health 110 test 2 mental health Flashcards
4 dimensions of mental health
body reactions
key characteristics of mental health
Basic elements shared by psychosocially healthy
They feel good about themselves
Why is Resilience Important?
What Can I Do to Be More Resilient?
Increase awareness of relationship between thinking & feeling
Thinking - Self-Talk / Explanatory Style
About 50,000 thoughts go through your mind every day.
Pessimistic Explanatory Style
Belief that blame rests squarely on some personal characteristic of oneself
Dimensions of Explanatory Style The 3 P’s Pessimistic Thinking
Who is to blame?
Optimistic Explanatory Style
Take into account possibility of multiple causes
Dimensions of Explanatory Style The 3 P’s Optimistic Thinking
Who is to blame?
Disputation and Distraction
2 general ways to deal with pessimistic beliefs once you are aware of them:
- Distract yourself when they occur-think of something else that is neutral or positive. Write them down and set a time to think about them
- Dispute them-usually more effective in the long run. Evidence?, alternatives?, implications?, is the situation changeable?
EXplain the inverted U as it relates to stress
performance vs stress level on a graph
◦ The body’s nonspecific response to any demand
placed on it. (Selye, 1976)
◦ A physical, social, or mental event or condition that causes us to adjust to it.
physiological stress response
Brain perceives stressor
Instant Autonomic Nervous System Response (Sympathetic branch)
Adrenal glands release cortisol
Adrenal glands release epinephrine (adrenaline)
What happens when you get an
adrenaline “rush”?
ncreased heart rate, increased blood pressure
General adaptation syndrome
Why Stress Management?
Prolonged ‘arousal’ to stress responses may contribute to:
◦ CV diseases
◦ Decreased immune function
◦ Poor gastrointestinal function
◦ Decreased reproductive system functioning ◦ Increased risk for T2 diabetes
◦ Decreased ability to focus and concentrate ◦ Memory problems
how to deal with stress?
Assess stressors
Stress Management
Basics steps of Time Management
Step One:
◦ Set specific and definable goals for yourself.
Include both academic and personal goals.
Avoiding Time Management Traps
If you find yourself avoiding a task or activity, face it head on and get it over with.