Biochemistry Flashcards
Essential Nutrient
Body does not produce and does not make in sufficient quantities
Nonessential Nutrient
Body utilizes but are not required for life
Carbohydrates Functions
Primary: Fuel brain, RBC and CNS. Body source of quick energy
Secondary: Fiber and fat oxidation
Excess Cabohydrates
Converted to triglycerides and stored as fats
Carbohydrate Energy
4 kcal/g
Main fuel for RBC and bloodstream
Sweetest and converted to lactic acid by S. Mutans
Converts lactose to breast milk
Glucose and fructose, table sugar, broken down in the walls of small intestine
Glucose and galactose, milk products and unique to mammals
Lactose Intolerance
Lack of enzyme to convert lactose to glucose and galactose
Glucose and Glucose, plant sugar, forms as starch and enters blood, appears when starch is borken down
Inulin, starch, and cellulose. Can all be borken down at a slow rate
Non-digestible polysachhrides, cellulose. Some bacteria can convert these to fatty acids absorbed in the intestines
Water soluble Polysachrrides
Slows transit time of GI, delays glucose absorption
Water Insoluble Polysachrrides
Speeds up transit time of GI tract
Sugar Alcohols
Sweetners and provide calories, metabolize at a slower rate, and not readily absorbed by small intestine
5 carbon sugar alcohol, absorbed slowly or completely by small instestine, no insulin release, Antimicrobial, causes rise in salivary pH. Recommend 10 mg/day
Caries Process
amylase digest sugars to sucrose, glucose and fructose. Bacteria use these to produce acids
Enamel critical pH
5.5 or less
Artificial Sweetners
No nutrients and no calories
200-700x sweeter than sucrose. Soft drinks and table sweetners
Brand Name: Sweet n Low
200x sweeter than sucrose. composed of aspartic acid, phenylalinine, and methanol. Not stable in heat
Brand Name: Equal and Nutra Sweet
Adverse Effects of Aspertame
headaches, dizziness, seizures. PKU warning.
200x sweeter than sucrose. Found in gum and non-dairy creamer, and gelatin puddings
400-700x sweeter than sucrose, Stable in heat,
Brand Name: Splenda
Gum and dairy products, canned fruits and syrup
Stable in heat. Often blended with other sweetners, made from proteins
Build and repair cells
Energy from proteins
4 kcal/gram
Essential amino acids
Body cannot make these and must be obtained form diet 9 AA
Nonessential amino acids
Body can make as long as nitrogen is present. 11 AA
Complete proteins
Foods that have all 9 EAA . Animals and soy beans
Incomplete proteins
foods that have some but not all 9 EAA’s. Plant proteins
Complementary Proteins
combine multiple to gain essential amino acids
Protein Functions
Growth and maintenance
PRovide energy with carbs are lacking
Fluid and eletrolyte balance
Enzyme and hormones
Genetic material
Blood clotting
Genetic Disorder
Causes Mental retardation
Liver cannot digest phenylalanine
Normally digested to tyrosine
Body adapting to starvation
Chronic condition
Common in children 6-18 months
Kwashi Kor
Acute Condition between 18 months and 2 years.
Severe protein deficiency
Edema in legs abdomen and face
Child fails to grow
Delayed eruption and hypoplasia of teeth
Hair color changes
95% triglycerides, phospholipids and steroids
Helps with satiation, flavor and texture
Provide insulation and organ protection
Lipid energy
9 kcal/gram
Fat Soluble vitmains
A, D, E, and K
Stored in the liver and fatty tissues
Primary form of lipids
Saturated Fatty Acids
Solid and room temperature
Increase colesterol
Monounsaturated Fatty Acids
Increase HDL and Decrease LDL
Example: Olive Oil
Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids
Lowers both HDL and LDL
Example: Vegetable Oil
Essential Fatty Acid
Linoleic Fatty Acid (Omega 6) found in Vegetable oils
Linolenic Fatty Acid (Omega 3) found in fish and plant oils
Both maintain cell membrane and help with clotting.
Fat waxy substance made in the liver
Used for cell membrane and hormone production
Cell membrances, myelin, steriod hormones, and Vitamin D
Vitamin A Functions
Prevents night blindness
Immunity and protein synthesis
Maintain mucos membrane
Sources of Vitamin A
Retinols (animal fats and fish)
Carotenoids (orange yellow and green vegetables)
Deficiency of Vitamin A
Night blindness, decreased immune response, and dry eyes
Vitamin K functions
Blood Clotting and blood clotting factor pro-thrombin
Source of Vitamin K
leafy green vegetables
Deficieny of Vitamin K
Vitamin D Functions
Absorb calcium and phophorus
Assist in formation of teeth and bones
Vitamin D Sources
Exposure to sunlight and fish
Soft bones due to failure to calcify normally
Bowed Legs, enlarged head, deformed pelvis
Adult form of ricketts
Calcium is taken from bones to make up for lack of absorption in diet
bowed legs, and bent posture, rib pain, and deformed pelvis
Vitamin E Functions
cellular respiration
neuromuscular structure
Vitamin E Sources
Vegetable oil, nuts, and leafy greens
Vitamin E Deficiency
Excess Vitamin E
Interfernece with the actions of Vitamin K
800+ IU can lead to excessive bleeding
Decreased platelet aggregation
Main Fuctions of water soluble vitamins
Metabolism of fats, carbs, proteins, and blood formation
Thiamine B1 Function
Provide energy to the brain and CNS
Thiamine Deficiency
Beri Beri
Damage to CV system, edema, and nervous system
Thiamine Sources
Pork, milk, legumes, nuts and peas
Riboflavin B2 Function
Groth and prodction of RBC
Riboflavin sources
milk and leafy greens
B2 Riboflavin deficiency
Cheilosis and Glossitis
Niacin B3 function
RNA and DNA synthesis
NIacin Function
Meat and fish
Niacin Deficency
Dimentia, Death, Diarhea, and Dermatitis
Folate Functions
Formation of DNA, RNA, and RBC
Folate Sources
liver and dark leafy greens
Folate Deficency
birth defects, megaloblastic anemia, glossitis, diarrhea
Cobalamin B12 Functions
Build tissues, nerve cells, RBC developmenet, and folate metabolism
Sources of Cobalamin
Meat and fortified foods
B12 Deficiency
pernicious anemia
Vitamin C Functions
antioxidant and promites collagen synthesis
Vitamin C sources
fruits broccoli and potatoes
Vitamin C deficiency
Scruvy, ruptured blood vessels, swollen and bleeding gums, and delayed wound healing.
PResent greater than 5 grams in teh body
Forms and maintains teeth and bones, coagulates blood
Calcium Sources
dairy and calcium supplements
Calcium deficiency
ricketts, osteomalacia and osteoperosis
Need Vitamin D for absorption
Sodium Functions
Contributes to blood pressure increase (water retention)
Could lead to heart disease and stroke
Required in less the 100 mg per day
Iron Functions
Helps make AA and hormones
Iron Sources
meat and beans
Iron Deficiency
Anemia, pathcy tongue, brittle bones, and fatigue
Copper Functions
Hemoglobin formation
Copper Sources
Copper Deficiency
CT and bone fail to grow
Iodine functions
regulate basil metabolic rate
Iodine sources
Iodine deficiency
goiter (swelling in neck/ enlarged thyroid)
Zinc functions
wound healing, cell and immune syustem function
Zinc sources
seafoiod, tofu, milk and eggs
Zinc deficiency
Skin disorders