every employer to ensure, so far as reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare at work of all employees”
- Must report injuries and dangerous occurrences
- Must undertake, record, and regularly review a risk assessment
- Detailed Health & Safety information is to be held on-site, usually in the Operations & Maintenance Manual
Who polices the Health & Safety at Work Act, 1974?
Health and Safety Executive (HSE)
How large does an organisation have to be to carry out a documented health and safety risk assessment?
Firms employing more than 5 staff
What is a hazard in a risk assessment?
Anything that has the potential to cause harm (e.g. a wet floor)
What is a likelihood/probability in a risk assessment?
The risk that someone is harmed (e.g. the risk of fall over on the wet floor)
What are the FIVE steps of a risk assessment?
- Identify hazards present
- Identify people at risk from the hazards e.g. employees, contractors, visitors
- Evaluate the risk, considering the likelihood and severity of any accidents. Existing controls in place should be identified and evaluated
- Record the findings on a suitable form
- Review the risk assessment regularly
What is a method statement?
- Document that details the way a work task or process is to be completed
- Outlines the hazards involved and a step-by-step guide on how to do the job safely
- Details the control measures introduced to ensure the safety of anyone who is affected by the task or process
What documents need to be provided before a contractor can begin their work?
Public liability insurance
What FOUR points must be contained within a companies Health & Safety policy?
- A policy setting out the organisation’s commitment to Health and Safety
- Details of the organisation’s Health and Safety structure, with roles and responsibilities for organising Health and Safety
- A risk assessment setting the risk within the workplace and the preventative measures in place
- Details of the planning, implementation of the Health and Safety Policy and control measures
The ‘Six Pack’ of Health and Safety Regulations clarify how employers must comply with their duties under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974. What are the SIX regulations?
- Management of Health and Safety at Work
- Display Screen Equipment
- Manual Handling Operations
- Personal Protective Equipment at Work
- Provision and Use of Work Equipment
- Workplace Heath, Safety and Welfare
What do you have to do if you discover Asbestos in a property?
Under the Control of Asbestos Regulations (2012), you would carry out a risk assessment, identifying if any of the asbestos needed containment or to be removed. If it did, you would arrange for a licenced contractor to come and remove it.
What happens if an Employee is Injured at Work?
Following the guidance in the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (1995), any injury that incapacitates the worker for more than 7 days should be reported.
This should be reported to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) within 15 days of it occurring. All injuries of over 3 days of incapacitation, should be kept logged in an injuries book for at least 3 years.
What report was published after Grenfell and when was it published?
The Hackitt report, published May 2018. Focused on High-risk residential blocks of 10 storeys or higher.
Subsequently the Fire Safety Act 2021 has been confirmed. The provides an update to the existing Fire Safety order, with reference to flammable cladding and doors. Will be phased in over a period of some months. Based on Grenfell Tower Enquiry.
What might an Employer issue for a task that puts an employee at risk?
A Method Statement. A document that details the way a task or process is to be completed
What Piece of Legislation Governs Health and Safety in the Workplace? And who enforces it?
Health and Safety at Work (1974), which is adjudicated by the Health and Safety Executive (“HSE”). It’s a criminal offence and can be punished with fines and imprisonment.
What has been the RICS’s response following the Grenfell disaster and what is their stance on fire safety?
The RICS is working to support the government following the tragedy, they have undertaken a number of initiatives;
- September 2019, Published a public guide on fire safety.
- March 2019, Lobbied alongside associations such as RIBA (Royal Institute of British Architects) to make sprinklers compulsory in residential buildings.
- September 2018, ban on combustible cladding on residential buildings above 18m.
- July 2018, Started the International Fire Safety Standards Coalition.
- October 2017, the RICS issued advice on fire safety in high rise buildings specifically.
Fire Safety Act 2021 – update to Fire safety order 2005, with increased focus on duty holder responsibility regarding external cladding, and doors to individual units
What does Surveying Safely 2018 contain?
Surveying Safely (2018), the Guidance Note considers:
- Responsibilities for firms and Member
- Assessment of hazards and risks
- Workplace health and safety
- Occupation health and hygiene
- Inspections
- Fire safety
- Residential property surveying (links to separate specific note on residential)
- Procurement and management of Contractors
What must landlords do to ensure accessibility to their property?
Under the Equality Act (2010), the Landlord must not discriminate or victimise an occupier. There is an obligation to make reasonable adjustments for disabled people, who would be at a serious disadvantage were these adjustments not made.
The test for “reasonableness” will include the effectiveness of the adjustment, practicality of the adjustment, financial cost and disruption, and use of other resources available to the occupier.
Mentioned in submission
CDM Regulations (2015) are policed by who, and are they a criminal offence?
They are policed by the Health and Safety Executive and breaking them is a criminal offence.
Occupiers Liability Act 1957 – what is this?
Duty of care by the occupiers to any lawful visitors. Trespassers covered by OLA 1984.
What are the Statutory Obligations of a Commercial Property Owners? (There are 10)
- Asbestos Management
- Contamination
- Disability and discrimination
- Energy Performance Certificates
- Fire Safety
- Health and Safety
- Legionnaires Disease
- Occupiers Liability
- PAT Testing
- Waste Management
What would you do if you unexpectedly encountered asbestos on site?
- Keep myself safe and not disturb it
- Locate the dutyholder (owner/tenant) to discuss
- Inform them that they should complete a risk assessment
Who’s responsibility is the safety of the viewing parties?