3. Classification for Pts w/ Neck Pain Flashcards
WHY classify neck pain?
- Generalized tx’s applied to all pts w/ neck pain are NOT going to yield predictable and effective outcomes
- So…classification into subgroups may yield better results
Classification Subgroups for mechanically based interventions
Proposed intervention-based 5 Classification Groups based on hx and phys. exam: 5
- Mobility
- Centralization
- Exercise and Conditioning
- Reduce HA (cervicogenic)
- Pain Control
*NOTE: You do not need to move pts from one to the other like LBP→ just find where they go
RED FLAGS for Mechanically Based CS Interventions
See chart for sx’s
- Cervical Myelopathy*
- Neoplastic Cond’s
- Upper Cervical Ligamentous Instability
- Vert AA Insuff
- Inflamm or Systemic Disease
Cervical Myelopathy
- sensory disturbs in hands
- MM wasting of hand intrinsics
- thenar em.
- unsteady gait
- Hoffman’s
- Hyperreflexia→ UMN
- B&B disturbs
- multisegmental weakness and/or sensory changes ex. LEs also
Neoplastic Conds
- >50yo
- prev hx of cx
- unexplained wt loss
- constant pain, no relief w/ bed rest
- Night Pain***
Upper Cervical Ligamentous Instability
- Occipital HA and numbness
- Severe limitation during neck and AROM in all directions
- signs of cervical myelopathy
- traumatic injury to neck not imaged
Vert AA Insuff.
- drop attacks
- dizzy/lightheadedness related to neck mvmt
- dysphagia
- dysarthria
- diplopia
- CN signs
Inflamm or Systemic Disease
- Temp >37deg C
- BP >160/95mmHg
- Resting pulse >100bpm
- Resting respiration >25bpm
- Fatigue
*suggest that pt may have slower than expected response to tx OR less favorable prognosis for improvement
- Attitudes and Beliefs
- Behaviors
*These are clinical yellow flags indicating heightened fear-avoidance beliefs
What should you remember about pain control subgroup?
Do NOT want them here long!!!
Pain Control Subgroup
Classification, Exam findings, Intervents
- Pain Control
Exam Findings:
- high pain/disability scores
- very recent onset of sx’s
- sx’s precipitated by trauma
- referred or radiating sx’s extending into UQ
- poor tol for exam or most interventions
Additional proposed interventions:
Pain Control Subgroup
- Cervical mobs→ low grade/gentle; may include gentle manual traction if tolerated
- Massage→ reduce fluid stasis and mm spasm
- *Cervical collar for BRIEF Pd (<1wk)→ more harm than good
see pics for more on Cervical collar
More Notes on Pain Control Subgroup
how should they be progressed?
- Pts in this subgroup should be progressed to one of the other subgroups as quickly as approp.
- 1wk max, 2wks absolute max
- Wean off passive modalities and progress pts involvement w/ self-care and ex’s over the course of 1-2wks
2 things about this subgroup
- MOST pts end up here @ some point
- Approp for MOST pts even if in other subgroups as well
Exercise and Conditioning
Exercise and Conditioning Subgroup
Classification, Exam findings, Intervents
- Conditioning and Incd Ex Tolerance
Exam Findings:
- lower pain/disability scores
- longer duration sx’s
- no signs nerve root compression
- No peripheralization during ROM
- strength/endurance ex’s for mm’s of neck and UQ
- Aerobic conditioning
Additional Pt Profile/Exam Findings for Exercise and Conditioning Subgroup:
*not a rule, but generally….
- Sx’s present for >30d and/or pt is >60yo
- In gen, NON-radicular neck pain and no sig motion los
***If MVA or Whiplash:
- event was >30d ago
- if <30d ago→ initial pain and disability ratings relatively LOW***
Related to Exercise and Conditioning Subgroup
Recent focus of research on the Deep Cervical Flexor Muscles (DCFMs)
- Demo’d DEC function in chronic neck pain
- Research findings show strong support for training of DCFM to reduce chronic neck pain w/ carry over @ 12months and 3yrs
Strength and Conditioning Exercises
Deep Craniocervical flexor focused:
- practice of Craniocervical flexion test
- Ex’s use air cuff and test pos’s of CCFT for gen training and endurance→ focus on lvls (mmHg) the pt has diff w/ during the CCFT test
- *combined cervical flexion-craniocervical flexion exercise