Headaches Flashcards
Causes of ACUTE HA pain
- Trauma
- concussion
- blunt trauma to upper CS, face, TMJ, head
- whiplash
- Acute infection (ex. meningitis)
- Fever (flu, COVID, etc.)
- Subarachnoid hemorrhage
- Rupture of brain aneurysm
- Brain tumor (could also cause chronic pain***)
- Caffeine w/drawal
*NOTE: bolded text all related to brain
Location as a clue to the type or cause
- sinusitis
- suboccipital muscle spasm
- eye disorders
- ear disorders
Location as a clue to the type or cause
*Side of Head
- Migraine
- Eye or ear disorder
- Auriculotemporal neuralgia
Location as a clue to the type or cause
*Top of Head (Parietal)
- Meningitis
- Psychiatric disorders
Location as a clue to the type or cause
- Muscle tension/myofascial disorders
- Upper C/S disorders
- Subocc. mm spasms
Location as a clue to the type or cause
- Trigeminal Neuralgia (tic douloureux)
- *trigeminocervical complex→ C1, C2, C3
- Upper C/S disorders
- same reason as TMJ (closely related!)
Location as a clue to the type or cause
*Ram’s Horn Distribution
- Cervical and/or trapz muscle tension
Recurrent and/or Chronic HAs
*Common Types
- Migraines
- Cluster
- Sinus
- remember Mulligan HA Snag or upper C/S jts***** see lab notes
- orofacial pain around TMJ or upper C/S
Recurrent and/or Chronic HAs
*Common Types
*More on Cervicogenic
- Tension→ mm tension and/or trigger pts
- Atlanto-occipital joint (O-A joint) and/or Atlantoaxial joint (C1-C2, upper cervical jts)
**Mulligan HA Snag→ see lab notes!
- > prevalence in females 20-40yo
- Aura→ know migraine is coming on
- Builds to throbbing/intense
- Usually Unilateral***
- Sensitivity to light/sounds
- Nausea/vom
- Irritable/mood disturbs
- Lasts hours to days
Vasomotor cause
- blood flow + regulation of bloodflow thru brain
Precipitation factors:
- phys. exertion
- emotional stress
- hormonal
- dietary
Cluster (Histamine) HA
- More prevalent in Males 20-40yo
- Severe, stabbing, burning, pulsating
- Unilateral around Eye***
- 1-4 episodes over 24hrs
- Why its called “Cluster HA”
- Usually @ night; sleep disturbs
- Other Sxs:
- Ipsilateral face sweating, lacrimation, congestion, rhinorrhea
Vasomotor cause
- blood flow thru vessels
Sinus HA
- Dull, persistent pain in front of face
- Face, ear and/or nose
- Variable duration
- Caused by congestion, blockage, infection
Cervicogenic HA’s
2 Reasons:
- Tension HA
- Upper C/S Disorders
Cervicogenic HA
*Tension HA
*Think Ram’s Head Pattern
Tension in…
- CS mm’s
- Suboccipital mm’s
- Trapz
Cervicogenic HA
*Upper C/S Disorders
- Can also cause orofacial pain similar to that seen w/ TMD, due to trigeminal-cervical complex
Cervicogenic HA: Interventions
Tension HA (CS muscles/Trapz)
*get muscles to RELAX!
- Heat
- Massage/STM/IASTM
- Relaxation tech’s
- Supported rest (pillows)
- bc when upright the C/S mms are working due to flexion moment on head→ constant postural tone
- Meds
- NSAIDS or Tylenol
- Antidepressants
- Anticonvulsants
- MM relaxers
Cervicogenic HA: Interventions
*Upper C/S Disorders
- Address any muscular components (like from Tension Cervicogenic HA)
- Postural correction*
- Upper C/S Manual Tx
- O-A release
- Mulligan HA Snag (see lab notes) OR Reverse HA Snag