Head Anatomy Flashcards
Contents of Foramen Ovale
Otic Ganglion V3 Accessory Meningeal Artery Lesser Petrosal Nerve Emissary Veins
Contents of Foramen Spinosum
Middle Meningeal Artery
Meningeal Branch of Mandibular Nerve
Contents of Foramen Rotundum
Maxillary Nerve (V2)
Contents of Foramen Lacerum
Nerve/Artery of Pterygoid canal
Contents of Jugular Foramen
Ant: Inferior Petrosal Sinus
Mid: Glossopharyngeal, Vagua + Accessory nerves
Post: Sigmoid Sinus
Contents of Foramen Magnum
Ant + Post spinal arteries
Vertebral arteries
Medulla Oblongata
Contents of Stylomastoid Foramen
Stylomastoid Artery
Facial Nerve
Contents of Superior Orbital Fissure
Oculomotor Trochlear Lacrimal, frontal + nasociliary branches of ophthalmic nerve Abducens Sup + Inf Opthalmic Vein
CN I - Name + Exit Point
Cribiform Plate
CN II - Name + Exit Point
Optic Canal
CN III - Name + Exit Point
Superior Orbital Fissure
CN IV - Name + Exit Point
Superior Orbital Fissure
CN V - Name + Exit Point
Trigeminal 'Standing Room Only' V1 - Sup Orbital Fissure V2 - Foramen Rotundum V3 - Foramen Ovale
CN VI - Name + Exit Point
Superior Orbital Fissure
CN VII - Name + Exit Point
Facial Nerve
Auditory Canal -> Foramen Spinosum
CN VIII - Name + Exit Point
Auditory Canal
CN IX - Name + Exit Point
Jugular Foramen
CN X - Name + Exit Point
Jugular Foramen
CN XI - Name + Exit Point
Jugular Foramen
CN XII - Name + Exit Point
Hypoglossal Canal
Innervation of trigeminal nerve
Sensory - Face
Motor - Masseter, Temporalis, Med + Lat Pterygoid
Autonomic - Ciliary, Sphenopalatine (lacrimal), Otic (Parotid), Submand Gland
Innervation of Facial Nerve
Sensory - Taste from ant 2/3 tongue (via Chorda Tympani)
Motor - Muscles of facial expression
Autonomic - Parasymp to sublingual and submandib
Innervation Glossopharyngeal Nerve
Sensory - Tonsils, pharynx, middle ear, post 1/3 tongue
Motor - Stylopharyngeus
Innervation hypoglossal nerve
Motor - All muscles of tongue
Innervation of accessory nerve
Motor - Sternocleidomastoid, Trapezius
Sensation of Tongue
Anterior 2/3 - Taste: Chorda tympani branch of facial Sensation: Lingual branch of V3 Posterior 1/3 - Taste + Sensation: Glossopharyngeal
Ciliary Ganglion
Found in posterior orbit
Innervates sphincter pupillae + Cillaris
Submandibular Ganglion
Found above submandibular gland, suspended from lingual nerve
Important fibres: External carotid plexus, Submandibular and Sublingual fibres
Otic Ganglion
Found below foramen ovale
Innervates parotid gland
Inpouchings of Dura
Falx + Tentorium
Contents of Flax
Superior sagital sinus
Layers of meninges
Pia, Arachnoid, Dura
Folds of cerebrum
Outward: Gyrus
Inward: Sulcus
Areas where subarachnoid space is anatomically large
Structure of caudal spinal cord
Midbrain, Pons, Medulla
Floor of fourth ventricle
Back of medulla
Nerves from medulla
9 - 12
Nerves from pons
5, 6, 7, 8
Location of superior and inferior colliculi + pons
Posterior midbrain
Mid-brain divides into
Cerebral Peduncles
Geniculate bodies
Produce Optic Tract
Lobes of cerebellum
Anterior, Posterior, Vermis
Source of cerebellar peduncles
Midbrain, Pons, Medulla
Roof of fourth ventricle
Corpus callosum
Connects two cerebral hemispheres
Tip of temporal lobe
Horns of lateral ventricle
Anterior, Posterior, Inferior (+ Body)
Choroid Plexus
Produces CSF
Cerebral Aqueduct
Joins 3rd + 4th Ventricles
4th ventricle openings
Medial and lateral
Optic Nerve Connections
Optic Nerve -> Chiasm -> Tract -> Lateral geniculate Nucleus -> Radiation -> Visual Cortex
Origin Oculomotor Nerves
III - Between cerebral peduncles
IV - Posterior Midbrain
VI - Below Pons
Muscles of the eye
Superior / Inferior Rectus
Medial / Lateral Rectus
Superior / Inferior Oblique
Branches of Trigeminal Nerve
Origin of Trigeminal Nerve
Originates from anterior pons. Passess foward into trigeminal cave (Lateral to sella tursica). Divides into three branches within trigeminal cave
Branches of opthalmic nerve
Frontal, Lacrimal, Nasociliary
Pterygomaxillary Fissure
Between lateral pterygoid plate and maxilla, continuous with inferior obital fissure.
Maxillary nerve emerges deep in pterygomaxillary fissure
Mandibular Nerve Exit From Skull
Foramen Ovale, Behind lateral pterygoid plate
Branches of Maxilalry Nerve
Infra-orbital nerve, Superior Alveolar Nerve, Palatine, Naso-palatine, Zygomatic
Branches of mandibular nerve
Motor to muscles of mastication, buccal, auriculotrmporal, Inferior Alveolar Nerve, Lingual Nerve
Lingual Nerve - Taste Sensation
Lingual nerve carries teste sensation from ant. 2/3 of tongue, then passess them on to chorda typani in pterygomaxillary fissure
Facial nerve exit from skull
Internal auditory meatus -> Facial canal (passing high in tympanic cavity) -> Stylomastoid Foramen
Branches of facial nerve within facial canal
Greater petrosal nerve, Neve to stapedius, Chorda Tympani
Path of Chorda Tympani
Passess upwards on inside of tympanic membrane
Branches of Facial Nerve
Temporal, Zygomatic, Buccal, Mandibular, Cervical + Post. Belly Digastric + Stylohyoid
Path of rucurrent laryngeal
R: Around Subclavian
L: Around Arch of Aorta
Branches of subclavian
Internal thoracic, Thyrocervical Trunk, Vertebral Artery
Level of Division of Common Cartoid
Angle of Mandible
Branches of ICA
Opthalmic Artery, Ant Cerebra, Post. Communicating, Middle Cerebral
Inferior Cerebellar Arteries - Source
Vertebral Arteries
Superio Cerebellar Arteries - Source
Basilar Artery
Relationship of posterior cerebral artery to oculomotor
Posterior cerebral curves round oculomotor nerve
Contents of cavernous sinus
Lateral Wall: CN III, IV, VI, ICA, Trigeminal Ganglion
Exits of cavernous sinus
Inferior and Superior Petrosal Sinus
Branches ECA
Superior Thyroid Artery, Ascending Pharyngeal, Lingual Artery, Facial Artery, Occipital Artery, Posterior Auricular Artery, Maxillary, Superficial Temporal
Middle meningeal artery
Branch of Maxillary artery, passess through foramen spinosum