Diversity, inclusion and teamworking L1 Flashcards
What is workplace diversity?
- Diversity in the workplace relates to the acceptance and inclusion of employees of all backgrounds.
- Ensuring diversity in the workplace is an important asset of an organisation as it acknowledges the
individual strengths of each employee and the potential they bring.
What are some advantages of a diverse team?
Increased productivity - A diversity of talent will result in a broader range of skills amongst the team
and result in increased productivity.
* Increased creativity - Differing skill sets and perspectives within the team will increase the chance of
generating solutions to workplace problems.
* Improved cultural awareness - A diverse range of cultures within the workplace allows companies to
operate more effectively within a global market place. For example, having access to an employee who
speaks Mandarin will be a great asset for a company operating in China.
* A positive reputation - Companies that have a diverse workplace are often perceived as better
employers. Potential employees want an employer who accepts and is tolerant of all backgrounds and
who treats their employees fairly.
What are inclusive environments?
- A culturally inclusive environment requires mutual respect, effective relationships, clear
communication, understanding of expectations and critical self-reflection. - Within an inclusive environment, people of all cultural orientations can freely express who they are,
their own opinions and points of view.
Why are inclusive environments important?
- According to Deloitte’s article on diversity and inclusion, it states, “A growing body of research
indicates that diverse and inclusive teams outperform their peers. Companies with inclusive talent
practices in hiring, promotion, development, leadership, and team management generate up to 30
percent higher revenue per employee and greater profitability than their competitors’’.
What legislation or regulations relate to inclusive environments?
The main legislation within the UK that applies to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion are the Equality
Act 2010 and The Human Rights Act 1998.
Please explain your understanding of inclusion within the workplace?
- Inclusion within the workplace is creating an environment and culture where all company employees
feel like they belong in the organisation. - This results in every employee being comfortable to voice their opinions and that no one person feels
excluded on the basis of their identity
What is the Equalities Act 2010?
Law that covers everyone in Britain that protects people from discrimination, victimisation & harrassment.
What is inclusion?
Where everyone is treated fairly & respectfully, given equal opportunities within the workplace and feel welcomed & comfortable.
What are protected characteristics?
Characteristics that are protected by law that yoy cannot discriminate agaisnt: age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage status, race, sex, religion or belief
What makes a strong team?
Combination of leadership, communication, access to good resources, mutual respect, common aligned goals, patience
What does the term “unconscious bias” mean?
Deeply ingrained associations that we are not aware of that have been shaped by experience, environment and upbringing
Tell me about an example of where you have worked well in a team.
Extension of Promotion Agreement in Bedfordshire
-Diverse team with a mixture of internal and external team members
-Set team objectives
-Ensured that roles and responsibilities were clear
-Maintained clear channels of communication
-Allowed all members to have an active role and contribute
What is a common issue you have come across when working in a
- Ways of working
- Strategy
- Standard of work
Why is diversity and inclusivity valuable to businesses / teams?
- Greater innovation and creativity
- Range of skills
- Happier employees
- Increased productivity
- Building client relationships
What are the differences between diversity and inclusion?
Diversity describes the variation in personal, physical, and social characteristics that exist, while inclusion refers to the procedures organizations implement to integrate everyone in the workplace