5. WAD & Pathoanatomical Dx of the C/S Flashcards
WAD stands for….
Whiplash Associated Disorders (WAD)
Structures/tissues involved w/ WAD
*usually multiple tissues involved; diff to establish tissue source(s) of sx’s
- Mm’s
- ligs
- discs
- facets
- spinal nerves (CS)
- esophagus
- trachea
Whiplash Grades:
How many?
Whiplash Grades:
all together
see pics
Whiplash Grades:
Grade 0
No complaints about the neck.
No physical signs
Whiplash Grades:
Grade 1
Neck complaint of pain, stiffness, tenderness only
NO physical signs
Whiplash Grades:
Grade 2
Neck complaint AND MSK signs
MSK signs include: dec’d ROM and point of tenderness
Whiplash Grades:
Grade 3
Neck complaint AND MSK signs AND Neurological signs
Neuro signs include: radicular sx’s, change in reflexes, radiating sx’s, +Spurlings, +ULTT
Whiplash Grades:
Grade 4
Neck complaint AND Fx or Dislocation
These patients are MORE vulnerable to WAD
pts w/ underlying DJD
Remember to do this WITH WADs!!!
Check for neuro signs!!!!!
With WADs… in addition to spinal nerves….what else may be involved?
Brachial Plexus
Mechanism: Acceleration injury
what tissues likely to be injured
Post musculature
Mechanism: Acceleration injury
what tissues likely to be injured?
Facet jts
Anterior musculature
*NOTE: high # tissues involved w/ both→ hard to determine source
General prognosis for WAD
½ recover w/in 3mos; half have chronic sx’s that last years
Greater risk of chronic sx’s if:
- rear-ended
- underlying DJD***
- Neuro deficits
- dermatomes
- myotomes
- DTRs
- etc…
Add. prognostic factors for persisting CS sx’s @ 6mos:
*not predictive for everyone
- high baseline neck pain
- HA @ inception
- less educated
- no seatbelt***
- LBP @ inception
- NDI of >14.5/50
- preinjury h/o neck pain
- high catastrophizing
- female
- WAD grade II (neck complaints + MSK sx’s)
- WAD grade III (neck complaints + MSK + neuro signs)
Systematic review of literature
Key Points w/ WADs
- serious phys injury is RARE
- reassurance about good prognosis → start EARLY
- Over-medicalization is detrimental
- Recovery is improved by early return to pre-accident act. lvls
- Self ex, manual tx, positive attitude and beliefs are important in regaining act. lvls
- Collars, rest, neg attitude and beleifs delay recovery and contribute to chronicity***
Emergency and Acute Care Actions for WADs
Use of rigid back board w/ cervical collar IF WHAT:
- abnorm mental status
- spine tenderness
- neuro deficit
- Distraction MOI
- intoxication
*otherwise, just a c/s collar is adequate
Other Emergency and Acute Care Actions
- neuro exam
- exam of spine to r/o fx or SCI
- if NOT classified as LOW RISK→ X-ray or CT
- use NEXUS criteria or Canadian C-spine Rule
- concussion eval→ overlaps w/ s/s whiplash injury
- NSAIDS, pain meds, mm relaxers
Emergency and Acute Care Actions
talk about the first week and active interventions
Active interventions (in the first week from inj.) reduced costs and morbidity
Does this pt need a CS X-ray to R/O Fx or Dislocation?
Canadian Cervical Spine Rule in Alert and Stable Trauma Pts
If pt sustained a trauma, X-ray needed if:
- >65yo
- dangerous MOI
- fall from >3’ elevation or 5 stairs
- axial load to head (ex. driving)
- MVA high speed (>100km/hr (65mph)) or rollover or ejection from vehicle
- MVA pushed into oncoming traffic
- MVA hit by bus or truck
- motorized recreational acts (motorcycles, etc.)
- bicycle collision
- parasthesias in extremities***
If NONE of the Canadian C/S Rule factors are present….
what should you do?
Assess CS rotation AROM if all risk factors are LOW
If NONE of the Canadian C/S Rule factors are present….
assess CS rotation ROM if all risk factors listed below are LOW
Low-risk factors included:
simple rear-end MVA (low speed)
- IF high speed, rollover, ejection, get x-ray and do NOT assess ROM
pt able to sit in ER waiting room
- IF pt unable to sit, get x-ray and DO NOT assess ROM
Pt able to ambulate after accident
- IF unable to ambulate, get x-ray and DO NOT assess ROM
delayed onset of neck pain
- IF immediate, get X-ray and DO NOT assess ROM
absence of midline CS tenderness
- IF midline tenderness, get x-ray and DO NOT assess ROM
*IF all above low-risk factors present→ assess pts ability to do CS AROM for rotation (L&R)
*IF <45deg to L and R→ get x-ray
*IF >45deg rot to L and R→ NO X-ray
Pts w/ persistent WAD demo. fibrosis of facet-jt meniscoids and fatty infiltration of the DCEMs and deep cervical multifidi and deep cervical flexor mm’s
see pics
T1 axial MRI @ C2-3 lvl demo’ing fatty infiltration (atrophy) in the longus capitis/colli mm’s in Fig A on the L vs healthy control Fig B
Clinical implication
These interventions are important to prevent occurence of chronic WAD w/ potential permanent fatty atrophy
- EARLY activation of the cervical extensors and deep cervical flexors