Examination & Interventions for Pts w/ TMJ Dysfunction Flashcards
Prevalence and Incidence of TMD
- 10mil cases/year US
- ** >prevalence in Females (20-40yo)
- Approx 1mil NEW cases/yr US
- 20-25% pop exhibits sx’s TMJ dysf
Factors that contribute to TMD
- Gender
- F>M (20-40yo)
- Malocclusion→ teeth/bite probs
- Poor posture
- Parafunctional habits**
- biting nails, grinding teeth, hard candies
- Emotional stress, anxiety, psycho issues
- + correlation bw higher anxiety lvls and chronic orofacial pain in university students
- Connect tissue OR rheumatologic disease
- lupus, RA, systemic sclerosis
Differential Dx of Orofacial Pain
*not always TMD!
see pics
Burning Mouth Syndrome
TMD Examination Components
- Thorough Hx
- UQ Postural assess.
- FHP?
- Observation/Inspection
- Occlusion
- mandibular dynamics (deviation? deflection? (doesnt return to midline) Early translation?)
- Excursion: Therabite ROM scale
- Jt sounds?
- Provocation tests
- retrusive overpressure
- U/L joint loading
- Iso resistance tests
- Passive jt mobility tests
- Palpation
- mm’s, joints
- “Recapture Tech’s”
- specifically for patients w/ ADD w/ Reduction and reciprocal click*****
Why** is it important to screen the **CS in pts w/ suspected TMD?
All reasons first, later broken down into components
- Postural/soft tissue relationships
- Trigemino-cervical complex
- Bruxism may occur in response to neck pain
- Masticatory mm’s contact in response to contraction of CS mm’s and visa versa→ synergistic relationship under norm circumstances
- Whiplash injuries can involve both CS and TMJ
- “Mandibular Whiplash”
Why** is it important to screen the **CS in pts w/ suspected TMD?
*Postural/Soft tissue relationships
- FHP→ elongates supra/infrahyoids→ they create retrusive force on TMJ
CS positioning (LF and/or Rot)
- affects occlusion which affects TMJ alignment and load distribution→ also affects mandibular rest pos. and thus affects path of closure and may affect initial tooth contact
Why** is it important to screen the **CS in pts w/ suspected TMD?
Trigemino-cervical Complex
- TMJ and mms of mastication innervated by trigeminal nerve
- Afferent input from Upper CS (C1-3) pain converges on trigeminal motor neurons in trigeminocervical nucleus→ inc’d masticatory mm activity and pain referral
- CS tissues can also refer pain to head and orofacial areas
Why** is it important to screen the **CS in pts w/ suspected TMD?
Masticatory muscles contract in response to contraction of CS mm’s and visa versa
usually a synergistic relationship under normal circumstances
- Spasm or prolonged postural contractions of CS mm’s and cause activity in mm’s of mastication
Why** is it important to screen the **CS in pts w/ suspected TMD?
Whiplash injuries can involve both CS and TMJ
Mandibular Whiplash
*head flies back and then chin can hit sternum on forward motion
Common Symptoms of TMD
Big 3
- Clicking/jt sounds
- Jt pain
- Limited ROM
- Others
- malocclusion
- hypOmobility or locking
- HAs
- dizzy/nausea
- ear pain
- barohypoacusis
- tinnitus
- craniofacial pain
- tooth ache
- pain w/ oral function
- Upper CS pain
- crepitus
- hyperalgesia→ easier pain provocation
- something that shouldnt cause pain DOES ex. shaving
Causes of Joint Sounds
Disc derangements
- clicking or snapping sounds due to recapturing and/or derangement of disc
- may be a dull “thud” or “pop” toward the end of opening as condyle subluxes
- Muscle INcoordination
- articular surf incongruency
Vacuum formation
- pop or crack→ like cracking knuckles→ time must pass before occurs again
- UQ/CS posture
- Mandible pos→ midline @ rest?
- swelling
- occlusion
- use tongue blade inside cheek and pull soft tissue laterally
- ask pt to gently bite and open slightly several times
- move tongue blad to other side, repeate
- overbite
- underbite
- cross bite
- missing teeth
AROM: opening, lat dev, protrusion
- gently palp condyles
- Note deviation or deflection or jt sounds
- Note painful motions or pain @ end range
Quick Assessment of Opening ROM
- 3 finger (or knuckle) test
- Normal= 3 fingers or knuckles
- Min for basic function= 2 fingers or knuckles
Therabite ROM Scale
measures active opening and lateral deviation
Retrusive Overpressure
Jt. Loading
see pics
U/L Loading Test
- Dental cotton roll placed b/w molars on 1 side, and pt instructed to “clench”
Which TMJ experiences the greatest loading?
- The OPP side of cotton role→ greater JRFs
- Take home point: Pain may be provoked on either side, BUT more likely on side CONTRAlateral to cotton roll
Isometric Resistance Tests
How To:
- Pts teeth slightly apart, use 2 fingers on the mandible to provide iso resistance to the following motions.
- Build up force slowly over 5-6s, and note strength and provocation of symptoms
Isometric Resistance
Opening (depression)
What mm’s?
GRAVITY + lateral pterygoids and digastrics
Isometric Resistance
Closing (elevation)
What mm’s?
Masseter, Temporalis, Medial pterygoid
Iso Resistance
LEFT Lateral Deviation (would be OPP going to right)
What mm’s?
- LEFT masseter
- Left horizontal temporalis + Left lateral pterygoid→ Force Couple
- Right lateral pterygoid
- Right medial pterygoid
*NOTE: bolded are the major players
Iso Resistance
What mm’s?
Lateral pterygoids, medial pterygoids, masseters
NOTE: bolded are major players
Passive Joint Mobility Tests
- Done intraorally; wear gloves, check BOTH sides and compare
See Pics
*see pics
Medial Pterygoid Palpation
see pics
Recapture Techniques for pts w/ ADD w/ Reduction (Reciprocal Click)
- have pt perform active opening w/ the conditions below (1 at a time):
- Postural correction
- Edge to edge pos’ing
- line up teeth so protrude slightly
- appliance placement
- immediately following distraction/manipulation
- During ea, palpate condyles and closely observe. Does clicking stop?
- If so, good sign disc can be recaptured
TMD Classification: Dual Axis System
Axis I: Tissue Related
- muscle
- disc
- joint
Axis II: Behavior/psychosocial related factors
- Pain
- Parafunctional behaviors
- Psychological distress
- Psychosocial function
TMJ Disorders (TMD)
What are the 3 major categories of disorders?
- Muscle disorders
- Disc Displacements (derangements)
- Arthralgia, Arthritis, Arthrosis→ Joint related