Development Appraisals L3 Flashcards
What basis of measurement are BCIS Cost Estimations provided against?
For commercial property they are provided in £/m on a Gross Internal Area (GIA) basis. And for residential property they are provided on a GEA basis.
Have you Actually been onto the BCIS? How Does it Work?
1. Average prices split into deciles
2. Location Factor
3. Contract Sum Factor
What is a section 75 agreement?
Section 75 of the 1997 Town and Country Planning Act (Scotland). It requires developers to provide a certain amount of affordable housing as part of their development or make a financial contribution to provide infrastructure.
The agreement may restrict use of the land and/ or regulate activities on the land being developed. The agreement may also oblige the land owner to make a financial contribution to the Council which must be used for the purposes that are outlined in the section 75 agreement.
Level 1
What is the difference between a development appraisal and a residual valuation?
A development appraisal is a series of calculations to establish the viability/profitability of a proposed development based upon client inputs
A residual is a valuation of a site to find the market value of the site based on market inputs.
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What assumptions does a residual appraisal use?
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What assumptions does a development appraisal use?
Client specific and market.
How do you choose a finance rate?
Based on current market assumptions. If known, should be based on specific rate at which client can lend.
If not, usually reflects LIBOR plus a premium or BoE plus premium. LIBOR to be replaced by SONIA (Sterling Overnight Index Average) in 2021.
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Is 100% finance rate realistic?
No, but it’s the market normal/standardised practice and used in an appraisal to reflect the opportunity cost of capital.
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What is GDV and how is it calculated?
This is a market value of the proposed completed development scheme, assuming present values and current market conditions.
The comparable method is used to establish market rent, which is capitalised at an All Risks Yield. Also incentives such as a rent free, letting void should be assumed if appropriate.
Purchaser’s costs should be deducted.
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What is included in your Total Development Costs?
- Site preparation (demolition, landfill tax, remediation works)
- Build costs
- Planning costs (including s.106 and CIL if applicable)
- Professional Fees
- Finance Costs
- Contingency
- Marketing Costs
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What is included in professional fees?
Usually 10% - 15%. Includes architects, structural engineers, QS, CDM etc.
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What is included in marketing costs?
Advertising - websites, paper etc.
For Sale Boards.
Drone footage/photography
Fees usually around 1-2% of GDV.
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What is a usual Developer’s Profit assumption?
Usually 15-20% of profit on cost.
Profit on GDV is generally for used for residential, however Profit on Cost is also used.
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Can you explain the concept of development finance.
- Finance for borrowing money to purchase the land is calculated on a straight line basis over the length of the development period.
- Calculation of finance required for the construction period is to assume the total cost of construction (including fees) over half of time period using the S curve which means that that the assumption of halve the interest that would be borrowed for all of the construction period.
- The S Curve reflects the incidence of costs being drawn down
- Assumes 100% debt finance
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What is VAT payable on?
All professional fees.
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What is profit erosion?
The length of time it will take for the development profit to be eroded by holding charges following the completion of the scheme until the profit from the scheme has been completely drawn down.
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What are the limitations of development appraisals?
- Importance of accurate information and inputs.
- It does not consider the timing of cashflows.
- Very sensitive to minor adjustments.
- Implicit assumptions hidden and not explicit (unlike in a DCF).
- Always cross check with comparable land values if possible.
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What are the forms of sensitivity analysis?
Simple sensitivity – analysis of key variables (eg. Ield, GDV, build costs).
Scenario analysis – timing and costs
Monte Carlo simulation – using probability theory.
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What does a cashflow look like?
Timeline of income and costs over a set period of time.
Shows the timings of assumptions made.
Cost of finance.
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What does a planning permission contain? What are typical conditions included?
When planning permission was granted.
Conditions of approval.
Description of development.
Location of development.
Date of application.
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What do you need planning permission for?
Anything that constitutes development under the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.
- New Build
- Major Changes to Exisitng Building
- Change of Use
- Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas
- Demolitions
- Boundary walls and fences
- Certain Advertisements
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What don’t you need planning permission for?
Maintenance/interior alterations.
Permitted development.
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In a development appraisal, give some examples where risk might be reflected?
- Contingency
- Profit on cost (if exceptionally large development)
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How long does planning permission last for?
Usually 3 years.
Outline applications normally last 3 years with development taking place within 2 years of the approval being granted.
You can apply for an extension
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What does a cashflow look like?
Timeline of income and costs over a set period of time. Shows the timings of assumptions made and the cost of finance.
Time cost of money.
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Explain the concept of finance costs.
Most development projects are funded from interest-paying borrowings which are highly sensitive to timescales.
Interest arises on land acquisition and development costs.
The rate of interest reflects levels in the market for the type of scheme involved. It is either paid when due or deferred (rolled up) throughout the projected programme.
Conventionally, the interest is compounded either quarterly or annually (market practice).
Delay, added complications, or shifts in the money markets can all have an important impact on finance costs.
Viability appraisals generally assume that projects are fully funded by borrowing money.
This is often referred to as 100% gearing. Even where the funder has provided only part of the finance debt and the developer has used his own funds for the balance (equity), the appraisal should reflect the total cost of the funding.
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What is IRR?
Internal rate of return.
A measure of profitability.
The discount rate required to make the net present value of all future cash flows equal to zero.
The % interest earned on each £1 invested.
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What guidance did the RICS release on valuing development property?
RICS GN Valuation of development property, 2020
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How is development property defined in RICS Valuation of development property, 2020?
Development Property is where redevelopment is required to achieve the highest and best use or where improvements are either being contemplated or are in progress at the valuation date
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According to RICS Valuation of development property, 2020, what should Market Value for a development property assume?
Optimum development i.e. the development which yields the highest value, taking into account the perspective economic and planning conditions
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What does RICS Valuation of development property, 2020 state about the use of multiple valuation approaches?
Best practice avoids reliance on a single approach or method of assessing the value of development property
Output should always be cross-checked using another method (market comparison approach, residual method)
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What method does the RICS Valuation of development property state should be used for complex and/or lengthy development schemes?
Discounted cash flow (DCF) technique. Simple residual method can be used in other cases
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What does RICS Valuation of development property, 2020 recommend should be done to account for risk in the valuation process?
- Sensitibity analysis should be used to show changes to the inputs which might affect the valuation
- Risk and return levels and assumptions should be explicitly stated in the valuation report
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How should you value land that is in the course of development according to RICS Valuation of development property, 2020?
- Value of the land + costs already spent at the valuation date
- Completed development value - costs remaining to be spent at the valuation date
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How should the output of the valuation be reported according to RICS Valuation of development property, 2020?
Reported as a single figure, except where there is potential for significant variation (e.g. if there is uncertainty around the valuation the different options identified should be report)
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Why is profit on cost a more reliable method of measuring developers profit than profit on GDV?
GDV is subject to more variation
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What do developers consider the greatest risk when undertaking a development?
Planning permission
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What would you typically estimate for contingency costs?
5-10% of total construction costs (depending on the level of risk and likely movements in building costs)
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What THREE elements does the developer need to borrow money to finance? What basis would they be represented?
- Site purchase + purchaser’s costs: compound interest (straight-line basis)
- Total construction costs + fees: based on an s-curve taking hold of the costs over the length of the build programme
- Holding over costs to cover voids until the disposal of the scheme: compound interest (straight-line basis)
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What holding over costs need to be accounted for after the development is completed, until the disposal of the scheme?
Empty rates, service charges and interest charges
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Explain the concept of the s-curve and why it is applicable.
- Assumes that total constructions costs + fees are paid over half the time period
- Reflects when monies tend to be drawn down - lower levels of expenditure at the beginning and end of projects
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What are the typical components of a capital stack for development financing?
- Senior debt: takes precedence over other sources of funding. If the borrower defaults, the lender can take ownership of the property
- Mezzanine finance: will sit below the senior debt in terms of priority. Typically has a higher rate of return than senior debt but lower than equity
- Equity: riskiest and most profitable portion of the capital stack. Riskiest as the other tranches of capital will be repaid before the equity holders
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What are the limitations of the residual valuation methodology?
- Dependent on accurate information and inputs
- Does not consider timing of cash inflows
- Very sensitive to minor adjustments
- Implicit assumptions hidden and not explicit
- Assumes 100% debt finance
Level 2
What was the build cost rate of your scheme and how did you measure it?
Architects drawings provided GIA for the scheme, inflated by 10% to reflect likely GEA.
Used BCIS to determine median newbuild resi at £118 per sq ft
Level 2
What was your developer’s profit percentage and why?
15% on GDV: relatively low-risk given popular residential area
15% - 20% is typical
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What was your professional fees percentage and why?
10%: architect had already been engaged to determine scheme
10% - 15% is typical
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What did you assume VAT on?
professional fees, marketing/sales fees, legal fees
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What were you marketing and legal fee percentages?
1% on sales and 0.5% on legals which is standard in commercial world
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What contingency percentage did you incorporate and why?
5% on build costs - scheme unlikely to change as planning permission had already been sought
5% - 10% is typical depending on risk to build costs
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Did you assume anything for siteworks?
Yes, £x per plot for services
Why are conversion costs lower?
Conversion costs are lower per sq/ft as you do not account for the materials already there including ground works such as foundations - this depends on what is already built.
What does CIL stand for and what is it?
Community Infrastructure Levy is a charge paid per additional sq m of development to the LPA.
How is CIL calculated?
It is calculated per sq m of proposed building area. NB if there were already buildings on the site the size of these is taken of the sq m.
What is a s.106 agreement?
Section 106 agreements are legal agreements between a planning authority and a developer, or undertakings offered unilaterally by a developer, that ensure that certain extra works related to a development are undertaken.
What benefit did demonstrating sensitivity analysis have to your client in Cambridge?
Showing a range of development options showed the client that the value of the site could be opened up by a more dense planning permission but also managed expectations. It helped to show how the planning granted would alter the value of the site dramatically.