Head, neck and torso Flashcards
Muscles, joints, bones and nerve supply of the head neck and torso (including the cervical and thoracic spine)
List the flexors of the head and neck
longus colli; longus capitis; rectus capitis anterior; sternocleidomastoid; scalenus anterior.
List the lateral flexors of the head and neck
erector spinae; rectus capitis lateralis; scalenes (anterior, medius and posterior); splenius cervicis; splenius capitis; trapezius; levator scapulae, sternocleidomastoid.
List extensors of the head and neck
levator scapulae; splenius cervicis; trapezius; splenius capitis; semispinalis; superior oblique; sternocleidomastoid; erector spinae; rectus capitis posterior major; rectus capitis posterior minor
List the rotators of the head and neck
Semispinalis; multifidus; scalenus anterior; splenius cervicis; sternocleidomastoid; splenius capitis; rectus capitis posterior major; inferior oblique
What is the origin, insertion, action and innervation of longus colli?
Origin: inferior oblique part- front of bodies of T1-T2/3; vertical intermediate part- front of bodies of T1-T3 and C5-C7; Superior oblique part- anterior tubercules of transverse processes of C3-C5
Insertion: inferior oblique part- anterior tubercules of transverse processes of C5 and C6; vertical intermediate part- front of bodies of C2-C4; superior oblique part- anterior tubercle of atlas;
Action: Flexes neck
Innervation: anterior primary rami (C2-C6)
What is the origin, insertion, action and innervation of longus capitis?
Origin: occipital bone
Insertion: anterior tubercles of transverse processes of C3-C6
Action: flexes neck
Innervation: anterior primarry rami (C1-3)
What is the origin, insertion, action and innervation of rectus capitis anterior?
Origin: anterior surface mass of atlas and root of its transverse process
Insertion: occipital bone
Action: flexes neck
Innervation: anterior primary rami (C1, C2)
What is the origin, insertion, action and innervation of sertion of sternocleidomastoid?
Origin: sternal head- anterior surface of manubrium sterni; clavicular head- upper surface of medial third of the clavicle
Insertion: mastoid process of temporal bone, lateral half of superior nuchal line of occipital bone
Action: Laterally flexes and rotates neck; anterior fibres flex neck, posterior fibres extend neck
Innervation: accessory nerve (XI)
What is the origin, insertion, action and innervation of scalenus anterior?
Origin: anterior tubercles of transverse processes of C3-C6
Insertion: scalene tubercles on inner border of first rib
Action: flexes, laterally flexes and rotates neck, raises first rib during respiration
Innervation: Ventral rami (C4-C6)
What muscles make up erector spinae?
Spinalis capitis, spinalis cervicis, spinalis thoracis
Longissimus capitis, longissimus cervicis, longissimus thorscis, illiocostalis cervicis, illiocostalis thoracis, illiocostalis lumborum
What is the origin, insertion, action and innervation of rectus capitis lateralis?
Origin: transverse process of atlas
Insertion: jugular process of occipital lobe
Action: laterally flexes neck
Innervation: ventral rami (C1, C2)
What is the origin, insertion, action and innervation of scalenus medius?
Origin: transverse processes of atlas and axis, posterior tubercles of transverse processes of C3-C7
Insertion: upper surface of first rib
Action:laterally flexes neck, raises first rib during respiration
Innervation: ventral rami (C3-C8)
What is the origin, insertion, action and innervation of scalenus posterior?
Origin: posterior tubercles of transverse processes of C4-C6
Insertion: Outer surface of second rib
Action: laterally flexes neck, raises the second rib during respiration
Innervation: ventral rami (C6-C8)
What is the origin, insertion, action and innervation of splenius capitis?
Origin: lower half of ligamentum nuchae, spinous processes of C7-T3/4 and their supraspinous ligaments
Insertion: mastoid process of temporal bone, the lateral third of the superior nuchal line of occipital bone
Action: extends, laterally flexes and rotates neck
Innervation: dorsal rami (C3-C5)
What is the origin, insertion, action and innervation of splenius cervicis?
Origin: spinous processes of T3-T6
Insertion: posterior tubercles of transverse process of C1-C3/4
Action: laterally flexes, rotates and extends neck
Innervation: dorsal rami (C5-C7)
What is the origin, insertion, action and innervation of trapezius?
Action: Upper fibres elevate scapula, middle fibres retract scapula, lower fibres depress scapula, upper and lower fibres together laterally rotate scapula. Also extends and laterally flexes head and neck
Innervation: accessory nerve (XI), ventral rami (C3,C4)
What is the origin, insertion, action and innervation of levator scapulae?
Origin: transverse processes of C1-C3/4
Insertion: Medial border of scapular between superior angle and base of spine
Action: elevates, medially rotates and retracts scapula, extends and laterally flexes neck
Innervation: ventral rami (C3,C4), dorsal scapular nerve (C5)
What is the origin, insertion, action and innervation of semispinalis capitis?
Origin: transverse processes of C7-T6/7, articular processes of C4-C6
Insertion: between superior and inferior nuchal lines of occipital bones
Action: extends and rotates head
Innervation: dorsal rami of spinal nerves
What is the origin, insertion, action and innervation of superior oblique?
Origin: upper surface of transverse process of atlas
Insertion: superior and inferior nuchal lines of occipital bone
Action: extends neck
Innervation: dorsal ramus (C1)
What is the origin, insertion, action and innervation of rectus capitis posterior major?
Origin: spinous process of axis
Insertion: lateral part of inferior nuchal line of occipital bone
Action: extends and rotates neck
Innervation: dorsal ramus (C1)
What is the origin, insertion, action and innervation of rectus capitis posterior minor?
Origin: posterior tubercle of atlas
Insertion: medial part of inferior nuchal line of occipital bone
Action: extends neck
Innervation: dorsal ramus (C1)
What is the origin, insertion, action and innervation of multifidus?
Origin: back of sacrum, aponeurosis of erector spinae, posterior superior iliac spine, dorsal sacroiliac ligaments, mamillary processes in lumbar region, all thoracic transverse processes, articular processes of lower four cervical vertebrae
Insertion: spines of all vertebrae fro L5 to axis (deep layer attaches to vertebrae above; middle layer attaches to second or third vertebrae above; outer layer attaches to third or fourth vertebrae above)
Action: extends, rotates and laterally flexes vertebral column
Innervation: dorsal rami of spinal nerves
What is the origin, insertion, action and innervation of inferior oblique?
Origin: lamina of axis
Insertion: transverse process of atlas
Action: rotates atlas and head
Innervation: dorsal ramus (C1)
List the flexors of the trunk
rectus abdominis, external oblique, internal oblique, psoas minor, psoas major, iliacus
List the rotators of the trunk
multifidus, rotatores, semispinalis, internal oblique, external oblique
List the lateral flexors of the trunk
quadratus lumborum, intertransversarii, external oblique, internal oblique, erextor spinae, multifidus
List the extensors of the trunk
quadratus lumborum, multifidus, semispinalis, erector spinae, interspinales, rotatores,
What is the origin, insertion, action and innervation of rectus abdominis?
Origin: symphysis pubis, pubic crest
Insertion: fifth to seventh costal cartilages, xiphoid process
Action: flexes trunk
Innervation: ventral rami of T6/7-T12
What is the origin, insertion, action and innervation of external oblique?
Origin: outer borders of lower eight ribs and their costal cartilages
Insertion: outer lip of anterior two-thirds of iliac crest, abdominal aponeurosis to linea alba stretching from xiphoid process to symphysis pubis
Action: flexes, laterally flexes and rotates trunk
Innervation: ventral rami of lower six thoracic nerves (T7-T12)
What is the origin, insertion, action and innervation of internal oblique?
Origin: Lateral two-thirds of inguinal ligament, anterior two-thirds of anterior two-thirds of the intermediate line of iliac crest, thoracolumbar fascia
Insertion: lower four ribs and their cartilages, crest of pubis, abdominal aponeurosis to linea alba
Action: flexes, laterally flexes and rotates trunk
Innervation ventral rami of lower six thoracic nerves, first lumbar nerve
What is the origin, insertion, action and innervation of psoas minor?
Origin: bodies of T12 and L1 vertebrae and intervertebral discs
Insertion: pecten pubis, iliopubic eminence, iliac fascia
Action: flexes trunk (weak)
Innervation: anterior primary ramus (L1)
What is the origin, insertion, action and innervation of psoas major?
Origin: bodies of T12 and all lumbar vertebrae, bases of transverse processes of all lumbar vertebrae, lumbar intervertebral discs
Insertion: lesser trochanter
Action: flexes hip and lumbar spine
Innervation: flexes hip and lumbar spine
What is the origin, insertion, action and innervation of iliacus?
Origin: superior two-thirds of iliac fossa, inner lip of iliac crest, ala of sacrum, anterior sacroiliac and iliolumbar ligaments
Insertion: blends with insertion of psoas major into lesser trochanter
Action: flexes hip and trunk
Innervation: femoral nerve (L2, L3)
What is the origin, insertion, action and innervation of rotatores?
Origin: transverse process of each vertebra
Insertion: lamina of vertebra above
Action: extends vertebral column and rotates thoracic region
Innervation: dorsal rami of spinal nerves
What is the origin, insertion, action and innervation of semi spinalis?
What is the origin, insertion, action and innervation of quadratus lumborum?
Origin: iliolumbar ligament, posterior part of iliac crest
Insertion: lower border of twelfth rib, transverse processes of L1-L4
Action: laterally flexes trunk, extends lumbar vertebrae, steadies twelfth rib during deep inspiration
Innervation: ventral rami of T12 and L1-L3/4
What is the origin, insertion, action and innervation of intertransversarii?
Origin: transverse processes of cervical and lumbar vertebrae
Insertion: transverse process of vertebra superior to origin
Action: laterally flex lumbar and cervical spine, stabilize vertevral column
Innervation:ventral and dorsal rami of spinal nerves
What is the origin, insertion, action and innervation of interspinales?
Origin and insertion: extend between adjacent spinous processes )best developed in cervical and lumbar regions- sometimes absent in thoracic)
Action: extend and stabilize vertebral column
Innervation: dorsal rami of spinal nerves
Explain the structure and function of intervertebral disks
Explain the structure and function of the anterior longitudinal ligament
Explain the structure and function of the posterior longitudinal ligament
Explain the structure and function of the uncovertebral joints
Explain the structure and function of the zygapophyseal joints
Explain the structure and function of the ligamentum flavum
Explain the structure and function of the supraspinous ligament
Explain the structure and function of the ligamentum nuchae
Explain the structure and function of the interspinous ligaments
Explain the structure and function of the intertransverse ligaments
Explain the structure and function of the lateral atlantoaxial joint
Explain the structure and function of of the median atlantoaxial joint
Explain the structure and function of the atlanto-occipital joint
Explain the structure and function of the costovertebral joints
Explain the structure and function of the costotransverse joints
Explain the structure and function of the sternocostal joints
Explain the structure and function of the interchondral joints
Describe the structure of a cervical vertebrae
Describe the structure of a thoracic vertebrae
Describe the structure of the atlas
Describe the structure of the seventh cervical vertebrae
Describe the structure of the axis
Describe the structure of a typical rib
Describe the structure of the first rib
Describe the structure of the tenth rib
Describe the structure of the eleventh rib
Describe the structure of the twelfth rib
Describe the structure of the sternum
What is the origin, insertion, action and innervation of semispinalis cervicis?
Origin: transverse processes of T1-T5/6
Insertion: Spinous processes of C2-C5
Action: extends and rotates vertebral column
Innervation: dorsal rami of spinal nerves
What is the origin, insertion, action and innervation of semispinalis thoracis?
Origin: transverse processes of T6-T10
Insertion: transverse processes of C6-T4
Action: extends and rotates vertebral column
Innervation: dorsal rami of spinal nerves
What is the origin, insertion, action and innervation of spinalis (capitis,cervicis, thoracis)?
Origin: spinalis thoracis-spinous processes of T11-L2
Insertion: spinalis thoracis- spinous processes of upper four to eight thoracic vertebrae
Action: extends vertebral column
*spinalis capitis and spinalis cervicis are poorly developed and blend with adjacent muscles
Innervation: dorsal rami