Head & Neck Flashcards
Obicularis oculi
Closes the eyelid softly & tightly
Corrrugator supercilii
Draws the eyebrows in and down
Open & closes nostrils
Wrinkles bridge of nose
Depressor septi
Pulls nose inferiorly
Retracts corner of mouth
Zygomaticus major and minor
Corners of mouth upward & lateral
Levator labi superiors alaque nasi
Raises upper lip
Levator anguli oris
Elevates corner of mouth
Deepens furrow between nares & corner of mouth during sadness
Levator labi superioris
Raises upper lip
Deepens furrow between nares & corner of mouth during sadness
Obicularis oris
OI: arise from maxilla superiorly & from mandible inferiorly, blends w/other muscles surrounding mouth
A: narrows mouth & closes lips
Forms the muscular components of cheek
Arise from posterior parts maxilla & mandible
Travels deep to other muscles between maxilla & mandible
Compresses cheeks against teeth
Keeps food clear
Helps forcefully expel air from mouth
Levator Plapebrae superioris (LPS)
aises the upper eyelid
Superior Rectus
elevates, adducts
Occulomotor nerve III
Inferior Rectus
depresses, adducts
Occulomotor III
Medial Rectus
Occulomotor III
Lateral Rectus
Abducens VI
Superior Oblique
O: originates from superior & medial to optic canal
> depresses, abducts
throchlear IV
Inferior oblique
> elevates, abducts
Occulomotor III
Temporalis muscle
O: bone of temporal fossa
I: coronoid process of mandible
N: Temporal n (mandibular V3)
A: elevation & retraction of mandible
Parotid Gland
Largest of 3 salivary glands
Anterior to ear & mastoid process
Faial nerve branches within
External carotid runs deep to gland
Retromandibular v. is formed in gland