Head and Neck Part 1 Flashcards
Sagittal Plane
Passes throught the body front to back and creates right and left
Coronal Plane
Passes through the body from side to side creating anterior and posterior
PAsses horizontally and creates superior and inferior
Toward the front of the body
Toward the back of the body
Toward the midline
Away from the midline
Opposite sides of the body
More toward the outside
More internally
Closer to the point of attachment to the trunk
Away from trunk point of attachment
Towards the top
Away from the head
Narrow end or tip of conical structure
Tongue Surfaces
Ventral is the underside of the tongue
Dorsal is the top of the tongue
Study of bones
Begins as fibrous membrane of collagen and blood vessels
Bone forming cells
Bone destroying cells
Matrue bone cell embedded in bone matric and maintains bone
Endochondral Ossicification
Cartilage is present as precursor and gradually replaced by bone produced by osteoblasts (long bones)
Noncalcified, avascular, precurspr to bone
Hyaline Cartilage
Most abundant, precursor to bone, facilitates smooth joints
Strongest, contains collagen in matrix, provides rigidity
Elastic Cartilage
Contains elastic fibers in its matrix
Provides support and defines shape
External Ear
Bony Prominace
Bone immediately below the skin
Rounded articular process. Forms joints
a large rough rounded process on the surface of bone for attachment of connective tissue
a small rough rounded process on the surface of bone for attachment of connective tissue
A bridge like bony structure
sharp slender projection. Site of muscle attachment
Indentation at teh edge of the bone, articulary surface
channel-like shallow depression that usually accomodates blood vessel or tendon
Deeper depression on bone or surface
articulation classified by amount of movement allowed
fibrous joint formed on the skull where bones are held together
short round hole in bone
long tube like opening in bone
Type of canal or channel in bone
a narrow slit like opening between adjacent parts of bone forming a passageway for blood vessels and nerves
Cranial Bones
Bones that surrond the Brain
Facial Bone
Bones that surrond the face
Frontal Bone
Forehead/top parts of the orbits
Contains frontal sinus
Landmarks: Lacrimal Fossa is where lacrimal glands flow through
Parietal Bone
large part of the vault and side of cranium.
Articulates with itself at sagittal suture, and other bones
Temporal Bone
Form lateral walls of the skull
Squamous Portion: largest and forms zygomatic process of temporal bone. Contains the articular eminance with the mandible.
Tympanic Portion: Forms most of external acustic meatus
Petrous Portion: Located inferior and contains mastiod process, styloid process, and interal acustic meatus
Occipital Bone
Posterior portion of the skull
Contains foramen magnum
Articulates with atlas
Sphenoid Bone
Contains sphenoid sinuses
Contains sella turcia that hold pituatary gland
Lesser Sphenoid WInges
forms superior orbital fissure and optic foramen
Greater Sphenoid wings
forms inferior border of superior orbital fissure
Foramen Rotundum, Ovale, and Spinosum
Pterygoid Process
medial and lateral pterygoid plates, fossa, and hamulus
Ethmoid Bone
Single midline bone of the skull
Contains ethmoid sinuses
Cribiform Plate is where olfactory nerves pass
Crista Gali attachemtn for dura mater where meninges attach
Superior and middle nasal conchae
Inferior Nasal Conchae
Arise from maxilla into nasal cavity
Airflow direction and humidification, heating, filter
Nasal Bone
Bridge of the nose
Lacrimal Bones
Medial wall of the orbit
Nasolacrimal duct at junction with lacrimal bone
Zygomatic Bones
Zygomatic Arch formed by these bones
Body contains the maxillary sinus
Forms the lower medial rims of the orbits and borders the nasal cavity
Landmarks: IO foramen, canine fossa, sockets for teeth,maxillary tuberosity, zygomatic process, palatine process, incisive foramen and median palatine suture
Palatine Bones
Form lateral walls of the nasal cavity, posterior portion of hard palate, small part of the orbital apex
Contains the greater palatine foramen
Located in midsagittal line
Forms posterior portion of nasal septum
Only Movable facial bone, largest, and strongest
Body contains: mental protuberance, symphysis, alveolar process, sockets, mental foramen, genial tubercle, retromolar triangle, submandibular and sublingual fossae
Ramus contains: external oblique line, mandibular foramen, condyle, lingula, coronoid process, coronoid notch, and mandibular arch
Muscles of Mastication
Innervated by Mandibular division of trigeminal nerve
Blood supply comes from maxillary artery
Mandible Elevation Muscles
MAsseter, temporalis, and medial pterygoid
MAndible Depression
Lateral Pterygoid muscles and hyoid
Mandible Protrusion
Lateral Pterygoid
Mandible Retrusion
Mandible lateral Shift
Lateral Pterygoid
Origin: Temporoal Fossa
Insertion: Coronoid process
Function: Retract and Elevate mandible
Origin: Zygomatic Arch
Insertion: Outer surface of mandible
Function: Elevate mandible
Medial Pterygoid
Origin: Medial Surface of lateral pterygoid plate
Insertion: Inner surface of angle of the mandible
Function: Elevate and protrude mandible
Lateral Pterygoid
Origin: Lateral surface of pterygoid plate and infratemporal surface of sphenoid Bone
Insertion: TMJ disk and neck of condyle
Muscles of facial expression
Innervated by facial nerve
Blood supply from facial artery
Epicrannial Muscle
Raise eybrows and scalp
Obicularis Oculi Muscle
Close Eyelids
Corrugator Supercilii
Wrinkles forehead when frown
Obicularis Oris
Closes Lips
Buccinator Muscle
Pulls Cheek laterally and shortens is
Risorius Muscle
Widens smile
Levator Labii Muscle
Elevate the upper lip
Levator Labii superiorous nasi muscle
raises upper lip and dialates the nose
Zygomatic muscle minor
raises upper lip
Zygomatic muscle major
pulls up lip laterally
Levator Anguli Oris muscle
Elevates angle of the mouth
Depressor anguli oris muscle
depresses angle of mouth
Depressor labii inferioris muscle
lowers the lower lip
Mantalis Muscle
chin area. Raises the chin and narrows vestibule near incisors
Platysma Muscle
neck region, pulls down the corners of the mouth
Hyoid muscles
Orgin in the Hyoid bone
Innervation trigeminal and facial, work with lateral pterygoid to open mouth
Infrahyoid Muscles
Below the hyoid junction at the thyroid
Suprahyoid Muscle
above the hyoid bone
open the mouth
Mylohyoid Muscles
Make up the floor of the mouth
Intrinsic Muscles of the tongue
change the shape of the tongue
Extrinsic muscles
Move the tongue
Protrude and prevents airway obstruction
Retracts the tongue
Depresses the tongue
External Carotid Artery
Supplies blood to oral cavity and face
BAnches of Exteral Carotid Artery
Lingual: Floor of the mouth, tongue, suprahyoid muscles
Facial Artery: Facial Muscles
Medial Branches: Ascending pharylgeal Artery
Posterior: Occipital and posterior auricular area
Temporal: Temporalis muscle and Maxillary Artery
Facial Artery Branches
Ascending Palatine Artery
Submental Artery
Inferior Labial Artery
Superior Labial Artery
Maxillary Artery
Inferior Alveolar Artery
Deep Femoral Artery
Posterior Superior Alveolar Artery
Internal Jugular Brain
Drains head and neck tissues and brain
External Jugular Vein
Draisn small portion of extracranial tissue
Facial Vein
drains into internal jugular
Communicates with cavernous venous sinus
Drains frontal region and orbit of the eye, lower lip and submandibular area
Retromandibular Vein
Formed by superficial temporal and maxillary veins
Anterior joins the facial vein
Posterior drains temporal and maxillary posterior auricular areas and joins external jugular vein
Maxillary Vein
Drains pterygoid plexus which is served by maxillary artery
Pterygoid Plexus of Veins
Drains portion of face into maxillary vein
Drains Meninges of the brain