Head and Neck mm. OIA and Innervation Flashcards
Occipitofrontalis m. (both bellies)
Frontal Belly:
Origin: epicranial aponeurosis
Insertion: Skin of forehead/eyelids (NOT bone)
Action: Elevates eyebrows, wrinkles forehead.
Nerve: Facial Nerve (CN VII)
Occipital Belly: Origin- Occipital bone, part of temporal bone Insertion: Epicranial aponeurosis Action: smoothes out forehead Nerve: Facial Nerve (CN VII)
Stylohyoid m
O: styloid process of temporal bone
I: hyoid
A: Pulls hyoid superiorly and posteriorly.
Nerve: Facial n. CNVII
Platysmus action and innervation?
A: Draws skin of neck superiorly, widens mouth and drops corners inferiorly
Nerve: cervical branch of facial n
Digastric m
O: digastric fossa of mandible I: mastoid process A: Lowers mandible or raises hyoid (swallowing) Innervation: anterior belly- v3 of CNV posterior belly- CNVII
mylohyoid m.
O: mylohyoid line of mandible
I: midline raphe and hyoid bone
A: supports/elevates floor of mouth, elevates hyoid during swallowing
Innervaton: v3 of CNV
Geniohyoid m.
O: inferior mental spine
I: hyoid
A: raises hyoid bone in swallowing and elevates floor of mouth and tongue.
Innervation: C1 fibers via hypoglossal n.
Sternohyoid m.
O: sternoclavicular joint and manubrium
I: hyoid
A: depresses hyoid during swallowing
Innervation: ansa cervicalis
omohyoid m.
O/I: inferior belly- scapula
superior belly- hyoid
A: depresses larynx and hyoid, also pulls hyoid posteriorly/laterally
Innervation: ansa cervicalis
Thyrohyoid m.
O: thyroid cartilage
I: hyoid
A: depresses hyoid, or raises larynx
N: C1
Sternothyroid m.
O: manubrium
I: thyroid cartilage
A: moves larynx downward
N: ansa cervicalis
Palatoglossus m. (include sensory innervation)
A: moves soft palate toward tongue.
N: Vagus n. via pharyngeal plexus
sensory: V2 and CN IX- glossopharyngeal
palatopharyngeus muscle (include sensory)
A: tenses soft palate during swallowing
N: vagus n.
Sensory: V2 and CN IX- glossopharyngeal
Levator palatini m. (include sensory)
O: cartilage of auditory tube I: Soft palate A: elevates soft palate during swallowing N: vagus n. via pharyngeal plexus Sensory: V2 and CN IX- glossopharyngeal
Tensor palatini (include sensory)
Attachments: Scaphoid fossa (b/w pterygoid plates), hamulus (on medial pterygoid plate), torus auditory tube
A: opens auditory tube during swallowing
Sensory: V2 and CN IX- glossopharyngeal
Musculus uvulae
A: closes aperture b/w oral and nasal during swallowing
N: vagus n. via pharyngeal plexus
Sensory: V2 and CN IX- glossopharyngeal