Health 3 Flashcards
How many added sugars a day?
26 grams
what is a nutrient
chemical substance body needs to grow and function properly
6 nutrients
-macros that provide energy-fats, protein, carbohydrates
-minerals vitamins water
1 gram___provides this much energy
carbs-4 kcals
protiens-4 kcals
fats-9 kcals
another name for carbs
sugar, starches, saccharides
Where carbs found
fruits, veggies, grains, milk
simple carbs are-
quick energy
one molecule
ends in ose
example of simple carbs
fruit/fructose, table sugar/sucrose, candy
complex carbs are-
chains of glucose
body has to break down
examples of complex carbs-
pasta, grains, veggies, cereal, rice
fiber type of carb that-
tough complex
provides no energy bc body can’t break down
examples of fiber-
nuts, fruit, veggies
why fiber important?
- bulks stools-helps poop
- slows and balances glucose levels
- lowers cholesterol levels-fiber carries cholesterol out of body during digestion
- helps not overeat-helps feel full
What’s protein
nutrient body uses to build and maintain cells and tissues (building block)
What amino acids?
small chemical units that make up protien
2 types protein-
complete and incomplete
complete protein-
source has all 9 essential amino acids ex. meat, poultry, fish, eggs, milk/cheese
incomplete protein-
source lacking one or more essential amino acids ex. legumes (dried peas/beans), nuts, fruits, veggies
How to obtain all essential amino acids without eating complete proteins?
Eat combo of incomplete proteins to get adequate amount of all essential amino acids (complementary or linked protein)
Benefits of fat
provides energy, body insulation, and cushioning
saturated fat-
animal based products
solid at room temperature
moderate bc increases cholesterol
saturated fat found in
meat and dairy
unsaturated fat-
plant based products
liquid at room temperature
unsaturated fat found in
vegetable oils, peanut butter, margarine
trans fat-
bad fats created by a process called hydrogenation (increase taste and shelf life)
trans fat found in
processed foods like cookies, chips, and crackers
-preferred source of energy for brain and central nervous system
-energy used right away
-too much turns to glycogen then stored as fat
what’s cholesterol
waxy fat like substance made by the body and found in food sources
what are vitamins?
organic substances obtained from plants or animals that are necessary for growth and development
what are water soluble vitamins?
dissolves in water, during digestion pass into bloodstream, used by body either right away or removed during urination
(B and C) 9
what are fat soluble vitamins?
dissolves in body’s fat and are stored in body for later so excessive intake can cause toxic levels (ADEK) 4
what are minerals?
inorganic elements found in soil and water that your body needs in order to grow and develop
How you absorb minerals?
-Plants absorb minerals from soil and
-then you eat those plants, drink
water, or eat animals that have absorbed
-balanced diet
fragile bones due to lack of calcium (mineral) during early years
weakness, fatigue, headaches due to not enough iron (mineral)
2 types of vitamins?
-water soluble
-fat soluble
2 types of minerals?
macro-body needs these minerals daily in quantities greater than 100mg
trace-body needs in daily quantities of less than 100mg
dehydration is… and causes…
-body’s tissue loses too much water
-body can’t cool itself and drop in blood pressure
Where do you get vitamins?
Eating a balanced diet/eating the rainbow
What are examples of trace and macro minerals?
Macro-Potassium, calcium, magnesium
Trace-iron, zinc, fluoride
How long can you go without water?
Few days
Why water important?
Helps body function by
-maintaining bodies temperature
-cushioning/lubricating joints
-protects spinal cord
-gets rid of waste
-moves materials throughout body
How much water a day?
1/2 body weight in ounces
When to make sure you get enough water?
Sick, hot outside, and exercising
What are 2 key concepts of dietary guidelines
1-Individuals achieve and sustain healthy weight by maintaining calorie balance
2-Individuals focus on consuming nutrient dense foods and drinks
What calorie balance determined by?
number of calories consumed and number of calories burned by the work of your metabolism and daily physical activities
How maintain weight
calories in=calories burned
How gain weight
Calories in >calories burned
How lose weight
Calories in<calories burned
Factors influence calorie needs
age, gender, height, weight, physical activity
What does it mean to eat nutrient dense foods
getting as many nutrients in as possible ex. eating 100 apple instead of 100 calories of soda
Empty calories?
Calories that come from sugars and saturated fats-not many nutrients
How to avoid eating extra empty calories?
-Avoid processed foods
-Consider how food is prepared
What is the purpose of of MyPlate Food Guidance system?
Easy visual diagram to model for healthy eating that educates individuals
5 food group
vegetables, fruits, proteins, dairy, grains
Fruit food group-
whole/frozen is good but canned/juice might lose nutrients
Grains food group-
whole is entire grain while refined is more processed and lose nutrients
Subgroups of veggies
dark greens, starchy, red and orange, beans and peas, other
why do we need oils in our diets?
processing and absorbing nutrients
difference between under and over nutrition
under-not receiving enough nutrients
over-too much of some nutrients
Daily values-
-recommended intake amounts of nutrients for 2,000 or 2,500 calorie diet
how many servings the product contains
Ingredients in food list
-listed from top to bottom from most weight contribution to least weight contribution
-higher on list means more of that ingredient
Ways to prevent food born illness-
-wash hands properly
-wash surfaces
-wash fruits/veggies
-keep foods at needed temperatures
-cook food all the way
What is food born illness?
disease transmitted by food (food poisoning)
What is a foodborne infection?
illness caused by bacteria, viruses, or parasites that have contaminated food ex. norovirus, salmonella, campylobacter
What is foodborne intoxication?
Illness caused by toxins produced in food by organisms, chemicals, or heavy metals ex. E. coli, staphylococcus aureus
What are the 2 types of food sensitivity?
Food intolerance and food allergies
What is food intolerance?
-A person cannot properly digest a certain food ex. lactose intolerant, gluten intolerance
-occur gradually
What is food allergy?
-immune response in which the body reacts to a certain type of food as if it were a harmful substance
-occur suddenly
Daily value %-
-DV Percentage on side signals how much the serving contributes nutrients to your total daily diet